God's Truth Not Smooth Words

Extra Oil Update 53: Vatican Holy Inquisition

Prayer Reqst, Economy, Nature, Lawless, TSaS, Humor, Dark-Ages, Pope, WC, WCC, Inquisition, Vatican, Protestant, SDA, Jack-Van-Impe, John-Hagee, Lawsuit Obama

Prophecy’s Extra Oil Update 53: Vatican Holy Inquisition—Now
©copyright 2010 Bonita M Quesinberry

Prayer Requests:
for Maria, Bonnie’s daughter, hospitalized last Thursday night unable to breath. Adult-onset asthma compounded by fluids in her lungs, x-rays show no infection; yet, white blood cell count sky high, on oxygen. Mon. 6:30pm— Maria called on cell phone from hospital: somewhat improved, Doc found traces of black mold in one test. Will keep her until lungs clear and full lung capacity restored. No H1N1, swine flu. Praise the Lord for Asafetida! Keep your prayers going up to our Father! She ‘might’ get to go home Wednesday if improvement continues.
for BonnieQ, her little ferret Princess died Thursday 2pm, images of her suffering are hard to bear, devastated, miss her terribly, all Bonnie had left to care for: Princess was wonderful company, very entertaining in her heyday, brilliant little girl.

Economy: FLA, GA, CA 6 banks fail; Toyota recalls 3.5M cars, 30-min repairs begin this week; Nature: blizzards devastate SW States, power outages/deaths; China, M5.2 quake; WA, Puget Sound 42-deg all year, Bride Whale seen, 3-days later dead, native of Hawaii, not seen farther than southern most CA coast, stomach empty, no blubber, experts do not know why died yet earlier TSaS reports showed acid levels extreme in oceans, dissolving small life thus killing larger marine life— likely looking for food and ‘safe’ waters [there are no safe waters now]; 2-coyotes in Seattle area, killed instead of removed, despite fact harmed no animal or human, just needed food; Lawless: NY, Church arson kills 5; Entity files suit on Obama to force ‘real’ birth certificate;

TSaS: website hits +1570 more readers for Jan total of 4570 at AuthorsDen; WordPress 7th Seal Library hits up + many pings put our link on global sites, +13 Twitters; New member left 2 weeks after joining, joined w/only screen name, no profile info, must have been spy who went through TSaS FILES— Praise the Lord, we have nothing to hide!

Humor: Speaking of Health Care Issues, our friend Frank in England shared Brit humor regarding the UK issue. It really fits the US, too: “Senior Health Care Solution— So you’re a senior citizen and the government says no health care or pension for you, what do you do? Our plan gives anyone 65 years or older a gun and 4 bullets. You are allowed to shoot 2 MP’s and 2 Senior Government Officials.  This means you will go to prison where you will get 3 meals a day, a roof over your head, and all the health care you need! New teeth, no problem.  Need glasses, great. New hip, knees, kidney, lungs, heart? All covered. And who will be paying for all of this? The same government that just told you that you are too old for health care. Plus, because you are now a prisoner, you don’t have to pay any income taxes anymore. IS THIS A GREAT COUNTRY OR WHAT?!”

TBN: Jack Van Impe went undercover— under a plastic jewel case that is, saying, “This information is so controversial that I cannot air it on television. So, we have put it on this DVD, “The World Dictator,” and you can get it for a ‘donation’ of $24.95! You need this!” Interesting that no provision was made to get the DVD to someone who cannot afford $25. Then, he again made veiled reference, a one-liner as it were, to God’s Truth being put out by TSaS. Since the first time we wrote about Van Impe, his tag has consistently shown up in search stats at our Seventh Seal Library where all Extra Oils also are posted, together with many of our TSaS Bible lessons and Biblical poetry.
——In the above airing Friday, 29 January 2010, Van Impe attempted to work the one-liner from a recent TSaS Extra Oil into his interpretation of a 7-years tribulation; which did not work. It is impossible to take man’s lies, built of square pegs, then successfully work it into God’s perfect, unending circle of Truth: “what was is, what is will be, what will be was.” Now that is a perfect circle, while man’s truth is illogical at best and certainly does not make a perfect circle. At the same time, Van Impe blasted “evangelists who say the tribulation started in 1991, that nothing has been taken off the table!”
——Van Impe’s angry charge was an indirect shot at TSaS without actually quoting the facts of Laodicea— “salvation is no longer on the table”— or using our name or the titles of our books meant for only true believers wheresoever they might live in the world. Van Impe’s account does reveal his understanding that salvation will no longer be offered when tribulation begins. It is for this reason he is so adamant that tribulation aka Laodicea has not yet begun, for his work is to bring in more goats and money before Christ arrives; a feat that could not be achieved if he and others like him admitted God’s Truth. TSaS books carry God’s warning: “Not for the fearful and faint of heart.”
——Van Impe fired off verse references, so fast that no one can write them down for later reading. This is how manipulative con men work; they out-talk you and speak exceptionally fast in order to appear all-knowing: intent is for listeners to feel inferior thus prevent them from finding scriptures to read for self: thus they rely on his doctorial ‘knowledge’ of man’s ways that fit quite nicely into man’s finite perception of reality: little realizing there is nothing spiritual about interpretations and teachings coming from the Van Impes’, Lindseys’ and Hagees’ of Satan’s fake Christian world.
——So controversial that Van Impe cannot televise it? TSaS would love to have the opportunity to broadcast God’s Truth and Interpretation on a TV network reaching global billions: no doubt it would get us killed but we know we will be raised back up. Still, it will never happen because TV is not only Satan’s tool but our numbers are noticeably smaller and our resources extremely limited: the ones using that tool are those who seek the world’s riches thus teach only the similarities among all religions, pagan or otherwise, in accordance with the World Church Charter/Doctrine: which TSaS will not do.
——As it stands, TSaS is increasingly met with Internet obstacles, also Satan’s global tool though not as effective. Yet, we ask nothing of our members, not even money. We truly do not speak to the world at large: we speak only to Laodicea’s lukewarm and cold and encourage Christ’s small flocks. The world had 147 years to hear God’s Truth one more time, 147 years to accept and heed it: “every ear” has heard, the majority rejected it.
——IF Van Impe were teaching true prophecy, he would be happy to televise what is on his DVD. Rather like his father, Van Impe has chosen to be sly and deceitful in order to prevent his followers from hearing God’s messengers rip apart his lies with Truth. His lack of logic precedes him, the insanity of which TSaS noted in his last few broadcasts: too little, too late to go undercover. We have already seen and heard enough.
——So, how much more controversial can Van Impe get? He already said the World Dictator, whom he and many others identify as President Obama, is and will be in the wings of the world’s stage: on view, however, will be that “dangerous robot with fire in its belly.” Indeed, their fatal interpretations are as useless as a boat in a dry riverbed and just as deceiving as the notions of Satan’s Mark being an injected virus with microchip and a coming One World Regime: all worldly, finite perceptions.
——TSaS helped Van Impe find us: months ago when we first reported on him, we left at his website a one-line ‘suggestion’ of “You might want to check out the following link” with the URL to our 7th Seal Library at WordPress. We left the same suggestion at many other TBN speakers’ sites in the hope at least one would accept God’s Truth and begin speaking it. It would seem they and their herds of goats prefer the smooth words of lies.
——Truth does not hide; God’s Truth is shouted from the highest peaks, exactly what TSaS does. Despite all God’s Truth being in our two books by scripture, we post excerpts from them as well as provide complete chapters in the TSaS Files for those who do not have a copy and we give away copies as Spirit directed and as we can afford. In fact, last Friday we received the publisher Infinity’s royalty statement reflecting the same income as all previous reports since 2003: $-zero.
——It is critical that God’s Truth be shouted to the lukewarm, the cold, and urge them to join Christ’s small flocks we encourage with the Extra Oils. TSaS will continue to do so by whatever means available to us for as long as available and as long as Christ tarries, to-wit: until the Holy Spirit directs us otherwise. TSaS neither needs nor wants our members’ money, preferring instead that they use it to help brethren in need far and near.
——We neither need nor desire the world’s governments backing us; we neither need nor fancy incorporating for tax exempt status; we neither need nor hunger for the world’s riches; we neither need nor long for acceptance and support of Corporate Christendom’s harlot daughters.
——We neither need nor seek Vatican approval but shall submit to the horrors of her Holy Office of Inquisition that already ordered enforcement of the world’s Blue Laws with fatal punishment back on the table for all who defy Vatican orders to obey her through the World Church (WC) by keeping holy Sunday and worship the Pope as God.
——The Roman Emperor, at the request of Papal Rome, enacted the first Blue Law for Sunday in A.D. 200: “a day of rest and entertainment.” In A.D. 348 it was amended by Papal command to reflect both a civil and ecclesiastical Law: “a holy day of rest and worship.” Her daughters carried this blasphemous day around the world, from their unhampered position in the United States, resulting in Blue Laws in every nation. The Vatican’s Holy Office of Inquisition murdered millions of Christ’s Doctrine Keepers in the A.D. 1200’s, the 13th century: slaughtered any and everyone who would not bow to Papal authority and keep its holy day of Sunday: on par with Hitler’s Holocaust that killed millions of Jews. They did not bow to Sunday then, either. The Dark Ages— TODAY!

Webster’s New World Dictionary, Collegiate Edition, ©copyright 1962—
Inquisition: noun (Latin ‘inquisitio’ <inquisitus, pp. of inquirere) 1. an inquiring; inquiry; investigation. 2. in law, an inquest. 3. Inquisition in the Roman Catholic Church, a) a search for and punishment of nonbelievers or heretics. b) the general tribunal established in the 13th century for the discovery and suppression of heresy and the punishment of heretics; also called the Holy Office. c) the activities of this tribunal. 4. any strict or arbitrary suppression or punishment of those believed to be dangerous to the ruling powers. —SYN. investigation 
Heresy: noun (Latin ‘haeresis’) 1. a religious belief opposed to the orthodox doctrines of a church; especially, such a belief specifically denounced by the church and regarded as like to cause schism; 2. any opinion opposed to official or established view or doctrines; 3. the holding of such a belief or opinion.
Heretic: noun (Latin ‘haereticus’) 1. a person who professes any heresy; especially, a church member who holds beliefs opposed to the official church doctrines.
Non-Believer: noun, 1. a person who does not believe as true or real; 2. a person with no specific religious faith.

Notice definition 3 of ‘Inquisition‘ above: “punishment of nonbelievers or heretics.” Today, under the World Church Doctrine, Papal Rome has declared that “everyone, even nonbelievers can be saved.” It is not a prerequisite that any member must believe in the Bible or God or Christ or all three; a person or entity may join the World Church for only the “express purpose of effecting world peace” and vow allegiance to only the Pope in order that he may maintain said peace.
——World Church membership, which has grown considerably since TSaS obtained its list over 8 years ago, reflects the Vatican’s recent statement, in that all her daughters are members, both pagan and protestant, and she has since gained a division of the SDA sect. Does this not prove who is the ‘antichrist’ entity God speaks of and also proves man’s description as false? Yes!
——Note that WC membership is made up of exclusively weeds that have grown up in the midst of God’s wheat fields. Jesus spoke the parable of the farmer, whose workers came to and asked if their master wanted the weeds removed from the wheat fields. They were told to let the weeds remain, despite the fact the weeds would choke out the wheat: the purpose being that the strongest wheat would continue to grow and produce. He then said that the weeds would be removed just before harvest. As instructed to do in this Laodicea age, the Holy Spirit has been plucking up the weeds and tossing them in a pile to be burned: the World Church is the funeral pyre for evil and the wicked.
——If, by joining the World Church, everyone can be ‘saved,’ then who is left to punish? According to the Vatican’s Holy Office of Inquisition, heretics remain, which are defined in definition 4 of ‘Inquisition‘ above and by the word heretic: “those dangerous to ruling powers.” Those who will not vow allegiance to the Pope, who exclusively are Doctrine Keepers of Christ’s True Church not hewn by man.
——We are “dangerous to ruling powers,” for we will not shut our mouths or still our pens, or silence our keyboards working for God and Christ’s Truth; which the great whore fears might reach her weeds and cause them to turn against her “ruling powers.” Sadly, this will not happen, for it already is too late to turn to Truth: unless one is lukewarm or cold, of which neither will be found a member of any denomination that is a member of the World Church. Albeit, the sad truth is that the lukewarm might join WC by virtue of remaining in the midst of mother or daughters: easier to go downstream than upstream.
——The weeds’ fear is Satan’s own fear, his and their fear of pending death that cannot and will not be reversed. Even if he managed to get the entire world to bow at his feet, God still will bring evil and its wicked followers to an end: He will not change His mind this time. Yes, He changed His mind several times during the course of earth’s 6000 years. That is the point, those days are over and done. The end is here and now.

Excerpt The Trumpet of the Church of God ~ 11/18/08, Messianic Jewish Sect, keeps true 4th Precept— European Parliament debated changes to its Working Time Directive. The Vatican wants a clause in their law that would force every citizen in the European Union (EU) to Sunday rest. The Pope’s proposed amendment reads, “The likelihood of sickness in companies that require staff to work on Sundays is greater than in companies that do not require staff to work on Sundays. The health of workers depends, among other factors, on their opportunities to reconcile work and family life, to establish and maintain social ties and to pursue their spiritual needs. Sunday, as the traditional weekly rest day, contributes to these objectives more than any other day of the week.”
——The Pope has been a strong advocate of the revival of Sunday keeping. “Without Sunday [worship] we cannot live!” Pope Benedict XVI declared during mass on Sept 9 [2007], stating it is a “necessity” for all people. Read The Pope Trumpets Sunday at the Church of God website.
——First, recall TSaS quoting the US position on Sunday, established when we became a nation: “Sunday is the Sabbath of this nation, indeed the whole world. We will make provision for works of necessity on that day but make no provisions for Saturday.” So, true it is that to lose Sunday IS the death of Satan’s synagogues: “Without Sunday we cannot live!” It is God’s Sabbath sword that will slay them in the end: God’s seventh day Sabbath shall remain standing forever and ever: even in the new earth and heavens. There is nothing the Pope, nor any other man, can do to prevent this final event; “for no man can prevent God.” And, certainly, Satan cannot prevent God; so, you see, Lucifer’s ruse is designed to convince Sunday followers that God will allow them to live if they keep that unholy day holy; yet truth is that Sunday is Satan’s sword to “slay his own.”

——News about a lawsuit against President Obama, an effort to force him to ‘show’ the world his ‘real’ birth certificate— they claim he was born in Kenya instead of Hawaii— brought to mind an article about 30 years ago by Corporate Christendom. It claimed the antichrist would be born just as was Jesus, a baby who would grow up to become a world dictator in the guise of a peacemaker. In fact, the article purported the child already had been born in Africa and was then being prepared and trained for these days. Obama’s African-American heritage fit their scheme perfectly, thus myriad attacks against him before he even won the election.
——That same old article also described the ‘beast’ as the world’s largest computer and the ‘mark of the beast’ as a credit card with an identifying number. Since then, the story changed to beast being a solitary man and the mark being a tattoo; then the mark changed again to that of a microchip beneath one’s skin, then it recently changed again to a microscopic computer chip injected with a virus: just as the claim of Obama being the World Dictator has been altered to Obama being in the wings of the world stage with a dangerous Robot on stage. Perhaps, the robot is a result of the earlier story of a ‘beast’ computer. Man’s lies for truth are never the same, ever changing; as God said, “They are ever studying but never coming to the truth.” God’s Truth never changes: not yesterday, not today and certainly not tomorrow.
——It would seem this frivolous lawsuit is Corporate Christendom’s effort to ‘prove’ Obama is that demon child; a last ditch move to prove they do not speak lies in God’s name. There is nothing in the Bible about an antichrist coming in the same manner that Jesus came His first time: a baby who grew up to be seen, heard and accepted as Messiah. Such an unholy event defies the Bible’s premise that the antichrist was already on the scene during the Apostles’ ministry: Paul revealed it as religious entities altering God’s Doctrine and John confirmed same in his Revelation.
——In fact, the Bible says there “are many antichrists;” and, that is true when looking at the number of Popes over the centuries, each bearing the same titles that name the beast of Satan, and vast numbers of Protestant sects and their leaders. There is everything in the Bible proving the identity of the antichrist as Revelation’s first beast aka the great whore and her harlot daughters: Christ’s church in appearance only, ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing using civil power to devour all and sundry. As Jesus said, “White sepulchres that are beautiful on the outside but full of dead men’s bones; having a form of godliness but lacking the power of God.” They do not know that God’s power comes to those who bear His Seal of Authority.
——The lawsuit is doomed to fail; for no one can win a suit against the government and certainly not against a sitting President. After all, his own party would have made sure Obama met all requirements necessary to run for the highest office of the land: first and foremost, a candidate must be a natural born citizen of the United States. Hawaii IS one of our 52 States of the Union. The same rumor abounded before Obama was elected and included that he was Muslim who would be sworn in with his hand on the Q’uran instead of the Holy Bible: neither accusation was true then and neither is true now. The US government has the resources and power to bankrupt the lawsuit petitioner(s).
——Obama is not the antichrist; he is not and will not be a world dictator. A one-world government will never come to fruition in the form man claims: it is a scam to keep the world’s eyes off such a government’s true form. A one-world government already exists with exactly the outward appearance and inward power that God prophesied: the World Church headed by Papal Rome and whose members are all her harlot daughters, both Pagan and Protestant, and many non-believing international leaders. It possesses civil power of “government in the pretext of Christ’s church;” the authority to slaughter all who refuse to conform to her rules and bow to her figurehead the Pope.
——The World Church has even managed to divide one of God’s daughters, the Seventh Day Adventists: better now, so true-believing members can depart from the SDA Local and General Conferences before Christ arrives. We do not know if division has occurred among Seventh Day Baptists; however, there is division between Messianic Jewish churches (Church of God): some observe God’s Sabbath, some observe the World Church sabbath of Sunday and already are members. THE WORLD CHURCH IS THE FUNERAL PYRE FOR EVIL AND THE WICKED! Get out while you still can.

2 February 2010 Posted by | Animals, Apostate, Bible, Bible Study, Blasphemy, Christ, Christianity, Christs Return, Church, Death, Earthquakes, Economy, End Times, Escatology, Evil, False Prophets, Ferrets, God, Great Whore, Hal Lindsey, Harlot Daughters, Heresy, Heretics, Holy Spirit, Inquisition, Islam, Jack Van Impe, Jehovah, Jesus, Jews, Lord's Day, Mark, Memorial, Muslims, Nature, News, Pagan Festivals, Papal Rome, Pat Robertson, Prayer Requests, Prophecy, Protestantism, Protestants, Redemption, Religion, Remnant, Resurrection, Sabbath, Salvation, Saturday, Seal, Seeds, Sign, Sower, Spiritual, Spiritual Study, Sunday, Ten Commandments, Theology, Token, Truth, WCC, World | , , , | Leave a comment

Extra Oil 2009 Recap 48: Economy + 2010 News

2009 Recap/2010 News: Omens Zilch, Mark Vaccine, Mother/Daughters, False/True Prophets, Van Impe, McGuire, WC, Sect Profiling, Antichrist, Nature, Health, $Econ, Crime, DHS, Wars

Prophecy’s Extra Oil 2009 Recap 48:
Economy In the News + 2010 News
©copyright 2009/2010 Bonita M Quesinberry

News: 01/08 to 01/12/10There will be no 2010 news in the last 2 Recaps of 2009 Lawless and Wars that will follow this recap: we all need a break from the emotional and physical exhaustion everyone is beginning to feel. We know it is bad out there and worsening exponentially; for now, just checking our local evening news is enough. If anything major occurs in any of the 6 news categories, TSaS will get it to us. Now, the current 2010 news followed by the 2009 Recap on the Economy:

US, DHS to include religious profiling in airports’ security [TSaS: watch for profiling to go beyond airports]; Senator wants focus shifted from economy to God and security; Afghan, Sunday Mirror (Catholic periodical) journalist killed by roadside bomb; Malaysia, Muslim extremists firebomb 8 Catholic churches, black graffiti on another, for using word “Allah,” Pope had Malaysia veto bill preventing non-Muslim use of Muslim word; TBN theme park “Holy Land Experience” Orlando, FLA, vacation for $3395 pkg incl airfare, hotel, park— park now hiring actors 18 to 80, modest pay, non-union, benefits, faith based, relocate to Orlando on your own, contact TBN [TSaS: another money maker for world’s false prophets]; Jack Van Impe, 01/11, more in control, wife Rexella spoke more than Jack, 7yr tribulation message still the same but could tell he was struggling to stay in control after last week’s fiasco of calling US big Satan and Israel little Satan;
——TBN: 01/08 Dr. Paul McGuire, books published, hosted by Dr. Clifton Davis on “Praise the Lord.” McGuire spoke about the Mark of the Beast, the Euro currency, one world religion, antichrist ‘man’ and what really matters in the end. According to McGuire, the Mark is not only a microscopic computer chip but also includes a virus, the combo injected beneath the skin like any ordinary vaccine— if a person is not Satan’s when injected, the virus will assure they convert to Satan’s way.
——But! “The one world union, one world government, one-world religion, and the antichrist ‘man’ must come before the marking begins; in other words, a counterfeit religion.” Leading up to these is the Euro, its intent to reduce the US dollar to zero, then the Euro becomes the one world currency reserve. Then Jesus will come, but McGuire is not sure how all of it will come about. He does know that people like himself who have researched prophecy for years, Clifton Davis, Hal Lindsey, and others like them are today’s prophets and, in time, will know how everything will happen.
——”But! First, the seven year tribulation has to begin and that hasn’t happened yet.” He went on to say, “Interpretation does not really matter; only faith matters. Right now, Jesus has been delayed so that every human can be saved. They have to accept Jesus because ‘you’ still can be saved because the last church age has not started yet.” Dr. Davis closed the broadcast by saying, “The year of 2010 is the year of blessings!”
TSaS Note: Not one thing Dr. McGuire said made any sense, most of it patently untrue. First, he, as many others like him, declare the Mark of the Beast to be a computer chip beneath the skin; then added it will be microscopic within a virus (nanobot) injected like a vaccine. While some might buy into the microchip idea, no one should be able to accept that it will be forced upon God’s people, too; if, for no other reason than God’s people would refuse it. Inject us against our will? No way God would allow it. Second, what kind of virus could turn people from God to Satan? No such virus. Laodicea is the age in which the Saints cannot be deceived. God’s descriptions of the Mark and Seal are absolute logic: spiritual. Sunday’s prophets are all false.
——We already know the machine is in high gear creating a one world government, leader and religion. Apparently, they do not know a government will never come to total fruition; albeit, maybe they do. After all, McGuire said the tribulation has to happen first; he does not know it began in 1991— admission by omission? The one-world church is already in place (WC), though McGuire implied it was not yet he is a member by Sunday testimony, and its antichrist supreme leader is the Pope— God’s timing determined which Pope, in this case Pope Benedict XVII serves; albeit, until his death, Pope John Paul II served and was the one to watch in Philadelphia, very closely in Laodicea up to his death.
——The only reason the above ‘church’ came to full fruition is because God prophesied through John of an apostate church, apostasy having begun during the Apostles’ era and they warned of it. Prophecy always has been about God and Christ’s church, therefore spiritual, and the antichrist would be represented by a counterfeit. It is by this we know what are the Mark and Seal: first, because God told us what is His Seal and Satan, through his Queen Vatican, told us what is his Mark: the former is God’s Fourth Precept, the latter published, saying “the mark of its authority” is Sunday, a counterfeit to God’s Seal. By that information, we know that the Mark and Seal would be ‘seen’ only by a person’s behaviour, not some visible irrelevant something or other, not even a tattoo.
——As for Satan’s prophets, they are out there by the millions; God’s prophets are a few scattered around the world. Makes sense: Satan’s membership out numbers Christ’s membership. We are small; they are large. Volume easily deceives. The critical difference between Satan’s and God’s prophets is that God’s messengers not only do and teach His Law, they also know ahead of time how specifics will happen, approximately when, and have been telling the saints all along.
——Saints, do not be deceived. Satan may well have his minions produce such a vaccine with a microscopic chip or force tattooing; but, even if forced upon the Saints, it will have no affect on the Elect. Satan’s purpose for these absurd ideas is to convince those people who still have a foot in the world, the lukewarm, and he hopes the cold can be further fooled. A tangible vaccine/chip might explain to them why the Bible says the mark is in either the forehead or hand: the reason is spiritual, not tangible. Regardless, Saints know that God looks for His Seal upon our hearts and minds and in our behaviour, thus His Seal is in our forehead: behaviour matches belief. He looks for Satan’s mark the very same way: heart, mind and behaviour.
——”Interpretation of the prophecies does not matter.” Whoa! If that were so, God would not have His few prophets in the Philadelphia and Laodicea ages; and, Satan would not have millions of false prophets everywhere to distort interpretation. Besides, God would not have prophesied anything at any time. Interpretation does not matter? Does this not imply that God was simply spinning yarns and fantasy tales for entertainment? If they do not matter, then why did God bless those who read and “keep” (interpret and teach) the words of the prophecies? Not only is that an insult to God, blasphemy as it were, we heartily disagree and go for the blessings.
——To understand prophecy was and is critical to man before and since Christ, more so in the last two ages during which knowledge IS the extra oil for our lanterns as we await our Groom. Prophecy interpreted teaches us how to recognize God’s prophets, know the antichrist, spot false prophets, identify the Great Whore and her harlot daughters, find and understand the Beast’s Mark, and recognize the logic and necessity of God’s Seal. “For lack of knowledge, my people perish.” The Elect would be as deceived as the entire world is deceived today: ignorance and failure to heed God’s prophets is a self-proclaimed death sentence, not once but twice dead.
——”Only faith matters.” A lie by omission: Revelation says three times that it takes faith and obedience, faith and works; one without the other is dead, thus the person will perish forever. Faith and works reveal God’s true prophets, who function and teach both, and the true sheep, who learn and follow both.

Nature: Have you seen God’s weapons of war, against which man’s weapons are useless?
India, sub-zero freeze kills 204, flights/trains affected; IL, Evanston, signal lights LED, too cool to melt snow/ice, at least 1 traffic death, drivers cannot see lights; US, flight ground delays, cancelled across nation, at least 9 deaths, 100s auto wrecks; Kids break thru ice, 2 dead, 1 escaped; Snowmobiles break ice, family 3 dead, 2 w/mild hypothermia; SD –31, NB –21, TN, Memphis uncommon temp 0 to sub-zero; GA icy roads, 30-car pileup, minor injrs; Massachusetts, 6-alarm fire destroys Apts. 6 injur, others in shelters; NB, fire destroys shopping center, fire fighters say hard to work in 0-temps, water freezes instantly, gloves freeze/cannot move hands; TX, DFW 21-deg; AR, -1 deg; OK, -1 deg; N, E temps worse; Cleveland airport w/no power; ND
schools closed, temp –32 deg, wind chill –50deg; FLA, Tampa 20-deg, Miami 22-deg; All fish die at Fish farm due to 4 days freezing; So. Fla animals suffering, zoos doing what can, rescues wildlife— iguanas fall from trees in suspended animation freeze, sea turtles/manatees rescued, honey bee hives dying/work to save queen bees; Fla.Keys to drop to 20-deg; Nation to warm up, CO, to hit 54-deg; W.WA, bands of rain, mild temps 45 to 57-deg thru Wed w/sun breaks, temps still as high as 58-deg, above normal by 15-25-deg; Mtn passes freezing rain, snow; Seattle, coyote attks small dog/critical condition; Germany, 100s trapped in cars in unrelenting blizzards; UK, Frank called from England, his area never has snow but snowed in now w/no equip or chemicals to clear roads, very bad all over Island; [TSaS: Thaws worldwide could bring massive flooding, mudslides, possible deaths] CA, 01/09 4.27pm, M6.5 violent quake 10mi deep off northern coast, nearest Ferndale, 33mi from Eureka, Ferndale 25K w/no power, 2 bldgs not safe, gas leak in Humboldt, advised to conserve water, otherwise minor damages/no deaths/injrys no tsunami alert, followed by more than 12 aftershocks M4.5 then less, still shaking Sunday— sign of more quakes to come say experts [TSaS: Recently reported one large quake sets of many others within hours and days];

Health: China, Gas leak kills at least 21; CA, Fuel tanker falls into 50-ft canyon, breaks up, driver trapped; World, a curative or seasoning of some kind used in meat, cheese, fish may be toxic, no other details; H1N1, CDC says still here, plenty of vaccine; CN, bus crash kills 1, injrs 2 adult/15 kids critical; TX, Austin running out of cemetery space; VP Biden 92yo mother died Fri; NJ, apprvs bill legalizing med. marijuana; Baseball’s McGwire admits to prior steroid use; WA, may vote to legalize med. marijuana;

Economy: US, Nov 11K job losses, 4K jobs created, Dec. job losses 85K, nationwide jobless 10.1%, under-unemployed 17.3%, 15.4M still jobless, more men jobless than women-cap closing; Horizon Bank 1st 2010 failure; Obama sets $2.3B for clean energy jobs; Obama wants bailouts re-“paid in full”; Gasoline up 14-cents gal in last week; Families with disabled members struggling after States cut health budgets; Scams, latest is birthday card includes “free” stuff, actually a time-share pitch or send money for gifts; Foot Locker closed 190 stores in 2009, now to close 117, cut +/- 100 corp jobs; Hanes pulls Charlie Sheen sponsorship; Alcoa posts small profit, below forecast; “Avatar” movie breaks all box-office records, rakes in $Billions worldwide 4th straight week; Toyota to expand Prius line; FED hiring 1.5M census workers, likely temporary; Some companies refuse to outsource to other nations; IN, Indianapolis WalMart, 3 shooters possible bank robbery, 1 in custody, 2 on run; UPS, ask 1K workers volunteer separation, will layoff 800 others, no facility closures; CA, Hawthorne, 3 rob insurance co, on run; State needs $8B Fed credit to train 150K workers, create 100K jobs, aid budget deficits—CA recovery critical to national recovery; Europe, 16 countries using Euro currency yet have 10% unemply rate; Egypt, new tombs found near great pyramids; Venezuela, forces to go after businesses that raise prices after drop of dollar value last week;

Lawless: US, ID theft was up 28% in 2008, greater in 2009-10; Drive by shooting kills police officer, mimics Seattle, WA killing; OH, 2-teen girls, abt 16/12, rob bank, on run; CO, a Mom missing 1mo, husband person of interest/will not talk, moving w/kids to WA family, go on w/life; OK, OKCity robbers assault 9yo daughter of restaurant owner; WA, Bellevue fire destroys home, Tacoma fire destroys home, Everett arson destroys restaurant— no injrs; 14 homes robbed in one Seattle neighborhood in 2wks; Marine kidnaps son, threatens wife, on run; Seattle home invasion, 2 killed/1unhurt, 3 perps on run; AZ, baby missing, arrst mom says she gave him away, told father she killed him; Italy, Rosano residents fire on black immigrant workers, caused fighting in streets, many injrd, 1K immigrants bussed out of town; Portugal, passes bill to allow gay marriages/adoptions;

Wars: No. Ireland, bomb explodes under car; NYC, 2 arrstd in city bomb plot, links to Al Qaeda; US, 2nd flt in 3 days escorted by fighter jets, unruly passngr; Waziristan, drone attk kills at least 4 Al Qaeda; Burma, court give 3 death for military data leaked to N. Korea; UK, France, Amsterdam to increase body scans on all US bound flights; UK, bans Islamist group; Russia, first Georgia landing since 2008 war; France, arrst/deport Islam extremist; DHS, to include religious profiling in airport security, scrambling to add more Air Marshalls; Greece, bomb explodes outside Parliament bldg, no injry; Africa, Angola, Togo football bus fired on, driver killed, 9 injr, pulled out of Angola tournament; Pakistan, 8 militants dead; Drone attk kills 5; Israel strike kills 3 Palistinians after they fired 20 rockets/mortars from Gaza; Afghan, roadside bomb kills Brit journalist, 1-US Marine, 1-Afghan soldier, 5 injrd; Iran, 30 mothers arrst at peaceful gathering; Professor/Scientist killed by bomb, suspect US/Israel; Malaysia, 8 Sun. churches firebombed for use of word “Allah,” another church painted w/black graffiti, Pope had court veto bill not allowing Muslim word use by non-Muslims; China, 30 injd in Hong Kong acid attack; Yemen, US will not send addl soldiers to aid, those currently in Yemen step up operations, did send security funds; Grinding poverty main Al Qaeda recruit tool; Algeria, militants kill 10; Philippines, 10s of 1000s police enforce ban on arms until after June 9, due to 2007 election in which rioters killed over 100, to prevent 2010 election deaths; India, violent riots erupt over boy killed by police; Peru, arrst 15 suspected drug traffickers; NASA to move forward with Mars exploration plans; MX, Top drug trafficker arrstd in Tijuana; Juarz, most dangerous city in MX, 2010/24hrs reaps 69 deaths, 620 in 2009;

06/06/09— Scientist said, “Earth is critically close to utter extinction; for the first time due to its largest species: mankind.” Now, for the 2009 Economy Recap News

Economy: 2009 wild roller coaster ride to get wilder in 2010

04/18/09WA, man w/10yo daughter in tow robs convenience store clerk at gunpoint. OR man demands bank teller’s $. (neither man w/criminal records, both long jobless) similar cases across nation. US declares economic crisis began 2008 (TSaS said 9/11);
05/30/09US admits economic crisis began 9/11, “60 Minutes” expert guesses Obama’s plan to bring outsourced Amer companies home will cause nations to ban US products in their countries, badly reducing US sales, profit figures; return unlikely to improve economy or jobless; both 9/11 and results of Obama’s plan predicted in “Bind Up . . .” written in 1999; 2008 had 20% drop property values, greater in sales adds to huge foreclosure inventory reduces existing values, costs of 2002; Home sales up 2.9% May first time bargain buyers. Homes will become worth even less. Bank, credit card fees, oil, gasoline $ rising; Your home free/clear, sit tight; have mortgage, sell ASAP, pocket $; TX, not affected so far;
06/06/09US, “Economic recovery by year’s end wishful thinking. Those who forget history make bad economic choices.” US Bond market steadily dropped; “China in ‘shock & awe’ of own dependence on US economy, China losing patience with US disaster and continued Middle-East wars. US [is beginning to] feel like an empire on the wane” like ancient Roman Empire. US auto empire fails, Ford, GM, Chrysler 2008 over 400,000 workers laid off, pay back bailout $ or buy back 60% FED ownership; 2900 dealerships closed to date, Chrysler to close 789, GM to close 2100/discontinue several popular autos; extraordinary increase in private sector bankruptcy filings; new filings expected to add 1.5M by end 2009; 5-States w/highest jobless to 26.9%: CA, AZ, MI, OR, LA, nationwide rising rapidly.

06/13/09DC, 88yo James Von Brunn killed Holocaust Museum guard, wounded bystander, police shot Brunn critical, angry economy/Jews; Fiat/Chrysler dealerships closing: 100K jobless, 40K by plant closures; GM plant 21K jobless; no reports on Ford. US expected nat’l jobless avg be only 8% by Sept, May was 9.4%, highest in 25yrs, still rising; does not include f “under unemployed”; May loss of 345K jobs in misc mkts, number down from prior months, but not reflected in the President’s Tues statement; Nat’l College grads jobless avg 80.3%, WA 75%, no national Teen jobless avgs given, WA reported 24%; No States’ jobless figures gov jobs eliminated, despite Stimulus pkgs. May jobless benefit claims 601K, fewer seeking benefits; How much do these totals add to national 11.5M jobless in 2008—exceedingly worse than official reports, figures Biblical, “as never seen before;” yet, VP Biden said, “Signs of hope.” 37 US banks failed; May 3rd highest RE foreclosures; mortgage interest rates rising; US Dairy Farmers report losses of $100K a month in crisis-caused sales loss, despite FED aid; ALARM: auto dealership deals— consumers w/get deals-warranties honored, but trade-ins might not get paid off due to closures, buyer could owe for both old/new vehicles. Advice, “you sell your trade-in, pay cash down.” Fed to pay part of new auto purchases, $4.5K, new auto must be Cadillac, Dodge, Chev, Ford for at least $45K w/trade-in ’86+ get at least 18mpg or better. TSaS, recommend no new purchases of any commodity. Pres summer goal to create 600K jobs quickly by speeding up spending, noting he had created 100K jobs in first 100 days; create 3.5 to 4M jobs within next 2 years; Last 8mo 985K jobs lost May 2009, + “under unemployed.” Pres said, “Health care reform critical to US prosperity,” private net worths back to 2004 values; Christ’s sheep warned 36 years ago when I worked in bank industry, then again 1991, again 2001-2002 and again when “Bind Up” published 2003, and since warned continuously. God doesn’t lie; it’s all in His Word. 52-US States to raise individual/business State taxes a collective $24B; Still recommend homeowners sell while can; cash out all investments: stocks, bonds, real property, etc. “life-blood” commodities WILL zero: oil, housing, food, money, clothing, precious metals. SCAMS: mass mail outs by psychics, seers, astrologers promising, for a fee, to tell your future regarding $, what will happen if you fly; fake lotteries/vacation groups say you won huge $ or free vacation, send money to receive win, bogus telemarketing promising all sorts of things in return for your $;
06/20/09Scams: Computer-generated calls from RON ZIMMER, maybe others, offer investment deals returning 40%; N. Korea floods US w/counterfeit dollars;
07/04/09— News reporters confused: Mar showed est. 11.5M jobless, yet date hereof reported “risen to 6.5M since 2007; CA, issuing IOU’s instead of checks; TX, now feeling home value drops;
07/25/09— Stock market steady decline, despite rises/falls, last week market daily rises, they will not last; Scams: on the rise, delinquent FED funded student loan, you get call from “collection agency” gets your checking account numbers, con you into allowing debit account monthly, Against Obama’s plan to forgive loans 20yo, older, if debtor in part of health industry, assist others delinquent, lg education grants not repaid;
08/01/09Fla, Housing Mkt plunges, new $1M condos/high-rise going for $36K each if an investors buy entire buildings. Investors beware! TX, sees decline property values; nation lost 30% of millionaires/billionaires heavy losses since 9/11, %s will grow; Pres said, “Economic crisis far worse than anyone thought, will take longer to recover”; Scams: Young people going door to door w/sob stories, buy a number of magazine subscriptions, your right then, CNN said buyers never get mags, cons/scam artists coming out of woodwork like cockroaches, don’t buy thru door-to-door sales, don’t buy over phone-telemarketers, other sales pitchers, never give personal info over phone, collapsing economy bringing out worst of worst w/old schemes renewed, new ones added, goal is take what little you have; Honda massive recall of 3 models, faulty airbag deployment causing injuries, at least 1-death to date;
08/08/09— Contradictions blatant though surely unintended: i.e. CNN tickler said markets still rising at end of past week yet market window above showed dramatic losses; Scams: News overrun w/new cons hitting public, be on guard;
08/22/09— Oil prices surge to 10-month high; Stock Mkt wilder ride; Housing mkt still dropping w/rising foreclosures; Jobless rises more; Bigger companies look to bankruptcy; CA, to expand legalization of medical marijuana, tax to pay State deficit; FED, lobbyists urge Fed legalize drugs; Mega robberies, thefts, violent crimes increase daily, global economy; Global civil unrest w/large death tolls, occurring in more nations;
08/29/09— Boeing lays off more, jobless increases, sm companies close down or now in bankruptcy (add to large companies folding); Scams increase, another automated call “Ron Zimmer,” offers 40 to 60% returns IF you have $25K assets to liquidate now to invest, do not be deceived/don’t “press 1”; Venezuela considering decriminalizing private marijuana possession/use to earn money for nation; Mega robberies, thefts, violent crimes increase daily across globe, one US bank robber boldly faced cameras unmasked (still on loose, still robbing); Global civil unrest spreading to more nations, including US;
09/05/09US jobless rate 26-yr high~ 9.7% (not include under-unemployed, % greater than any in US history); Back-to-school sales fell far short of norm; Homeowners frustrated w/mortgage aid program; China economy rose due to gov spending, then 7% market dive; US stocks in steady drop despite short rise, claim stocks “poised to rise;” Gov to hire 270K for “mission critical” jobs, meaning unknown; Halts aid Honduras; Eases Cuban embargos; CA to release 27K prison inmates to aid economy, avg 70% likely to re-offend; Desperate-for-$ people selling own vital organs for transplant; Fed officials claim economy on upturn; Home Depot sales fell 8.5% due to failing housing industry; Experts say “consumers must spend more for economy to improve” statement puts onus on people instead of gov over-spending, waste + greed;
09/12/0920G group 20 most economically powerful nations in world to decide economic solutions; US Fed’s say 7.4M unemployed; Wall St. Experts say diseased by recklessness/greed, market still down, experts say losses outweigh earnings; Banks 5 more US fail 2009 total 89; GM offers money-back guarantees; SC, Boeing votes out union (smart); Multi-$M Josh Harris living in friend’s pool house and driving borrowed Corvette; Nigeria, 4 bankers chgd w/corruption; Lending rate @ record low; Only 12% of borrowers helped by Obama plan; Turkey fines Media firm $2.5M; US people panhandling for jobs; FLA second highest foreclosure rates; mortgage payments lagging, more foreclosures expected; number uninsured US rising fast; Gold rushes up + $1000 per oz. (don’t be deceived, it will fall to zero); Guatemala emergency critical food shortage; Taiwan, former pres convicted corruption;
10/01/09US, coroners report unclaimed bodies piling up in freezers, people unable to pay for funerals + cities’ budgets tapped out for pauper burials; coroners said they’d never seen anything like it; death tolls rising out of economic/discriminatory rage played out in US streets/worldwide, reports say lack of “money greatest global stressor”;
10/03/09— Unemployment, underemployed 26M or about 18%, expected to continue rising well into 2016; More people losing homes;
10/06/09US Bank failures top 98, month ago 89; Bailout Cop, “Treasury lied to save economy.” Michigan highest, No. Dakota lowest unemployment, latter is Bobcat home bght by Korean Co., sales slump, some layoffs, few call backs;
10/08/09FED mortgage stimulus helps 500K debtors keep homes; Detroit, 50K swarm gov office for Fed $-help, only 3500 applications, police break up fights, people faint; US Dollar declines, consider dump dollar, push for International Reserve Currency (Euro?); Expert says, “The dollar declining means a nation declining.” Dell to layoff 905;
10/12/09Gasoline falls below $2.50 gallon; Insurance industry threatens premium increases up to $1700 per year family of 4 as much as $600 for one person, effort to thwart Health Care Reform; Airlines to cut holiday airfares lower than last year; By 2009 end, 1.4M will lose jobless benefits, Fed considering extension;
10/17/09Obama, suggests another $250 stimulus seniors/elderly on SS, no 2010 cost-of-living increase; Foreclosure frenzy highest last 3 months than ever in history, avg 1 of every 24 homes lost by mostly unemployed middle-income; Bank of America, $2.2-B loss, CEO no 2009 bonus; UN world 1B hungry; Africa, 11.6M homeless to conflicts;
10/20/09FDIC, bank 99 fails; Bank of America might file bankruptcy; Biggest US deficit since 1945; Housing values drop again, sales not as expected; Wall St. slammed for giving bonuses; Insurance Companies mislead public re: Health Reform, raise premiums, employees will suffer most; Health Reform cost about $8.29-billion a year, $829-billion over 10 years; Falling $ boosts import demand = economic + by companies making investments; Holiday airfares rise with added surcharge on peak flights, bookings falling off; India’s first priority—poverty at home; Seattle county to cut budget 80% in Human Services (child/domestic abuse, sex abuse, suicide prevention), HS says won’t survive on 20% budget; NY Times cuts 100 jobs; States can’t afford death penalties;
10/27/09FDIC, 7 more banks fail last 3.5 days, 2009 total 106, “at risk” list 100s more; Visa issues new cards yet old ones not expired in order to change terms; Sin city Vegas, homeless live in tunnels beneath its glitz and $ mega-billions; INDIA, desperate farmers sell wives & daughters to pay debts, India Gov— results are 1.3-million child prostitutes, Hillary Clinton— human trafficking worldwide problem even in US; Seattle, to replace crumbling Viaduct with twin tunnels, cost multi-billion $; US dozens of States await Fed $ for hi-speed rail, “just a good start” cost $150B; FDA wants $4B more to hire more field inspectors to halt food-born ecoli; Housing values will drop another 11% by year-end; Mortgage rates at 5% APR 6%; Tax credit $8,000 for first time buyers, buyers who have not owned a home in 3 years or more ends in Nov 30; “Tax Credit creates false demand, costs all homeowners about $43K in taxes yet property values dropping”; “Housing market must get better before economy can recover”; Jobless figures still rising; US Recession kills death penalty, $ too high, not a crime deterrent; Avoid  investment scams of “offshore banks,” false fronts, returns too good/not true;
10/31/09Detroit: medium home prices $65,000; TX: mansions for as little as $40,000~~ “home pending sales still rebounding” a contradiction, “New home sales surprise drop”, new buyer $8k tax credit extends into 2010; Smart Meters, elec, 18-mil homes to receive; Smart Grid, nation to expand elec grid for control, clean energy, create 1000s new jobs, Fed grants $3.4-billion, companies match w/$4.7-billion; Plasma TVs biggest electric users, new flat screens better; Democrats push for green energy bill; Bailouts save 640,000 jobs; GMAC seeks 3rd bailout; GM, former plant to make electric cars, Obama wants 1-mil hybrids on road by 2016; WA, town spends $-millions yearly on lighted animated holiday scenes displayed along roads (what about homeless, hungry?); Chicago, protesters crash Bank Convention for bad use of bailout $-billions; US Samoa, wastes tsunami warning funds; China to buy Volvo; Versace cuts staff by 25%; 15.1-mil Jobless now tapping into 401Ks; Boeing Dreamliner moves to SC, cost 4000 Seattle jobs; BP faces record $87-mil fine; FED, House Ethics panel to investigate CA Democrats, 30+ Republicans face ethics probe for accidental document disclosure; Hidden “nickel/dime fees/surcharges cost each consumer $1K to $2K per year;
11/02/09Bailouts create 640K jobs? “Cannot say if numbers are new jobs or jobs revived”; US Samoa, wasted tsunami warning funds reveals great damage, deaths but not reported in 7.0 quake/tsunami weeks ago, US aid still not received; US, 9-banks fail in major Holding Co., total 125-ytd; Jobless, last report 1.5M, not include newly jobless 1M = 2.5M to date, contradicts w/over 12-mil months ago; citizens asking, “Where are the jobs?” OBAMA warns of more job losses to come; Chrysler to layoff 23K more, spends $37M ads for buyout employees’ stock; Toyota, Lexus– largest auto recall in US history, 4M cars; Ford reports $1B profit; CIT, lender to sm-med businesses, Chap. 11 bankruptcy to reorganize, largest in US crisis; Colleges, 23 pay $1M annual to pres; Rbt. Shiller, Yale economist, “Difficult to predict outcome of rare global economic crisis.” Martin Wolf, “Financial Times” said, “While FED Bernanke at first was wrong a few years ago, he was first to realize the crisis severity [printed more money to save Banks].” Shiller “Financial institutions need to restrain from giving huge CEO bonuses in order to defuse people’s anger. We don’t want an economic system with an attitude of “winner-take-all” resulting in riots and runs on banks that happened during the great depression.”
11/07/09PA transit workers strike; Johnson/Johnson to cut 8000 jobs; MicroSoft to cut 800 more jobs; Warren Buffet firm buys Burlington Northern Railway for $34B bet on econ upturn; US Kids, 50% to age 20 on food stamps, 90% black children~~ low income, jobless; UK, Qatari firm buys US Embassy London building; Credit Card comp raising rates, House speeds up credit card reform; Boeing, RyanAir demands price cut or cancel orders; WA, capital Olympia to cut 27 jobs to reduce deficit; US, 2009 job cuts to exceed 2008 losses; Bankruptcy, 9% surge personal filings; Wall St. on roll triple-digit rises still on roller coaster; HUD, Fannie Mae reports $19-B loss in bad loans; House extends jobless benefits/first time home buyer tax benefit into 2010; US jobless hits 10.2%, under-unemployed not included; British Airways reports record losses; FORD profit due to reorg, cut exps, cut jobs, “way ahead of game compared to other makers”, Ford to introduce inflatable seat belts; GM cancels sale of Euro arm Opal, German Gov wants $-B loans paid; AUTO sales Oct~~ GM up 5%, Ford up 3%, Chrysler down 30%; Chrysler drops Viper, Fiat new design by 2014, finan crunch halting new dvlpmt; US Vendors look to Cuba’s markets; Rush Limbaugh accuses Obama destroying US econ; actor Ted Danson accuses Limbaugh/Religious Right (extremists) exploiting fear; TSaS affirms that God does not give a spirit of fear to His people, only upon wicked in days of His wrath; NYC, billionaire Mayor Bloomberg spends $100M own money win 3rd term; Obama, “schools perform poorly w/be shut down”;
experts say full blown depression, FED cracks down on bank overdraft fees, 3 large comp cut jobs by 1200, 1500, 2500, all US States cutback more Gov jobs yet approve tax hikes, 10-States face massive budget shortfalls; NV, statewide 42% children homeless, 5K in Las Vegas; Panic amidst jobless, make reckless $ decisions, men killing entire family/self across US; Chase Bank to hire 1200 loan officers; Banks, 5 more fail, big banks in no rush to pair up; Obama visits 4 Asia nations to discuss economy, global climate change;
11/21/09AOL to cut 1/3 work force; China,
9K suspects. 4,800 arrsts, $200M in assets seized;
11/24/09“Economy not as strong as believed,” people deadly panic mode, 29 States’ job loss rates climbing;
11/28/09US, 1 of every 4 home mortgages exceed value, “under water”; Banks, “at risk” hits 552; Jobless, real rate 17.5%;
12/01/09Dubai market drops 7%, debt may hurt US banks; Obama to push banks to aid default homeowners; FED eliminates $25B AIG debt, stock drops 15%;
12/04/09Cuba, economy cuts stop food subsidy for poor (like US food stamps); US, Black Fri sales fail to boost profits, businesses skittish about hiring, make do w/less staff; Bank of America to pay back bailout $B;
12/08/08—2009 Bank failures 130 to date; Congress to extend jobless benefits 2mo 2010; Gold value falls 4%— months ago, based on God’s prophecy TSaS advised: 1. Do not count on buying gold for currency against global economic collapse. All who bought gold lost $, value will continue up/down on fiscal roller coaster. 2. Homes: paid-in-full sit tight OR mortgaged sell fast— Fri 12/04 CNN economic advisor says, “pay-off mortgages, if possible, do not re-finance.” TSaS on free/clear homes advises: get reverse mortgage to get $ out of home while living in it, 2yrs is little time left; Banks set to eliminate new home bldg credit lines, w/give credit line if cash collateral used to assure repayment; TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) to shave costs of $700B bailouts by $200B, est 11 banks set to repay, TARP expected loss of $341B over next 10yrs but Bernanke says now w/earn profit; Obama to use extra $200B to create jobs; US nat’l debt $9T, incr $1T per year; Brazil, US bust Visa fraud ring; Geo. Wa. Letter sold for $3.2M; Space Trip, private rocket, first flight 65mi space set for 2011, tickets cost $200K ea;
US, House passes $447B Fed spending bill; 2009-Home values drop +$500B; Crisis update 12/08/09: Fed speaks out of both sides of mouth in 1 news hour, “It’s worse than Great Depression” then “The Recession improving.” Less than 2mo ago, economy reported “full blown depression.” God says, “Greatest Depression.”
12/15/09US, Obama to give sm business tax breaks; Homeowner cash incentives make homes energy efficient; 2009 Bank failures 133; 2008 REvalue loss $3.6t, + over $500b 2009 = $4.1T loss in 2yrs; Jobless rate bad; Sudden jump in jobless claims; XTO sold to Exxon-$41B deal; Bankers called to White House, Obama: “Nothing is free. You took bailouts but decreased loans to small businesses, gave Fat Cats bonuses. You owe taxpayers. It is time to help the people! We expect you to help us rebuild.” Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citicorp “no shows”; TARP deals: Citicorp strikes $25B-pay back-got $30B, Wells Fargo $20B-pay back, (Bush admin formed TARP to bailout banks, Obama made transparent); GM to pay back bailout early; 50% Amer. spend less on gifts; CNN emails rcvd: “Obama working man’s president”—”Feds say recession over; not ’til I have a job!” Indonesia, anti-corruption protests;
12/19/09FED, OKs $154B jobs bill; w/pass $636B defense budget; Buyers get 2% home loans; LV casinos close room wings, layoffs, due to 5% visitor loss; 13% jobless, 30% loss home values; Bet on + $Crisis is new lrgst casino City Ctr 67-acres w/4K rooms; John Mack refuses Morgan-Stanley bonus; Russia, economy reformer dead; British Air judge halts strike; Google, Bing drop Yahoo!;
12/22/09Retail stores hope Sat best, busiest shopping for profit margin, 47% shoppers not finished for Xmas, E/NE sales down 40-80%; Citadel Broadcasting radio files bankruptcy; 60 Min. reported “Recession, Depression worse than Great Depression, now called Great Recession, US Jobless 17%; Toys for Kids when hunger reigns; Gas at pumps falling; Cuba, accuses US trying to destabilize China;
12/26/09— New home sales -11.3%, used home sales +7.4%; 30yr loans 5%, values still drop; Mkt closes +, but yr peak way below peaks prior to recession, Wall St gains but Main St losing; FED, Expect job increase by spring 2010; Consumer spending up Nov-Dec, expect sudden drop after Xmas; Senate apprvs incr debt limit by $290B; UK, Prince William spends night on streets to learn what homeless teens go through; LA, Baton Rouge post office, wheel chair gunman held emplyes hostage, after 9hrs surrendered; NY, NYU employee stole $409K over 5yrs; TX, San Antonio, Xmas eve bell ringing Salvation Army Maj. shot/killed by man w/kids in front of store, police seek man;

12/29/09 US, vendors extend Xmas returns to 31 Jan, anything bought in Nov-Dec except computers; Airlines’ stocks drop to terrorist attempt; Banks to tighten belt more 2010; Nov-Dec 2009 spending up 1.0% over terrible 2008 drop, stores had bigger sales less inventory, Online sales up 15.5% over last season but only 10% of all sales, after Xmas sales good; 2009 Consumers pd $10B interest on credit cards; Credit Unions duke it out w/Banks; Bad news: housing prices flatten; Wall St, admits greatest loss ever in 9/11/2001 still not recovered; Stocks 6-day win falls;

12/31/09US, New millennium 2000 abt Y2K but decade abt tech advances/FaceBook 350M users, greed, housing mkt collapse, big businesses bankrupt, unemployment 15M, Dollar weakens in yr end trade—experts say decade defined by tech advances (TSaS says defined by collapsing global economy); Housing, 10yrs no gain in prices; GM recalls 22K Corvettes; GMAC (GM lending arm) gets $4B 3rd bailout = $17.3B bailouts, Gov now owns 56% stock; US, Oil prices dip ahead of inventory rprt; Mass Senator pushes for investment tax (reminds of JFK campaign speech); Nokia escalates Apple patent battle; Ins, term life cheapest/best way to go; Tiger Woods, backers shareholder losses $12B in Woods sex scandal; WA, King County budget cuts 1-day month, less pay for 1000s workers but glad to have job;

12 January 2010 Posted by | Animals, Apostate, Armageddon, Bible, Bible Study, Blasphemy, Blessings, Christ, Christs Return, Church, Death, Economy, End Times, Escatology, Evil, Faith, Gays, God, Government Abuse, Great Whore, Harlot Daughters, Health, Hebrews, Holy Spirit, Homosexuality, Islam, Jesus, Jews, Lesbians, Lord's Day, Mark, Memorial, Muslims, Nature, News, Papal Rome, Polygamy, Prophecy, Prophets, Protestants, Quran, Redemption, Religion, Remnant, Sabbath, Salvation, Saturday, Seal, Sign, Spiritual, Spiritual Study, Sunday, Ten Commandments, Theology, Truth, WCC, World | , , | 9 Comments

Extra Oil Vision: Antichrist Recognized

Vision of Antichrist Recognized
©copyright 1975 Bonita M Quesinberry
©copyright 2003 Infinity Publishing

Below is an excerpt of “Truth Gathering”, Intro pgs.11-13: God showed that I would recognize the antichrist, a question I had asked of Him a year before the vision. The main thrust was “you will recognize the antichrist in total” but it would be in his earthly form appropriate to the creation of Satan’s synagogues hinted at by the vision’s metaphors.

——Converse to man’s scientific data, I ceased to dream random dreams at the age of 13. I had one dream then: a vision warning of danger. I did not understand what it meant, mistakenly thinking it portended an unidentified loved one’s death. Two years later it came to pass but was not about death, only a tragedy for the loved one actually seen in the vision. Only then did I comprehend its convoluted warning. I didn’t dream again until years later after my journey began to gain God’s knowledge and wisdoms and only His.

——One early morning sometime in 1975, in a vision—dream—the Holy Spirit showed me strange scenes, the first opening in what seemed a family room in an unfamiliar home. I saw myself sitting on a tall stool, vaguely cognizant of other people milling about: I actually saw the faces of only my husband and son. Instinctively, I was aware my daughter was not present. To this day her absence has left me concerned for her.

——Immediately, various unseen, but not perceived as unknown, people approached me exclaiming, “Jesus is here! Hurry, we’ve got to go see him! He’s performing all kinds of miracles, just like he did before! Hurry!” I declared adamantly and repeatedly, “It cannot be Jesus Christ. It has to be the antichrist.” Everyone argued it was, indeed, our Saviour. Again, I repeated the denial: to no avail and utter frustration.

——Finally, I agreed to go but only to prove God’s point. We climbed into our cars and in the next instant were standing behind a vast crowd praising and glorifying a being I could see above this throng as though standing on a podium. For lack of sufficient words, I can say only that he was the most beautiful entity I had ever seen, emitting a bright glow all about him as he healed people and performed other miracles. Come one, come all, he seemed to encourage with such believable conviction and loving demeanor.

——My thoughts were piercing as I looked from this incredible creature to search the crowd of faces, my expression one of absolute amazement. Don’t they understand? Can’t they see this isn’t Christ? Long before this dream, God had shown me that when Jesus returns He will come in the clouds and take us up to Him “to meet Him in the air.” His written word states this very thing. He will never step foot on this old earth until it is time to make it new again. Nor would He be performing any miracles upon His return, aside from our redemption, ascension and leaving behind total desolation. It is written!

——Still, I looked again to this gorgeous individual, human-like in form, who stood perhaps three feet above a mass of worshippers. Again, I scanned an ecstatic crowd and once more stared at this entity, the same disbelieving musings racing through my mind.

——I neither could tolerate his blasphemy or that of the people worshipping him. Despite being some distance from this glorious life form, it was as though he singled me out just as I stabbed the air with my finger and abruptly roared, “I rebuke you, Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

——At once his beautiful form twisted into the most hideous raging beast. I am at a loss to describe his vile appearance and ugly madness such as I’d never seen before. Instantly, he was surrounded by an ominous, threatening pitch-black roiling cloud. Immediately, the crowd was screeching and screaming and running for their lives.

——Those with me and I ran, unexpectedly finding ourselves standing outside our vehicles. At once, I realized my kids were not with us. Frantically I searched, only to instantaneously find myself again sitting on that stool just as a deep, bass voice boomed and reverberated into the room, my body vibrating from His thunderous bass. “Fear not, for you are safe in the Lord,” saith the Lord. Somehow, and inspite of how very loud He spoke, God’s voice was soothing and comforting and I knew all would be well.

——I awoke and for a split second was perplexed; then I remembered a full year before. I had asked God if I would recognize the antichrist. In the interim and amidst His Holy Ghost guiding me through our Lord’s written Word regarding matters in progress, as well as in the absence of a quick answer, I had forgotten that I’d even asked. Instantly, I realized I had just been shown recognition of the beast: his Queen the great whore and her harlot daughters, of whom Revelation speaks and spoken of throughout the Bible. But, He would not reveal them as a single man such as portrayed in my dream. Rather, He ultimately revealed corporate Christendom’s seminaries and pulpits as Satan’s synagogues representing the antichrist Papal Rome. El Shaddai provides only Truth.

——Over the next twelve months, God’s Spirit began to bring into my hands various historical data and records I would never have thought to search for, nor would I have known even where to find them. With these, the Holy Spirit led me through Christ’s prophecies as well as those applicable from ancient prophets and John’s Revelation. By the end of another full year, I fully and undeniably recognized the antichrist and his apostate churches: the Synagogues of Satan— the recognition without flaw, God’s confirmation that I understood accurately.

——Still, our Lord had shown me more in this vision. The time of Christ’s return is drawing incredibly near and all things remaining to occur have been happening in my lifetime. In 2003, I was 59 years young. The time is so short: I describe it as though I were poised on the very edge of a chair, my hands hovering on either side, my body in forward motion, as if about to push up, rush out to meet Jesus in the clouds.

——Dear reader, old earth’s time is so short. Six of the last seven plagues began in 1991 and are rapidly intensifying, which is Biblically proven beyond doubt in “Bind Up the Testimony, Seal the Law.” The seventh plague will occur in Christ’s wake as He sweeps across our skies taking up His sheep. We must be prepared in obedience, faith and good works. We must possess the same unshakable faith Jesus demonstrated when facing His cross, a deep faith allowing Him to be nailed to a tree. And, our works must be acceptable to His Father: wholly from our hearts. Think not works? Read of Revelation’s seven churches where Christ said, “I have not found your works perfect before God.” The time is nigh upon us: purity and perfection IS required for entry into heaven.

——In 1991, Allied Forces opened attack on Iraq, President Bush having initiated the theatre labeled Desert Storm. Immediately, theologians and I rushed to scriptures. Theologians said it was not Armageddon; it was and remains Armageddon, just not Armageddon as theologians and Sunday sects teach. What was and is going on in the Middle East is of immense value to Christ’s true church, thus we must understand its meaning. This unexpected, yet expected, war reminded me of a dream our Lord gave to me ten years before Desert Storm: “Christ’s Remnant Polluted,” the TSaS broadcast on 01/09/10 Tuesday. The ominous black cloud in that vision also represented the Dark Ages Papal Rome and her harlot daughters are bringing upon Doctrine Keepers today: again, we metaphorically are fleeing to the wilderness in order to “preserve” God’s Truth; though we keep and speak it today only for the lukewarm and cold. The dust of mother and daughters we have shook from our feet and never will go their way again, never step inside one of their polluted synagogues. Our Lord is on His way!
——After all the Spirit had taught me in prophecy, in 1998 He instructed that I put it in a book; the result was “Bind Up the Testimony, Seal the Law”. A good thing for everyone who is to have the interpretation, for there is far too much to include with the above vision: as one might imagine, 25 years ensued from the time of the vision, which does not include all the other necessary spiritual training prior to and since 1975; the 25 years spent just in being taught coupled with study of appropriate prophetic scriptures throughout the Bible and in research for appropriate historical and current events that were fulfilled and now fulfill each phase of Philadelphia and Laodicea’s prophecies.
——Over 30 years of spiritual training, by Holy Spirit’s instruction, also resulted in “Truth Gathering”, an AKJV Topical Bible unlike anything available in the world: all subjects critical-to-salvation provide “every” relevant scripture, as it were all of God’s Word about His requirements of His children and Christ’s sheep: topical is the method of study God prescribed. Both books finally were published in 2003 by Infinity Publishing, an on-demand publisher, which assures the books always will be in print: well, as long as this old earth exists, as there will be no necessity for them in new earth. God provided the money necessary to get them published by way of Social Security’s settlement on His writer; and, to this day, the gatherer/annotator has not earned a penny in return: money was not and is not and never will be the motive for publishing.
——God’s writer has paid for and given away 100s of copies over the last eight years, per the Holy Spirit’s discretion, perhaps 5 copies of each purchased by others somewhere in the US. Sadly, of those 5 only 1 was a Sunday-keeping preacher; the upside of which is that he has frequently communicated with God’s writer for information on other topics, such as the “Early and Latter Rains.” He was directed to TSaS each time, as Bible lessons are posted on that topic and others not necessary to have included in “Truth Gathering.”
——Please, never think God’s Writer “knows it all;” for there is far too much to ever know it all during this temporary lifetime. She does, however, “know it all” when it comes to prophecy and the weightier matters of God’s Law; the latter of which lessons also are at TSaS and in “Truth Gathering.” We can make the claim of “knowing it all” only after we reach heaven, for at that time our finite brain will be converted to an infinite brain capable of absorbing “it all.” The Holy Spirit has continued to bring new Truths upon God’s writer during this last church age; one example being the wedding parables with interpretation transparency that exceeded just “being prepared” as commonly taught.
——The Holy Spirit has communicated with God’s pen in several ways: audibly with that voice of thunders and many waters, in her thoughts, or in words coming out of her mouth yet not in her thoughts. The latter was the case in March 2009 when He provided a clarity no religious sect has ever taught on the parables nor had she ever heard in her 65 years.
——On the phone, in March, with her best friend of 43 years, the topic of understanding prophecy came up, the facts of which her best friend, who has the gift of faith, did not feel she needed to know: “faith is all I need.” God’s writer began explaining the meanings of the wedding parables, yet not one word of thought was in her mind. Her best friend commented that she had never heard that before but God’s pen did not respond.
——When the call was terminated, God’s pen fully realized the Holy Spirit had just given her a new Bible lesson and at the same time allowed her to understand why it had never been given to anyone until 2009: now was the “time.” God is always punctual, never late, never early. A week later, she reminded her best friend of their conversation and said, “You had said that you’d never heard that before. Well, I confess that I’d never heard it before until I told it to you.” They both laughed and marveled at God’s greatness and how He works with His beloved Sheep and prophets.
——Many of the “new” lessons given God’s writer in this last church age were given because it was “time” for full understanding to reach the Elect: the “new” lessons not really new, just fine tuned, would serve to strengthen us, as the terrors of these end days painfully escalate, and to make it “impossible” to deceive us. The “wedding parables” lesson resulted in Extra Oils now broadcasting from TSaS. Other great “new” lessons have been given on Grace, Faith, Healing, and so more: each bringing the most incredible logic and insight to greatly enhance our knowledge and understanding of why we suffer as we do, who is God and what is His character, a God worthy of so much more than our love, praise and total obedience— our best for God and Christ. The Holy Spirit has taught us how to be our best; we have only to heed the lessons.

11 January 2010 Posted by | Apostate, Bible, Bible Study, Blasphemy, Book Reviews, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Christs Return, Church, Death, End Times, Escatology, Evil, Faith, God, Great Whore, Groom, Harlot Daughters, Hebrews, Holy Spirit, Islam, Jesus, Jews, Lord's Day, Mark, Muslims, News, Papal Rome, Prayers, Prophecy, Prophets, Protestants, Redemption, Religion, Remnant, Sabbath, Salvation, Saturday, Seal, Sign, Spiritual, Spiritual Study, Sunday, Ten Commandments, Theology, Truth, Visions, WCC, World | , | Leave a comment

Extra Oil 2009 Health Recap + SHOCKING 2010 News

Shocking News: US big Satan, Israel little Satan, Executive Order, NCC, WC, WCC, SDA, Atheist Holy Day, Sabbatarian Arrest, Pope is God, Vatican above Bible + + +

Prophecy’s 2009 Extra Oil Recap 47: Health In the News + 2010 News
©copyright 2009 Bonita M Quesinberry

2010 News 01/05 to 01/09: categories— Mother/Daughters, Nature, Health, Economy, Lawless, Wars; 2009 Health Recap follows after 5-pgs current news below. 

Mother/Daughters— some news submitted prior to 01/05 Oil 46, too much to include, do not miss the Mother’s new daughter, Dahn Yoga cult: 

Florida Court Sets Atheist Holy Day: 01/01 Bro. Harding, OR— An atheist’s attorney filed a discrimination case against Christians, Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was “it is unfair that atheists have no such days.” After listening to the lawyer’s passionate presentation, the judge banged his gavel declaring, “Case dismissed!” The lawyer objected, “Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my client and all atheists have no holidays.” The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, “But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant.” The lawyer said, “Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists.” The judge said, “The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalm 14:1 states, ‘The fool says in his heart, there is no God.’ Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that, if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. April 1st is his day. Court adjourned.” [Bro Bob added, “Finally! There is a judge who knows the scriptures.” TSaS says, Amen!] 

FLA, 01/04 Tammy reports News, Christian Radio, Internet, Federal Finds, #4 is a side note of critical Bible points that aid in recognizing cults: ——News: Ohio recently arrested a Sabbatarian for bartering on Sunday, judge threw out the case; “One Organization” blasphemes God’s Word and calls everyone everywhere to observe ‘one’ Sabbath, Sunday— definitely agrees with NCC, WC, WCC doctrine;
——1. Executive Order #13397, [former] Pres. Geo. Bush (Jr.) signed into law 03/17/06 as a “coordinated effort to extend opportunities toward faith based and community initiatives.” Core purpose: “all incorporated Churches w/tax exempt status designated Government Agencies under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with all the police power said designation implies. Order allows Churches to execute and enforce relevant Federal and State Laws, including Blue Laws. Do a Goggle search for Executive Order #13397, takes reader directly to .gov and specific 3-page signed document.
——2. SDA, the Seventh Day General Conference, over all SDA churches, has joined the World Church (WC): has long had an SDA Conference leader sitting on the National Church Council (NCC), a WCC arm, and now a leader sits on the World Church Council. By having joined the mother/daughters, SDA validates the Vatican’s statement, “We are above the Bible.” SDA’s action also acknowledges the Pope as Jesus incarnate therefore God, the world’s only supreme leader. And, SDA does have tax-exempt status.
——3. Vatican documents, excerpts from “Antwerp Edition Extravagantes,” col. 153, “Our Lord God the Pope;” reiterated in “Paris Edition,” col. 140. Also, “The Bible is a dead letter, a dead and speechless book.”
4. Doctrine keepers find 6 Bible signs by which to recognize cults over at 6 Signs of Cults ~ Basically, the scripture references either tell us what a cult is not or point to the main figure head of all cults. 6-Signs; A. Have a single, powerful human leader (Isaiah 45:22, John 14:2); B. Leader’s word is absolute Truth, surpasses God’s Word (Mark 7:7, Isaiah 8:20); C. Will use force to coerce members into submission (John 16:2-3, Luke 3:14); D. Teach a Jesus not found in scripture (I John 4:3, Isaiah 8:20); E. Teach a gospel of grace only instead of Christ’s Gospel of “grace, faith and works” (Ephesians 2:9, 2:8, Romans 6:23); F. Insist members leave their families if families do not comply with authority and doctrine, which leaving includes divorce, if necessary (Romans 1:22-32, Revelation 18:1-5, describe Papal Rome. Check out the link above and read all the data presented with the six signs of cults to learn that Doctrine Keepers are not a Cult.
——TSaS: 1. Executive Order #13397— There is so much more to this Executive Order. It puts each State’s Sunday Denominations, rather every member of the NCC, WC and WCC, in charge of each State’s Blue Laws, allowing them to exercise the deadly police power those laws have always carried: by this order, officially backed by the Federal Government, any need for a matching Federal Blue Law is removed.
——While the Blue Laws have hardly been enforced for nearly 100 years, Papal Rome is taking us back to the Dark Ages, thus enforcement will begin and soon. Actually, as the Sabbatarian arrested recently in Ohio reveals, we already are there. The Order also frees the churches of “civil disobedience” called for in a WCC manifesto recently reported: they have agency designation of DHS. Any and all harm they bring will not be a crime. A few Doctrine Keepers will die, others may be beaten, some falsely imprisoned; BUT! Jesus will arrive before slaughter has hardly begun.
——2. SDA: We reported that SDA was considering the WC, yet now find a week later they already had joined and had been an NCC member for a number of years. Tammy reported to BonnieQ another website find: “At one time Ellen G White had a vision that, sometime in the future, SDA would not be the church it seemed to be during her life.” Bonnie has not personally read anything by White; however, sometime around 1983-84, while still living in Texas, Bonnie had a vision of the SDA church in its original pure state. She was certain of the sect because, at the time, it was the only one teaching God’s pure Doctrine— vision set out in “Truth Gathering” introduction— then sudden changes began happening and it was no longer Christ’s pure church when shots rang out: killings began. It would seem both women’s visions are today: Bonnie warned of this when she had the vision and has warned many times since that it would occur during the Laodicea era. At the time of the vision, an SDA pastor, devoted to all Truth, requested that Bonnie write down the vision and provide a copy for him: he knew this was coming and was determined to stand against the movement that now has begun.
——Side Note: Bonnie was never influenced by SDA, knew nothing about them until several years after the Spirit revealed God’s Truth to her, and she has never read any of White’s work. However, anyone who says Ellen G White, or even Uriah Smith, started the SDA movement does so in ignorance. If they say those two predicted earth’s end three times and none came to fruition, again they speak in ignorance: not having all the facts of what actually took place during the Sardis era, the age of sealed prophecies being opened for man’s study/research, and what ensued in the first few years of Philadelphia. Such accusers have spent no time in research; merely taking the word of some Sunday loving leader or follower who are blind to the facts: the blind leading the blind. The Holy Spirit not only had Bonnie research the first 5 church ages and prophetic events therein but also all Christian professing denominations, Papal Rome, Wiccan, Druid, and more for the purpose of knowing what they teach in contradiction to God’s Word, how they have flooded the world with false doctrines, as well as their impact on God’s prophecies and His people over the last six church ages.
——The false charges also reflect a person’s lack of knowledge in God’s prophecies: John was instructed to “take the book and eat it. It tasted like honey in his mouth yet was bitter on his stomach.” THIS meant when the prophecies opened for study, all sect leaders from around the world did come together in study, then believed their initial findings meant Jesus was returning in 1844. It was not just one leader who predicted this; they all did so in agreement. When He did not, almost all those leaders returned to their Sunday sects without further ado, save the few who realized they misunderstood and, instead, went back to Spirit and prophecies for deeper study and research.
——Sweet joy of Christ’s return was like honey in the mouth but bitter on the stomach when He did not. A short time of honey/bitterness served to divide weeds from wheat, God’s determination that the former remain blind and deaf; after separation, prophecies logically opened fully to the wheat. The hard lesson learned: do not jump to conclusions too hastily. To do so is to invite bitter disappointment and possibly miss vital data. God had only a few prophets for Sardis and early Philadelphia. All must now seek out His few global prophets completing Philadelphia and all of Laodicea for God’s interpretation.
——3. Vatican: Nothing this ‘Queen’ says or does is surprising. Today, it is not shocking that more and more about her is coming out of secret documents by her own hand; and it is no surprise that her harlot daughters finally acknowledge her as their mother. Denying the connection for hundreds of years was all part of Satan’s plan to put his Vatican Queen back upon the world’s throne after her fall in 1844. Not much needs saying other than this, “Believe nothing mother and daughters say, for their god is Satan, their church Papal Rome, their Pope Holy Father Jesus, and beliefs “above the Bible: the World Church.”
——4. Bible Defines Cults: Each belief and religion noted above and in the TSaS response to CNN’s presentation of the Dahn Yoga Cult below meet God’s criteria classifying them as Cults. Please take time to read the verses provided. God provides a way to identify all the world’s evil contingencies in His Written Word

CNN, 01/06 Dahn Yoga Cult, whose leader is Japanese businessman Llchi Lee, who promises to “save your soul and heal your body.” While most members, celebrities and government officials, applaud Lee and his healing results with “Brain Wave Education” and “Brain Wave Vibrations” techniques. However, no one, including a renowned neurosurgeon, has any idea what those two procedures might be. Others have charged Lee with abuse, sexual assaults, forcing women to disrobe, and several have died from lack of proper care during trial events such as during a recent desert hike.

TBN, DayStar: 01/04 Drs Rexella and Jack Van Impe, Comcast ch.20, 10pm, 30-min
——1. Three times in this short broadcast, Rexella or Jack hawked his leather-bound “Prophecy KJV Bible”, saying it would be available for a $59.95 donation for another 10 days only, regular value $120. Van Impe’s message, however, was a jumbled mess of what seemed like disjointed, random thoughts: said the signs and plagues earth is experiencing are God’s “judgments;” held up a copy of “News Week” with caption “End of Christian America;” magazine “Washington Times” with caption “Pope Urges Christians to Remember Heritage.”
——From signs and plagues, Van Impe instantly switched to talking about people who leave the Sunday churches, saying they are committing “damnable heresies,” have seducing evil spirits, are accursed, doomed to die in fire if they do not return to the churches and have Jesus. “They will die, perish!”
——Instantly, Van Impe angrily declared, with a fist punching the air, that 9/11 did not fulfill Revelation 18:7-24; followed by his interpretation as that of “Brazil, Cuba, Iran, and Russia are coming together as one to attack the United States!” He added, “The US, big Satan helping the little Satan Israel.” He went on to say those four nations will strike with terrorism and a nuclear holocaust, “but we will not be here!”
——Van Impe’s entire tirade was without continuity; no true message and he appeared completely out of control of thoughts and behaviour. At one point, his radical speech seemed to surprise Rexella, gaping, almost forgetting her line was supposed to follow his. She stuttered an expected response, “Uh, da, da, why, Jack! That’s wonderful.”
——TSaS: Yoga Cult and Jack Van Impe
Dahn Yoga Cult, Satan has a place for each person, carefully laid out plans strategically orchestrated since he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden: from the beautiful appearance of Christ’s church speaking of God and Jesus only what people want to hear mixed with fun pagan rituals and even polygamy if one chooses; or, perhaps, one’s taste is Theism or Atheism or Agnosticism. He also offers pagan’s Wiccan, Celtic, Druid or various magical Cults that may or may not include God and Christ and, his final division is outright Devil worship. All of these teach prosperity and riches of the world, if you accept at least one from his divided house: the very offer Satan made to Jesus.
——Today, Satan has put each of his rooms in single box impressively wrapped in designer paper of religious peace: the World Church (WC) with Satan’s Pope his Supreme Leader over all. No wonder God describes the United States as Babylon; for all of these can be found here. As Jesus said, “A house divided will fall.” Satan’s time is fast running out; his plan has escalated for fulfillment. Other nations already are enforcing Sunday, others soon will; and the United States, by Executive Order, has made it easy to happen in an instant; on hold for just a moment while his churches incite anger toward Jews and Doctrine Keepers.
Jack Van Impe: No, the signs and plagues are not God’s judgments; they are the weapons of His arsenal that wields His wrath against the wicked. There are only two judgments: innocent or guilty, each person sealed accordingly with either the Beast’s Mark or God’s Seal: it is done. Doctrine Keepers speak only to Laodicea’s lukewarm and cold while waiting for sentencing, life or death: Christ brings it with Him in the clouds.
——Van Impe’s next sudden switch to 9/11 sounded suspicious, as though he had read “Bind Up the Testimony, Seal the Law.” As far as we know, there is no one else in the US teaching the true interpretation of today’s prophetic events; other than TSaS members. That fatal day of 9/11 perfectly fulfilled Revelation 18:7-24, with not so much as one tinny flaw and not off by even a fraction of a second; to the point so perfectly that news reported other nations saying exactly what scriptures said they would say when our financial and military icons were hit. There will be no 4-nations executing annihilation: God says what He will end and how it will end; not man.
——”But, we will not be here:” Van Impe implied his belief of sudden rapture “before the 7yr tribulation begins.” His premise is that the 7yr tribulation is a punishment period for the wicked left behind alive. Alas, Van Impe and all like him will be here but dead. Such a tragedy, such waste, such grief for God; whose grief is overwhelming to our finite minds and hearts: “I Lay Weeping.”
——The “big and little Satan.” That was a shocking remark; especially since all Sunday sects support Israel’s blindness and encourage the useless rebuilding of its temple. Israel is little Satan? Praise God, we will not be standing in the likes of the world’s Van Impes’ shoes when God avenges Israel, His chosen Jews and Doctrine Keepers.
——We can assume only that the various magazines’ covers Rexella or Van Impe held up were to emphasize that people “must return to their church denominations, remember their Sunday Christian heritage.” And, of course, Van Impe grabbed the opportunity to again take a few stabs at Doctrine Keepers: the same kind of false charges levied against Christ. Against us Van Impe charged “damnable heresies,” the same of which Papal Rome charged and killed millions for rejecting her authority during the Dark Ages. Here we go again. And, now— for the rest of this week’s 2010 news: 

Nature: Solomon Isl, hit w/more quakes Tues; TN, Arctic blast kills 4 of hypothermia; WA, Deputy Sheriff killed in Snoqualmie Pass whiteout crash; IL, +400 Chicago flts cancelled; GA, snow in Atlanta; OH, roads a mess; US, wind chill factors 0 to –15 deg; UK crippled by blizzards, flights cancelled; Kenya, Elephant tramples US mom/baby; World struggles in record breaking Arctic blasts, below freezing temps, lasting longer than world has ever seen;
Health: CA, FAA agency copter crash kills 1; Johnson/Johnson heir 30yo Ms. Casey Johnson found dead in CA home, no foul play, cause unknown, was fiancée of reality star Ms Tilla Tequila; Chicago Lear Jet crash killed 2; AR, Amtrak derails; IN, Harmony, tanker hits Special Needs bus, 5-killed, 7-injrd; China, battery factory blamed for dozens of kids poisoned;
Economy: FED, 2010 census forms in mail, big push for all US residents of all nationalities, legal or illegal, to complete and return forms; Obama honors math/sciences teachers and mentors, $250M to schools for “Educate to Innovate” + $500M from private sector to train 100K teachers for programs, US students rate 21, 25 below other nations, Aim to be Top; MO, St.Louis, gunman kills 3 then self, injrs 8 in factory shooting; CA, Schools failing, beg Governor not to further cut education budget; US, severe unemployment worsening in cities; Sm companies cut 25K more jobs; US Bonds fall as unemply rises, claims rising; Rental prices fall 3%, vacancies down 8%; Legalizing illegal immigrants w/help economy; CN Dem Sen Chris Dodd retiring w/5 others; NV, Las Vegas court shooter had just lost Soc. Security case; Philippines, Mayor pleads not guilty to charges of mass murders; Argentina, President fires Central Chief Bank by Execu. Order; China, Execs to be tried in tainted milk scandal;
Lawless: FED, 3rd uninvited guest discovered at Obama’s State Dinner; FLA, missing lotto winner may be dead; CA, Hollywood experiencing Rx drug abuse epidemic among stars, think safer than illegal drugs; LA, Reagan grandson arrstd; Walk of Fame, non-celebrities can buy a star for $25K, businesses for $1M; Director Roman Polanski’s victim wants 32yo case dropped to go on w/her life, tired of 32yrs notoriety; WA, Tacoma, 3 teens + 1-19yo arrstd for $1Ks in damage by slashing tires; YouTube to show same sex marriage trial;
Wars: Yemen, US embassy reopens; 3 al Qaeda suspects arrstd; OR, fighter jets escort plane to Portland Airport, unruly passenger; Kabul, 14 terrorist suspects mistakenly kill selves; Pakistan, Kabul, 3 killed in suicide bombing; Drone kills militants; Dagastan, suicide bomb kills 5 police; US, Feds might buy Thomson Illinois prison to house Gitmo detainees, close to Illinois prisoners; Palestine clash w/Egyptians over Gaza financial blockade, shots fired, several killed, some wounded; India, advisory sent to students in Australia; 2-militants dead as standoff ends; Iraq, 2 attacks kill at least 7; Afghan, suicide blast kills at least 9; So.Sudan, needs help to avoid war;

06/06/09— Scientist said, “Earth is critically close to utter extinction; for the first time due to its largest species: mankind.” Now for the 2009 Recap of Health in News

Health: Plague-1
04/18/09Anger, desperation “such as world has never seen.” Suicides w/be common; Sheep/Prophets will bear attacks; New Flu strikes out of season, swine flu;
05/02/09 Obama pushes Health Care Reform; H1N1 swine flu (plague) hits, TSaS predicts huge number of cases but small death toll, TSaS recommends herb tincture Asafetida; “fearful shall not enter the gates of heaven”
05/16/09— (Plague-1) 7200 confirmed H1N1 cases 47 States, 5 deaths to date; 2-days, 2-schools close, total 200 students w/cruise ship Norovirus; threats of increasing MRSA flesh eating bacteria cases;
05/30/09— More H1N1 deaths/# cases rising; Another WA school closed w/300 suspected cases; Africa, new virus, Lujah compared to Ebola flesh eating bacteria but causes profuse bleeding from body orifices, death quick.
06/06/09— WHO (World Health Org.) ups Swine Flu to phase-6 Pandemic. Cholera crisis worsens in Zimbabwe. Do not be alarmed, all resurrected/new bacteria/viruses from same angel’s vial.
06/13/09H1N1, Columbia first Swine Flu death; Australia confirmed cases cause WHO (World Health Organization) to raise level to 6, now considered “early stage” pandemic based on number of nations hit, speed it travels on own, and considered unstoppable due to not eradicating early. “First true pandemic in 41-years” said WHO. 74 nations total over 30,000 confirmed cases, over 130 deaths; US 50 contiguous states with confirmed cases, 27 deaths; As TSaS advised in 1991 that Desert Storm never ends, so we advise that this plague never ceases: no longer a flu season.  MX, daycare fire killed 44 kids, 36 hosp; China, “over 30” killed massive landslide; Kashmir, 20 dead Bus wreck; Air France, 238 killed in ocean crash; AZ, 10 killed in SUV crash; KN, building explodes; NC, ammonia leak collapses ConAgra Foods building, 36 injured (4 critical), 3 dead; Health Care Reform in planning phase;
06/20/09—Recall Nestlé’s Refrigerated Raw Cookie Dough, Ecoli tainted;
07/25/09—Man’s wicked invention of modern medicine; God’s Rx “herbs of field,” man’s form slowly kills, causes obesity; H1N1, over 100K US cases, 100K new cases Britain,  global deaths at 700;
08/01/09H1N1 vaccine in the works, some people sensitive to vaccines, can render temporarily very ill or paralyzed up to 8-mo followed by many months rehab; paralysis might be permanent, not all people benefit from vaccines;
08/08/09— small planes-helicopters-commercial planes-cars/train crashes overlapping w/such frequency as never seen; H1N1, reminder some people are vaccine sensitive;
08/22/09H1N1 cases increasing, Tamiflu vaccines becoming ineffective yet H1N1 vaccine not available ’til September, rapid approach annual flu season; Aircraft crashes,  bombings, auto wrecks raise death tolls in daily news;
08/29/09H1N1, WHO (World Health Org.) expects explosion of flu in US during fall flu season possible 90K deaths (annual US death tolls seasonal flu avg 30K); Plane crashes, car/suicide bombings, auto/bus wrecks, increasing death tolls in daily global news; WA skies now appear clear, but eyes burn when outside/hacking cough begins within minutes, throat scratchiness; Deadly gasses found in overwhelming volume, same affecting atmosphere, getting to world’s people, ton of contaminates in earth’s air today, not seen by naked eye but eyes feel it; Food Grade Peroxide one disease shown to cure lymph sarcoma, deadliest human cancer (1-drop in gal. water drink often as choose);
09/05/09H1N1 free vaccines begin Oct. elementary schools; US cases up to 1M since first case New York, US deaths 550, global 750 last report, +1M new US cases expected in flu season w/possible 90K deaths US; CDC reports, “suspect most Amer will not get seriously ill;” most ERs no longer testing new cases, numbers overwhelming coupled w/more familiarity H1N1 symptoms; high risk “children (urged first vaccinated), pregnant women, anyone w/pre-existing illnesses/diseases.” No global H1N1 report this week, Columbian Pres w/H1N1; Teen cries blood getting expert help. China, explosion kills 18; lead poisoning closes plants w/1000’s ill; US, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer charged w/illegal Rx mktng/fraud of off-label marketing, instructed salesmen do what must to sell products, fined $2.5B; Other Rx companies over last 10 years, such as Merck, fined $11B for same; Rx firms prevented from paying up to $1500 to each doctor attending all-expense paid Rx conferences IF doctors prescribe Rx meds to patients; Global human organ black market benefits only the rich, everyone else must wait to die, WHO estimates 1 of every 10 transplants done illegal, some done at Mt. Sinai Hosp, people desperate for $ will sell own organs at price from $2K up to $10K;
09/12/09H1N1, 30-50% US will contract (1.8 to 3M) expected US deaths 30K to 90K; Brazil “highest number H1N1 deaths in world.” Ecuador Security Chief dies H1N1; WA, University 2K w/flu, same Stillman U, Emory U, more expected; China to provide first H1N1 vaccines; Alzheimer, 26M people worldwide, gene might be cause; Africa fears diseases from flooding; Philippines, Ferry sinks, almost 1000 saved, deaths not noted; Macedonia tour boat sinks, kills 15; OK, Small plane crash kills 5; Tractor/trailer goes off bridge, kills 2; Nepal, bus crashes into river, kills 19; India, 5 school girls killed in stampede; Jamaica, British Diplomat dead; US, festival 6 injured motorized parachute crash; Indonesia, Navy plane landing kills 4; MX, helicopter crash kills 2, injures 3;
09/30/09India, police toss teen from train, teen loses legs; France, fear H1N1 forbids kissing; US, 6M people lost insurance coverage last 12 mo;
10/01/09H1N1, First vaccine shipment for US distribution on road.
10/06/09NY, boat run aground kills 3; US, 1 in 91 kids w/autism or related disorders, think due to childhood vaccines; Europe’s pilots protest flying hours; Lettuce, eggs top list ecoli risky foods;
10/08/09H1N1, over 400 schools now closed 1-day or more;
10/17/09H1N1 takes unexpected turn, death tolls low, number of cases greater than ever seen, millions just in US, no international updates; FDA warning: do not buy H1N1 vaccine online; Australia, baby in stroller fall under moving train, baby okay;
10/20/09FDA approves new HPV vaccine; H1N1, healthy OR. woman takes H1N1 nasal spray, in a few days she developed unrelated disease; H1N1 injections delayed to mid-Nov in US, less than half shipped; 1/2 of world’s population likely to get H1N1, related to 1936 flu, affecting more today than all historical flu’s; Hospitals gear up for H1N1 “worst case” scenarios but won’t have enough breathing machines; Minnesota Show pig first to test positive w/Swine Flu, does not affect pigs-for-food; Cuba, H1N1 kills 7; Tokyo hospitals’ personnel get H1N1 vaccine; Greenpeace protests genetically modified corn to be grown in MX; Detroit, 3 marathon runners die 20-min apart, men ages 26, 36, 65, 1-12-mi mark, 2-finish line, weather cool, await autopsies; Congressman’s lung collapses; India factory blaze kills 32; SW China, barn collapse kills 10; Spain, Bus crash, 1 Dutch teen killed, 19 injured;
10/27/09— 10/24 H1N1, US 1.5M cases’ numbers rising at alarming rate, more than 1K US deaths and over 20K hospitalized, Obama declares “National Emergency”— will free hospitals from mass paperwork to focus on patients, Frustration over not enough vaccines, 1-town closes all schools to 27K students, US Flu Clinics’ lines longer than vaccine available, change in “at risk” ages-2 to 24 must hv shots; Global figures H1N1 cases not given; India, train/bridge collapse in suburb; Sudan, Airline crash; Puerto Rico, Obama declares “emergency” 5 oil storage tanks explode, fires blazed 3 days, smoke seen from space affects breathing, threat acid rain, 1K evacuated, quickly vaccinated for H1N1 as “at risk,” fires extinguished Sun. eve, FBI/ATF investigate arson or accident; FLA, Madoff investor drowns w/massive heart attack in home pool, made $7M in Madoff’s scheme; Health Reform may include public option, + 60% US want it; China mine collapse, miners rescued after 8 days; NY 18-yo amnesiac identified, WA father flies to see her; US, 2yo girl denied insurance re: “too skinny” at 24-lbs, since accepted;
10/31/09H1N1 now US epidemic, among 1000+ deaths “nearly 114+ kids” w/no health issues, 19 this wk; THREE F’s: “fear, frustration, flu” too little vaccine, 49M doses due by Nov end; Obama “will get vaccines however, wherever”; H1N1 vaccine CDC says “as safe as any can be, no danger to mother/baby or of autism”; MN, 6 show pigs w/H1N1; ERs overrun w/cases; NY affirms H1N1 ST ER, after Obama’s Nat’l ER last week; CNN, Elderly squeezed/doctors refuse Medicare, Medicaid patients + many refusing elderly cases (BonnieQ just one); Health Reform, to Congress for consent, lets States opt out of Fed. Public Option (opt-out will hurt low income patients x nation); Cancer, cell phones likely link, 275M US users, 4B global, 14K tested global; Rape victim denied insurance due to preventive HIV drugs, must test HIV neg after 1yr then insurable; GA, Cessna explodes into home, no word of injuries/deaths; Other, search on for 9-missing after mid-air crash; Ecuador, copter crash, minor injuries; Indian Ocean, 2 ships collide in low visibility, 3 minor injuries;
11/02/09H1N1 vaccine to catch up w/demand in a week; CA, 2 pregnant moms w/H1N1 worry about babies; Israel begins H1N1 vaccinations; Afghan, swine flu closes schools; John Elton cancels concerts to flu; CDC reports huge outbreaks 48 US states;

Medicare 2010 booklet reveals loss of dental care (2009 allowed pulling teeth, dentures), green apple icon indicates preventive health care but not really; Health Reform, Ind Lieberman says doing nothing better than public option; Doctors healing wounds w/mnf skin; Mon— World Pneumonia Day, global- 15 kids die every 2-seconds; US patients go abroad for Western type medical care, cost 1/5 to 1/10 of US doctor/hosp chgs; Black communities— men shortest life expectancy in US, greatest number obese kids, greatest number community hosp closed, least access to health care; Michigan supply com explosions, 1-burn victim; Australia, boat sinks w/40, few saved; Radio Contest, Jennifer Strange died water intoxication, Judge ruled parent station liable, awards family $16.5M; Chicago, freight train derailed, no deaths/injrs;
11/07/09H1N1, recent tests show vaccine safe for pregnant women/babies; Side affects reported~~ sore arm/legs ache/nausea/low fever; Boyz II Men singer w/H1N1; PA, schools lose 5K flu shots; Clinics run out of vaccine w/1000s in lines; Not enough vaccine for military troops here/Middle East; TX, TSaS’ Tammy loses friend to H1N1 first treated as cold results in massive heart attack; CDC says vaccine shortage due fewer makers than expected/too optimistic about spread; Canada, handful of schools close to H1N1; World’s dominant flu virus now H1N1; Ecoli, 28-cases/2-deaths, Fairbanks Farms recall .5M lbs beef; BPA, chemical in alum cans leaches into canned foods/drinks~~ resp heart disease, aggression in kids, comprehension problems~~ stop eating/drinking from cans BPA levels in body drop fast; get foods only in glass, plastic containers or frozen; Aspirin, daily doses cause problems outweighing benefits; Byetta, FDA says diabetic med tied to kidney problems; Ian’s Law passed to prevent ins comp dropping costly patients; Cancer, excess body fat causing 100K new cases ea yr, holocaust survivors high risk; Statins, may be cause worsening heart failure; ND, 3 Dickinson Univ female softball players, 20-22yo, + small dog dead; India, 29 killed bus; US, doctors warn “turn down volumes to protect hearing,” more patients with hearing loss; Parents grieve univ son beating death by student, days later rcv $29K hosp bill despite son insured; Dr. Hess Udder Ointment, 1893, cows, wonders for babies, people, sell online; Health Reform: Bill ready for House vote, abortion/immigration threaten viability; bill website, not yet Congress/President apprvd, small part really good for small businesses, self-employed; Small business supply 60% jobs, drive economy, need Health Care Reform; Employers to pay 5 days sick leave due to H1N1 if person has no leave, applies to comp w/15 or more employees; AMA, AARP back HR bill; Survey, 54% US apprv Obama, TSaS: “Give him some latitude; Pres job in vain! No man prevents God.”
H1N1 death toll about 3900 includes 540 kids, CDC says unprecedented are 22M US contracted H1N1 last 6-mo. only 98K hospitalized, people losing confidence in H1N1 battle, second vaccine supplier FDA apprvd, 42.6M doses distributed; 90% of seasonal flu deaths over age 65, swine flu about 90% below age 65; global reports still not forthcoming; Cancer, 100-K cases ea yr linked to obesity, bodies prod more estrogen linked to cancer;
11/21/09Health Care Reform, Insurance companies spend $600M to influ debate;
11/24/09China, mine blast kills 104; India, train derail kills “at least” 29; Saudi Arabia, 4 pilgrims die H1N1; Indonesia, ferry sinks, “at least” 26 dead; Turkey floods, 4 dead; Philippines, kidnappers kill 21; Politically motivated massacre, 46 dead; Italy, plane crash kills 5; Canada, Stork Craft recalls 2.1M baby cribs to deaths; Senate debates Health bill;
11/28/09AL, mine inspection, 1 miner dead, others hosp; H1N1, linked rise in cases bacterial pneumonia, allergic reactions vaccine rising but lull new cases; China, executes 2 in tainted milk scandal;
12/01/09Russia, sabotage derails train, kills 54/dozens injrd/18 missing; Bangladesh, ferry sinks, kills dozens; Saudi, flood death toll +100; Shanghai airport, fiery crash cargo plane kills 3 US; Geneva, anti-WTO protest violent; Argentina, former beauty queen die of embolism from buttock enlargement;; LA, crash kills 5, critically injrs 10; WA, Tacoma 4 police officers killed; Seattle, Young father killed; FLA, man kills 4 family, injrs 1; TX, Houston, 20yo woman killed/parking spot; FDA OKs new seasonal flu vaccine, H1N1 may be outdone~new flu in MX (no data yet);
12/04/09H1N1, girl almost dies of swine flu despite neg test, mom saved by demand hosp (KNOW YOUR CHILDREN);
Russia, pyrotechnic show burns nightclub, 112 dead/88 injrd, death toll rising, 5 owners get criminal charges, did not correct fire hazards cited prior (last week Indonesian club; God says, “Why are you in Satan’s dens?”); TX, sm. plane crash kills 2; Slim Fast recalls 10m drinks; News giving less H1N1 reports; CA company recalls beef sold to AZ and NM; TX, oysters recall, linked to virus illnesses in Carolinas; Zhu Zhu kids’ pet toy w/toxic levels of antimony; World, greenhouse gasses pose threat to public health; Health Care debate focused on abortion;
Soy may benefit breast cancer survivors; Doctor shortages hitting towns hard; 50m window blinds recalled; Fed, arrstd 30 Medicare fraud; H1N1, CDC reports 50M cases, 200K hosp, 100K deaths, says not as bad as seasonal flu; Massive transplant effort 13 kidneys to 13 patients; Bio-engineering reports growing body parts using DNA unique to ea. part, bladders, hearts, lungs, ears, fingers, 6wks complete process, w/save wait-transplant lives; Boston, gas leak sickens students; Uganda, bans female circumcision;
12/19/09H1N1 kids’ vaccine recall, 800K low dose, Scientists major breakthru unlock cancer gene; Heart stem cell treatments widening; CA, 79yo Roy Disney dead; 90yo actress Jennifer Jones dead; Chris Henry, Bengal Tigers’ wide receiver, dies of fall; Death penalty drops x-nation;
12/22/09— Health Bill passed Senate key test vote 60/40, 2-rounds to go; H1N1, CDC expects to continue, spread; CA, 32yo actress Brittany Murphy dead, cause not released, family said “flu-like symptoms”; WA, Xmas Boat Parade collision kills 1-boy, 5 injrd; Nigeria, 55-dead, 38-injr truck wreck; India, stampede kills 8; Iran, dissident 87yo Senior Cleric dead;
12/26/09H1N1, Medimmune recalls 36M H1N1 vaccine doses; Dog diagnosed with flu, caught from owner, both doing well; Seattle woman dies of measles, not expct’d to be nat’l problem; Medical advances change science fiction to facts; NC, Car/train crash kills mom/son; CA, commuter train collides w/2 cars; Jamaica, Airline runs off runway, plane short of sea, broke into 3 parts, 40 injr, miracle no deaths; CA, 79yo actress Connie Hines dead; 70yo famed sportscaster Geo. Michael dead; FBI, Michael Jackson files now online; FED, Senate passes 60-39 final $871B Health Bill Thurs AM, now to merge House/Senate bills into one for Congress vote yea or nay, Bill not to be in effect until 2014; Indonesia, bldg collapse kills 2; Scotland, Airline skids on ice off runway, 0 injr; Peru, Bus wreck kills at least 40; India, bridge collapse kills at least 6;

12/29/09 H1N1, WHO reprts 12K dead worldwide, US hardest hit; FED, Obama, “Health Care Reform battle almost over”; India, bridge under const collapses (2 in 2 days) kills at least 45, unknow cause; US, Tylenol recalls 100ct bottles Arthritic caplets, cause stomach pain, nausea, bad smell; Thurs 12/31 last day to choose Medicare Plan D Rx provider for 2010; “Avenged Sevenfold” drummer James Sullivan dead; Turkey, bldg accident, 1 dead; OK, firm recalls beef 6 States; WA, Seattle, Recent shot officer died 12/28, total loss 7-policeman Nov-Dec; 14yo hit/killed on Xmas skateboard; King5 News study-121 kids dead frm abuse/neglect under CPS watch since 2002, CPS denies/says # 105 (1 is too many); Tacoma, family-8 homeless, fire destroyed home, 1-boy minor burns; Montesano, House fire kills 48yo man, 2 dogs; Arlington, car crash kills 19yo, 2 critical injr, 2 serious; Apt. fire kills 66yo woman, cig in bed; Gig Harbor, 20 car pile up on icy hwy, 40 injr; Patrol car slides on ice, officer injr; OR, wind knocks tree into car, driver killed; FLA, Paraglider crashes into sea kills husband, wife saved; Miss, fire kills 9, 6 were kids; Mid-West storms keep ERs busy; Africa, 12/29 Zimbabwe,  measles 22 dead; Peru, traffic accdnt kills at least 37;
12/31/09NH, anthrax back again, woman critical, investigating (BQ warned of anthrax on 9/11/01 before 1st case followed); H1N1, CDC says not as contagious as first thought, odds 1-8 kid gives to parents, etc; US, Report indicates hand/other disinfectants cause of antibiotic resistant “superbugs”; Highest rate of Aids patients per capita in world; FDA investigates 10-day delay in adv public of Tylenol Arthritic 100ct caplets recall of 6M bottles, notice appeared first at Tylenol website, chem. infiltrated empty bottles; Africa, HIV vaccine no longer effective;

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Extra Oil 2009 Recap 46: Nature In the News + Current News

Prophecy’s Extra Oil 2009 Recap 46: Nature In the News
copyright 2009 Bonita M Quesinberry

News 01/02 to 10/05/10: 2009 Nature Recap will follow 2010 news. Extra Oils readers 1200 more at Authors Den in last week, now over 3000 + 5 other websites + private email list and incalculable number shared globally! Welcome new member June! More seeking God’s Truth, coming out of mother and daughters; the same who spoke about ‘betrayers’ and ‘disobedient’ and ‘abandonment’ during Sunday’s TBN and DayStar broadcasts included below:

Mother/Daughters: 2010
CNN, Pastor Rick Warren tells congregation/TV audience he needs $900K to cover church “short fall” or will have to shut down, raises $2.4M; no cause of “short fall”:

FLA Radio, Tammy reports— 1. News, Military Chaplains not allowed to pray in name of Jesus, Obama seeks bill to include Christ’s name in prayer;

2. Vatican statement, “We really do not need the Bible because we have the Pope.”

3. Radio, Moody Institute ‘Open Forum’ w/Dr. Harold Camping, doctorate in theology, said, “The rapture will occur on 21 Oct 2011 but the judgment occurs on 21 May 2011. Also, Jesus changed the Sabbath to Sunday during His last Passover meal with the Apostles, so God’s Sabbath has nothing to do with anything.” A caller pro-argued the importance of God’s true Sabbath based on indepth scripture study, also pointed out that the two dates Camping cited fall on God’s Sabbath and added Daniel’s prophecy as totally fulfilled. Camping vehemently argued against the caller’s comments, further declaring, “How dare you legalists say the last week (7yrs) of Daniel’s 490yr prophecy has been fulfilled! Tribulation has not started yet!” Camping, with a doctorate in theology, went on to say, “I do not see how anyone can understand Matthew c.1.”

——TSaS: 1. News, We reported the omission of Christ’s name during the Chaplain’s prayer at Ft. Hood’s televised memorial;

2. Vatican, Recall that Papal Rome, eons ago, designated the Pope as “Jesus incarnate.” ‘Incarnate’ means to give a flesh body, not a re-incarnation, like God gave Christ a flesh body, thus every Pope before and since was/is the flesh body of Christ; therefore, the Pope IS Christ. The death of each Pope symbolizes Jesus dying again and again as well as being resurrected again and again; though Rome declared that Jesus never rose from the grave: direct contradiction to verse stating Jesus died once and will not die again for the world’s sins. The Vatican pushes this belief today more than ever in an attempt to bring people into or back to what they declare “the true and only church of Christ.” The same message, slightly altered, is going out among her harlot daughters.

3. Radio, Dr Camping. “Jesus changed the Sabbath day at the last Passover?” Not only do the Gospels dispute this but also Hebrews c.4 belies Camping’s claim: nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus changed the Holy Day to Sunday; to the contrary per Hebrews c.4.

——Tribulation is not yet? It is a fact that, first, Daniel’s 490yr prophecy was fulfilled completely; and, second, the tribulation began in 1991. It is astounding how far the mother and daughters will go in their attempt to justify Sunday in people’s minds as well as make a wild claim contrary to God’s protocol that one of God’s prophecies was fulfilled only in part, knowing people will not check God’s Word for selves.

——Nowhere in the Bible does it say Tribulation occurs in the last 7yrs of Daniel’s prophecy: it would have put tribulation during Christ’s ministry followed by Stephen’s stoning death. Such a claim is to imply that Jesus never came in the flesh the first time. Papal Rome made the Sabbath change— at least insofar as first a civil law, later an ecclesiastic law; the change actually began during the Apostles’ time by the spies who left the Apostles. Rome is very vocal about changes she effected into law; after all, the Pope is Christ and has the “divine right” to change, exchange, delete anything he so desires.

——Camping is painting himself as a Prophet of God: having a doctorate in theology does not a prophet make. God chooses His prophets from among the untutored-by-man. However, not even God’s Prophets know the day or hour, neither the angels in heaven or Jesus: only the Father. The only thing God’s Prophets can give the sheep is a ‘final Jewish Harvest’ timeframe, during which to watch the clouds, between mid-Oct to mid-Nov and “no later than 2011,” the latter given by the Spirit, and God’s Prophets can describe the day as it will appear— it is described in the Bible— but they cannot give a specific day and hour of Christ coming in the clouds.

——21 May 2011 as ‘the day’ for man’s judgment is gross error, such trial having taken place during Philadelphia between A.D. 1844 to Feb. 1991; the age of teaching the Truth one more time and trial judgment and sealing a righteous people— 147 years instead of Camping’s ludicrous one day. Laodicea is the age of tribulation during which Christ will cut it short for the Elect’s sake by His arrival in the clouds.

——’The Rapture’ as man describes it: no such event will happen. Man says the wicked left behind are left alive, Jesus to return again after 7 years, ‘their’ tribulation time, then spend 1000 years teaching the wicked. God says they are left dead from one end of earth to the other end for 1000 years: until the “second resurrection.” It is written.

——The caller pointed out that both 21 May and 21 Oct 2011 either begin at or fall on God’s Sabbath; sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. God’s Sabbath is observed in heaven and earth forever; always has been and always will be. There is no way God will have Jesus labor at harvest on His and His Father’s Holy Day, Holy Memorial— EVER! He cautioned even us to not “flee on the Sabbath day” when danger comes calling.

——”I do not see how anyone can understand Matthew c.1.” Camping has a doctorate in theology? Doctrine Keepers have no such problem: it sets out Christ’s lineage from Abraham to His birth, a period of 4200 years determined by the Old Testament in adding Abraham’s age at the birth of Isaac to Isaac’s age at the birth of his son, and so forth up the line, brings us to the year of Jesus’ birth; which we then are given the Hebrew month in which Mary conceived, allowing for a normal gestation period, as the Bible indicates, then we have the month in which Christ was born— about mid- to late October. As with prophecies alluding to dates, they must be determined by the ancient Hebrew calendar, which TSaS used. Similar to the hour and day of Christ’s return, the day and hour of His birth is not given. Just because the wise men followed a bright star, night as it were, does not lend to either a light or dark time of birth. Beware, Doctrine Keepers: the lies and blame, veiled and unveiled, continue in 2010 at TBN and DayStar.

TBN, DayStar 01/04/10 Sun, TSaS viewing— same as calling Doctrine Keepers ‘heretics;’ as previously said, mother/daughters are returning to violent Dark Ages: 

——1. Dr. Ed Hindson about “Starting Over” first hawks his “The King is Coming” study Bible for a $125 donation or more. The thrust of his message was to not leave your church denomination, despite internal problems. “Everyone who leaves and is not in church on Sunday is disobedient and a betrayer.” Hindson quoted the few who leave, “There is something wrong here.” Hindson said they then went out and started their own churches. “God is a God of second chances! Give us a second chance.”

——2. Bayless Conley, also with a doctorate in theology, delivers almost same message from the Cottonwood Christian Center: “Do not leave the church because times are bad. We need each other during these difficult days to comfort and aid one another. This is our hour of need, we’ve been “abandoned and betrayed” by those who leave the church. Let’s start fresh, go out, bring in new people. Draw close to your church people on Sunday—Sunday—Sunday! We are being accused of “things not right here.” We must endure, start fresh, obey our Lord; no matter what, be here on Sundays. We can’t quit! Go, minister, bring more new people in!”

——3. Hal Lindsey, showed video of State Senator speaking to House Speaker about “Obama told Middle East that the US is not a Judaeo Christian Nation!” He went on to cite various US Presidents’ statements of the government being Christian, founded upon Christian foundations, along with Constitution documents declaring “Sunday is the Sabbath of the United States, indeed the whole world.” Another of Lindsey’s veiled slams against Obama as the “World Dictator.” He also brought up the “7yr tribulation,” adding that in the “midst of it” Jesus will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, then sit on its throne when he returns at the end of the 7 years.

——TSaS: 1-2. Doctrine Keepers are “abandoning, betraying and disobedient” to the Great Whore and her harlot daughters. Praise the Lord! Yet, it is odd, would you not agree, that for almost 300 years the global daughters have unanimously taught that “the day does not matter,” that any day is fine as long as people set aside one day out of each week for the Lord; yet, today Sunday now matters, matters greatly. Both Hindson and Conley made veiled reference to Paul’s statement about the spies who came in among the Apostles then left to begin their own churches. Also, veiled reference was made to Judas the Betrayer. The Great Whore and her harlot daughters are the spies, the betrayers.

——Praise the Lord on the one hand: we are recognized as God’s “peculiar people” obedient to Him and Christ only, living by only the “divine translation” of God’s AKJV Bible, the only one to have fulfilled Revelation’s “preach truth one more time, lest it be lost forever.” On the other hand, their accusations against Doctrine Keepers are a very sad, disheartening testimony to the one they serve and willingly follow down his path to utter destruction. “Satan slays his own.” Like a drowning man, Satan will not die alone for his great sins against God and Christ: “Be here on Sundays! Go out, minister, bring new people!” Oh, dear Father, dear Jesus, would that people could hear and obey God.

——3. Hal Lindsey and the Senator misquoted Obama; rather, they omitted Obama’s full statement: “The US is not a Judaeo Christian Nation. It is a nation made up of all the world’s religions, including Muslim. I am a Christian but I also have Muslim family members.” Obama was not talking about our Government, rather the US people. It is a fact our government was not founded on Judaeo Christian tenets: federal documents vow allegiance to Rome’s Great Whore. The US is Revelation’s second beast that rose up from the wilderness— denotes young— to support the first beast, Papal Rome. The Senator quoted a document by omission: “Sunday is the US Sabbath, indeed for the whole world. We will adjust it as work requires and make no provision for Saturday.”

——So much news came in on the mother/daughters that we have chosen to include the rest in the Sabbath Extra Oil 2009 Recap on Health. Now for the rest of the news in the remaining 5 categories:


Nature: US, entire nation in record deep freeze, FLA orchards at risk w/20-deg temps, another Arctic blast on its way, temps across nation to be about 20 to 30-deg below normal; China, Beijing worst snow storm in over 40yrs; Lava tube on Moon might be suitable for colony by 2025, water found on Moon; Brazil flood death toll to 99; OR, dead Baby Sperm Whale washes ashore; Swiss Alps, avalanche kills 4; So. Pacific, 01/03 M5.5, M4.9 quakes; Tajikistan, quake M5.3, 20K homeless, no deaths rptd; Solomon Isl, 01/03 M6.5 followed by M7.2 quakes, 01/04 hit again, 01/05 hit again; World, last 7 days 193 quakes M3.4 to M7.2, does not include 1000s of lesser magnitude quakes; CA, 1906 San Francisco quake survivor dies at 107yo;

Health: Olympics hopeful Kevin Pearce critical head injry; Maryland, Amtrak train kills girl; Chicago, comm. Lear Jet crashes/breaks up in river near Executive Airport; NY, Alfred, students plead w/drunk bus driver to stop; N.Turkey, trains collide, at least 1 dead; MX, 70mi east Tijuana, bus crash kills 14, 21 injrd; Bahamas, woman jumped from Cruise ship still missing;

Economy: US, Fed Resrv Chairman Bernanke “Mortgage interest rates must go up to prevent another financial bubble (collapse);” Banks brace for next foreclosure wave; 50%/6M Amer. 1 in 50 survive on food stamps only; Meals on Wheels orgs now have waiting lists for meals, need donations, volunteers, drivers; Analysts expt home values w/drop even more 2010; Global sex trade of young girls escalating as economy worsens, NY has strongest sex trafficking laws but not will to enforce; Workers satisfaction at all time low; TX, 2K barrels oil tank fires, finally put out; AZ Public Defender says “need to begin road to decriminalizing drugs; Dubai, debt hard hit but opens world’s tallest bldg tower;

Lawless: GA, New Year’s Eve (NYE) gunfire to sky kills man in his bed; FLA, NYE shot kills 6yo boy; NJ, NYE shot kills boy, “guns shot into air have to come down somewhere,” said CNN reporter; OR, Portland, woman stabs boyfriend’s young daughter, critical w/survive; WA, Tacoma arson/murder, woman dead of gunshots, husband badly burned; NV, Las Vegas, Fed Court security officer shot dead by suspect, Deputy wounded killed suspect; US, threats against US judges, attorneys escalating;

Wars: CA, airport shut down, hazardous substance found; MX, CA school board man kidnapped/killed w/6 others by Drug Cartel; Yemen, Brit, French, US Embassies closed at attack threat, no reopen date; Somali, Islamists start deadly fight; Pakistan, Volleyball deaths to 99; US drone attack kills teacher, 9yo son; Iran, Dakar protestor dies after police car ran over; Denies Sen. Kerry to visit; Nigeria, religious leader tells reporter, “Nigeria’s problems are due to US, because US has an interest in our oil.”

Comments on Extra Oil 2009 Recap 45Mother/Daughters

——Sister Debby: It tires me just to read all that you wrote here [about the mother/daughters in 2009]. I cannot imagine the physical and mental toll it takes on you. It boggles my mind and makes my heart bleed listening to what comes out of the mouths and hearts of men and women who profess that they are speaking the Word of God. Where in the Bible does it say it is ok to break every commandment God wrote? Where does it say that the God of yesterday is not the God of today? Even today, the penalty for sin is death unless you have taken Christ as your Savior. He washes our [past] sins away, otherwise we would be dead too. Time is so short but I do not see many removing the veils they placed in order not to see the truth. We as men and women must choose who we belong to. We are HIS bride and soon, we will walk across HIS threshold and be home. I love you, Debby

—— Brother Jerry Melisaratos: Wow! That was a lot of work. I love reading these. Keep up the good fight, Sister Bonnie.

06/06/09— Scientist said, “Earth is critically close to utter extinction; for the first time due to its largest species: mankind.” Now, for the 2009 Recap of Nature In the News


Nature: Signs and Plagues of 2009


04/18/09— (Sample plague-7)= Canada’s Mt. Redoubt shakes up Mt. St. Helen, Mt. Hood, Mt. Rainier, when erupted at force of 1980’s Mt. St. Helens. Global volcanoes randomly hit w/1000s quakes per day. Italy, massive quake devastates, kills 300. (Plagues 2-3)= Scientist described earth’s water pollution so bad, “It’s as though earth’s water ways have ‘turned to the blood of all marine life dying in huge numbers.” (Plague-4) Scientists say earth’s temp hotter than ever.
05/16/09— Microburst, upside down tornado, destroyed TX Cowboys’ practice arena.
05/30/09— Yellow Stone volcano hit w/swarm 1000 quakes, rare if ever; 7.1 quake set off tsunami alarms Honduras coast, many homes collapsed: death toll not reported; past week, another earthquake CA/WA; new fault line from Seattle x Cascades to Yakima; tropical storm off FLA coast out to sea. Hurricane, tornado sites unpredictable; recall 2008 more than 1000 tornadoes 1 day, 5 States; never before tornado CO mountains; add recent TX “micro-burst” to witness “such as never seen before.”
06/16/09Globe, growing hole in earth’s ozone “scorches men;” oceans acid content increased 30%; + red tides, deadly organisms, + man’s ocean-dumped waste reaps huge number of whales, several pods, washed ashore, all died; TX, Cleburne residents awoke to thunder, actually M3.0 quake; Storm-chaser filmed strange tornado behaviour (location N/A): funnel suddenly separated from mother tornado, its top pivoted like a head tipped slightly downward as if intending to turn its body to move toward cameraman 2mi away, inside-funnel view, described eerie, “It looked like a huge monster’s mouth intending to devour me.” FLA, S. Beach unheard of 9-in rain massive flooding in city never flooded, inadequate drains, no fatalities or injuries, damages huge; GA, rain 25 straight days; TX, DFW severe storms dump 8-10-in rain in 24hrs, tremendous flooding w/wind gusts to 70mph, more rain due, tornados sighted: numerous flights cancelled. MT/ND, freezing temps from Canada meet 90-deg dump 1 to 2-in snow “This is June,” exclaimed stunned meteorologist; US, hot/cold air meet, violent storms, hail, tornados various States to east coast; Line of severe storms across entire nation; WA, temps 15 to 20-deg over season normal, lasting longer than usual, 5 days, near end week temps dropped below normal at 60+/-; Wed, one town hit w/1000 lightning strikes in just over 1hr (rare in WA, OR, CA); Earthquakes, report says out of control, i.e. China last yr killed over 5K students, total over 80K, fact we did not hear total confirms news censor, also said M9.7 Indian Ocean deadly tsunami report was over 125K dead, actual over 275K;
06/20/09—Severe storm sys over parts Canada, all US, parts Mexico hurricane winds to 100mph unusually far inland, up to F5 tornados 1/2-mile wide, massive flooding;
06/27/09—Scientists say global warming far worse than first thought, i.e. 700 glaciers in Andes dramatically smaller, at rate of melt will disappear by 2015; north, south poles’ glaciers not recovering each winter, more and more soil revealed— investors moving in for untapped riches in ores, gold, oil, natural gas, before inaccessible;
07/25/09— Man’s wicked inventions; cars, aircraft, rockets, trains, motorized boats/ships, computers, electricity, phones include cell, microwaves, televisions, man’s medicine, contaminated air, damaged earth’s ozone, dangerous UV sunrays in atmosphere “scorch mankind, kill fields,” deadly fires, unemployment, crashes, human/animal deaths; quakes, volcanoes continuously active: earth in turmoil, greater throes of death as Christ nears;
08/01/09TX, Austin, severe drought, largest lakes evaporated, marina/boats on dry land, never seen before, sm islands appeared, cattle ranchers lose grazing lands, kill cattle cannot afford to feed, will see also at horse ranches/stables, unusually high temps plaguing area/entire nation, broke all records in US history: i.e. WA, Seattle 1-deg hotter than Death Valley on same day last week; Huge cases animal abuse at puppy/cat/ferret mills, by hundreds pets for profit; deliberate poisoning of more than 20 horses; unseasonable plant/tree growth/dormant patterns, strange weather patterns killing people, animals; all water sources dangerously contaminated or dried up, animals die of both dehydration/starvation; Recall 2004 TSaS Warning, earth knocked off axis 1-min by Indian Ocean quake, warned would affect weather-quakes-volcanoes; quakes, volcanoes continuously more active, flooding claims many lives, unusual storms emitting dangerous lightning, tornadoes, hurricane frequency on rise;
08/08/09—Yahoo question, “For 2000 years Christians saying we live in last days ever since Jesus was here. Is world coming to an end or will listen to this for 2000 more years?” TSaS said “I would be amazed if we had two more years.” Earth has lived over 66.6% of intended 6-K yrs, on downward slide w/less than third life left, ailing, first 6 eras aka “last days,” last church age aka “end of days” shortest of prior 6 church ages, Sardis shortest of first 6 eras at 46yrs, 18 years into 7th/final age Laodicea;
08/15/09— Earthquake Indian Ocean no magnitude given, tsunami alarms activated;
08/22/09WA, Shelton, Dogwood tree blooming today, “trees are confused,” prophecy sign/plague also “cattle are confused” by lack of water/food, Mad Cow Disease; Storms coastline, dangerous waves could destroy protective sandbars; Season fires early, all time high w/Ms acres destroyed (add to millions incinerated past few years); Global quakes, volcanoes increase activity as Jesus draws nearer; Black Blizzards, Global drought equal 1930’s Mega Drought (unabated 10yrs) beginning, due Great Plains of West, Mid- South- W. States, Mega Droughts already in Asian theatre + lrg myriad areas Africa resemble US Black Blizzards but more powerful, moving across Pacific Ocean to US shores, W. WA St skies dusty past week, people w/hacking cough flu-like symptoms, Scientists say US about to have new Mega Drought, strange climate anomalies today immensely different, more deadly, include UV rays penetrating ozone, not present 1929~ combined w/cause this Drought to continue for over 100 years, 1 or 2yrs w/enhance global famine;
08/29/09— More fires worldwide (Greece, CA, WA, more) millions US acres destroyed (add to millions lost past few years) SIGN: 1/3 earth burned, we are there; Oil leaks from ocean rig off Australian coast, large spill; Global earthquakes, volcanoes increasing activity, still no updates on last week’s Indian Ocean event— “Strange Days” scientists say “fastest global climate changes in earth’s history,” Africa’s grassland animal preserves “eerily devoid of life: strange losses of 50% Hippopotamus, 70% elephants, 80% lions, huge numbers leopards/wild dogs, large numbers Baboons hunting at night marauding farming fields for food, fields stripped leaving nothing for farmer/family. African farmers resort to keeping children out of school to guard fields/run off Baboons. Many animals now in danger of extinction. Investigation moved coastal, 90% fishing communities had disappeared, loss of fish: fishermen became hunters to feed families. Namibia’s shores, 1000-sq.mi of coastal Indian Ocean waters, noticed periodic nauseating odor “rotten eggs,” each time sea changed from blue to dirty yellow, rapidly followed by 1B dead fish washing ashore, annual number 100B dead fish ea. year “for number of years now.” God says since 1991. Also, thieves took over 25% fishermen’s mkts plus over-fishing is why 90% fishing villages disappeared. Investigation moved deeper Indian Ocean showed no volcano, did find large phytoplankton decompositions resulting in huge volumes of hydrogen sulfite gasses mixing w/silent, unseen eruptions methane gasses from seabed, ” largest eruptions of deadly gasses ever detected, so much they contribute to expanding ozone damage/increasing global warming.” Seabed sediments reveal largest deadly bacteria ever seen on earth. High acid levels mixed w/gasses + bacteria rapidly poisoning all marine life. These findings in Africa/its oceans, collectively affect earth’s bird popu. that feeds on fish, huge numbers dead on shores w/living flocks decreasing daily. Large pods whales, porpoise, sea lions beaching selves to die or washing ashore dead. Equally devastating is remedies available not cost effective; fisheries unwilling or do not have resources. Even if could afford, Scientists realize it is “too little, too late.”— WA, Global, bears-mountain lions coming into cities for food: unheard of behaviour confirms cannot support life; Earth’s oceans, seas like “the blood of a dead man” so have all other water sources/reserves; land animals confused by lack of food/water due to less rainfalls; “There will be silence in heaven/quiet on earth 7.5 days”~~             month ago BonnieQ heard strange anomaly outdoors, eerie quiet rarely punctured by solitary dog bark or crow squawk. Neighbors commented “too quiet,” friends reported same Texas, other parts of US, global. Air void of early AM songbirds, sky absent of flight; rare occasion a bird heard in distance or one seen in sky or even a squirrel scampering across lawn. Silence not total yet, but quiet becoming noticeable: Father about to instruct Christ to harvest. Animals sense catastrophic events before humans; particularly noticed prior to Indian Ocean tsunami: huge numbers wild animals headed for high ground before quake touched rictor scale. Listen carefully;
09/05/09WA, starving cougar killed in Manson; bears/cubs, bobcats still coming into major cities like Seattle seeking food; Earth’s wildlife starving all over world, if not killed; marine life dying even faster in polluted seas/oceans. All earth’s creatures breath most contaminated air in earth’s history: smoke, fine sand particles, poisonous gasses; MT, wolf hunting again legal, controversial still too close to extinction; NASA monitoring space junk after station nearly hit by piece size 7 football fields: could endanger earth; Kenya heartland drought/deaths Black Blizzards; CA in 100% drought 5 major unpredictable fires (LA Station north of Los Angeles), caused by arson culprit will be charged w/homicide 2-firefighters, Governor declares several counties disaster, LA Station fire “largest worst in CA history,” oddity—no Santa Anna winds, would have been easier because push flames in one direction; without winds + dangerously low humidity triple-digit temps LA fire 2000 degrees F. creates own winds every direction; CA Film crew caught never-before seen tornado-of-fire whipping across mountain ridge (norm: tornados form as hot air mixes with cold air, never occur in mountains, no such mix here; as odd as tornado in Denver, CO). Over 35K acres burnt, Fri over 147K acres charred in 226-sq.mi. zone, LA fire encroaching dozens homes dozens others destroyed, some commercial bldgs, historic Mt. Wilson Observatory at risk/numerous TV towers, LA fire near 50% contained, evacuations continue. Some areas LA inferno not had fire in over 60 years, Sunday: no reports on 4 other CA fires; NV, UT, ID critical fire warnings by heat index/drought; Mon: WA, OR, AZ, CO report fires; LA smoke clouds Denver 800mi away, darkens sun/blood red moon; Greece, huge fires + other countries. Australia, oil leaks from ocean rig off coast officials alarmed by size, adds to increasing oceanic acid levels + deadly levels hydrogen sulfite/methane gases erupting from/into ocean/earth’s atmosphere; BP drilling “giant” oil well somewhere; Iraq, Turkey, Syria discuss water issues, effects of M/E drought; US, more water services tell customers boil water;  India, noted quakes on Mon; Indonesia, Wed-7.2, massive landslides varied areas, one village buried 57 dead, dozens feared buried alive, 300 injured, Fri heavy equipment moving their way, followed last week’s quake in Indian Ocean that set off tsunami alarms; CA, Baja Peninsula Hurricane Jimena began as c.4, 150mph winds, hit downgraded to c.2,100mph winds, unpredictably moved toward Pacific Ocean instead of inland, expected down to tropical depression; US, east coast Erica tropical storm brewing in Atlantic; Taiwan floods wipe out villages killing all residents, many by mudslides;
09/12/09WA, cougar Seattle’s Discovery Pk returned to wild; car kills starving cougar; several horses killed by pit bulls; W.WA tornados all over, heavy rain, lightning, hail, more expected; CA, 100% drought: LA St. Fire 56% contained, “largest/worst in history,” over 157K acres/250-sq.mi; 78 homes lost; No reports on 4 other fires; Oakland Bay Bridge cracked; LA street sink hole swallows fire truck; US, School coach tried in football player heat death; US infrastructure crumbling~bridges, roads, dams, levies critical stage; S.FLA, Tropical storms flood; East Coast, Hurricane Fred could deliver 3.8 to 5.5″ rapid rain; West Africa flood, heavy rains tropical storm Fred, affects 600K, displaces 350K; Chili flooding kills 2, 1 missing; Turkey, flood kills dozens, more flooding expected; Brazil floods kill 7; TX, agriculture/cattle ranchers hurt by drought, sudden flooding; Nicaragua, volcano erupts, now quiet; Indonesia quake kills 56, 32 missing, Mon quakes again, Tues major quake; Taiwan Premier resigns recent typhoon deaths/damage; Argentina tornado kills 10; India building collapse kills 3; Istanbul fatal floods;
09/19/09— TSaS presented God’s response to Mayan predicted end of 21 Dec 2012;
09/26/09— TSaS presented “Pure Organic Logic,” Abomination of Desolation fulfilled;
09/30/09OR, fires smoke WA skies breathing difficulties people urged stay indoors; CA, fires still raging. Kazakhstan, fires kill 38; One day: 09/29AM, 8.0 quake 3-15-foot tsunami to Pacific Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Apia Islands, death toll 111 rising many people buried in sand/under bldgs/homes rubble, many missing; PM,  Indonesia 7.6 quake Sumatra Isl of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, huge damage +200 dead, 1000s missing/trapped collapsed buildings/homes; Typhoon Ketsana across SE Asia, Vietnam +23 dead, after leaving Philippines + 280 dead/missing over weekend. 2-new storms in Pacific east of Philippines threaten to hamper rescue/cleanup ops, danger to Manila, surrounding areas; Yellowstone Nat’l Pk rocked by quake swarms; hit by 100 up M3.6, quakes daily. Various global volcanoes more active; 7-Pestilences God’s number— 1. Billions flies swarming Africa coast, sky darkened, death if faces not covered— 2. Africa rain forest crabs/billions turn roads/landscapes red— 3. Box Jelly Fish of No. Australia, Indo-Pacific Ocean, some Hawaii— billions mate in shallow waters, tentacles excrete deadly poison anything brushes against— 4. TX mosquitoes billions swarm, kill cattle great losses to ranchers— 5. Australia prolific small mice w/long pointed nose, overrun by billions, billions more to come, birth babies at 6-wks old, babies ravenous, wipe out entire crops, carry variety deadly diseases— 6. CA, yellow jacket bees deadly swarm if someone near nests or disturb ground nests, death if help not immediate— 7. Africa locusts swarm billions, enough to cover 1/5 earth’s landmass, typically swarm every 15yrs but things worsening, US due locust swarms, will be like Africa~ darken skies, strip crop fields;
10/01/09—Second quake Samoan Islands, new Typhoon Parma to Philippines; death toll: Nam’s Typhoon Ketsana, Samoa quake/tsunamis, Indonesia‘s 2 quakes— 1100 dead, could be 1000s collectively in Vietnam, Samoan Islands, Sumatra (Indonesia); Yellowstone: “Scientists monitor biggest swarm of earthquakes in more than 20 years.” Since Dec 2008, more than 500 quakes as large as 3.9 = 400 in 1wk, 22 in 1-day (28 Apr) 2009. Recent report 100 quakes in single day.
10/06/09CA, “Sheep Fire” burns 12sq.mi, over 4500 acres, fire grows as 45mph winds push flames down San Bernardino hills, 100s evacuated, homes destroyed, no injuries or deaths; Recent “LA Station” fire ate almost 280 square miles, 2 firefighters died; Colombia, Galeras volcano erupts 9:14am Wed/09-30; So India, floods kill +270, over 1M homeless; Indonesia, 2-quakes summit Sumbing Volcano, flattened 4 villages with landslides, 608 known dead, 1000 missing in one, at least 4000 buried in rubble of others, heavy rains impede rescue/recovery; Philippines, 24-hrs Thurs/Fri, 35-quakes at Mayon volcano, near residents warned of lahars; W. Samoa/US Samoa tsunami death toll +170 rising; 4 Pacific tropical storms Tues/09-29—Philippines evacuate Typhoon Parma slams coastline, 15 known dead, Manila spared, 3rd Typhoon Melor moving in; Italy, 9-in rain in 3hrs, Sicily mudslide kills 21, dozens missing; CA, Prior report Gulf hit by swarm M6-quakes; Sat AM 10-03 struck by 250 quake swarms M0.8 to M4.8 centered Salton Sea area; Sun. 10/04: Cleveland Volcano, Alaska, brief eruption at just before midnight on 02 Friday, small ash cloud dispersed over Bering Sea (no seismic monitoring at this site); Already quake damaged Padang, Indonesia hit by 5.5 quake Sat., 3 in five days; Mon. 10/05: TX, San Antonio record rains; WA, unheard of Dust storm at Ritzville, east WA rips across Hwy I-90, 50mph winds, visibility +/- 3-feet, cars/trucks wrecked, 11 injured; Super Typhoon Melor cat.5, nears Philippines, could veer to Tokyo;
10/08/09Cape Cod, unheard-of- shark swarm near shores; World, Wed. countless overlapping quakes M.4 to M4.6 on/near every continent, including nearly all states W of ctrl US + TX + 3 quakes near Santa Cruz Is, Solomon Is, felt in Hawaii 5hrs away: M7.8 at 9:03am, M7.7 at 9:18am, M7.1 at 10:13am, followed by M5.7 aftershock at 10:38am, no damage or injuries, tsunami alert lifted when highest wave just 6-in; 2hrs later M6.7 quake hit near Philippines; Super Typhoon Melor, almost cat.5, veered from Philippines to strike Japan’s coast w/90mph winds, 35-ft waves, widespread flooding damage, 2 dead, dozens injured, headed for Mariana Islands, Saipan. 5 of 8 Typhoons made landfall Asia, 2 Super: Choi-wan, Melor. Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan Aug, killing over 600, then struck by Typhoon Etau, which caused floods, landslides, killed 12. Ketsana hit Viet Nam before Philippines; India, 1.5M homeless to floods; US, Prolific pig weed resistant to pesticides killing millions of acres of cotton, soy beans, other crops in cntrl, south US heartland, weed so strong damages harvest equip, grows 3-in day, new pesticide not till 2015-16; Marine Camp LeJuene, 40yrs toxic water may be cause of male breast cancer among 40 marines/sons, VA benefits denied, still no cleanup;
10/12/09Philippines floods, landslides, death toll +200 rising; US, heavy rains flood mid-east/east states; CO, heavy snow early winter Denver; Earthquakes— global, US,  226 along Ring of Fire last 6 days, from M2.5 to M5.4; Volcanoes— continuing activity last 6 days, following sites: Southern Chile, Chuginadak Island, Columbia, Banks Island, Eastern/Central Kamchatka (2 Russia), Kyushu, Montserrat, Indonesia, Halmahera, Hawaii, 2 New Britain, Mexico, 2 Ecuador, Japan; TSaS presented Isaac Newton predicted Armageddon pre-2060 (not);
10/17/09Massive solar eruptions Sept, satellite filmed, affects weather, electronics; CA storm heavy, 8-10″ in burned Santa Cruz hills, 2.56″ to 6.14″ in cities, car wrecks, no mudslides, flood warnings as storm moves; CO, NJ, WA Early Snows; Philippines, Cat. 4 Typhoon headed for; Indonesia, M6.1 quake in Java, widespread damage, more than 6 last 2mo; MX, cat. 3-4 Hurricane Rick aimed Pacific coast, curve to CA Baja Peninsula; Will be first to grow genetically engineered corn; WA, Shelton rhododendron bursts w/white bloom from bud forming for next Spring; Artic ice to vanish over next 10 summers;
10/20/09Africa, east warned flooding drought areas; TX, significant flooding; Heavy rains due in southwest; Temps to rise significantly southwest/east; Hurricane Rick, cat. 3 winds 105-140 mph, skims Cabo San Lucas, kills 38yo man, may hit Baja’s tip Tues/Wed; Typhoon Lupit, cat. 4 winds 135mph to hit Philippines Wed & maybe Viet Nam, both suffering from last 2 storms; Grim warnings of climate change & water; PA,  Early snow; US Nor’easter at east coast, high winds, tides 2-ft above norm, might cause more early snow; Early cold in south and northeast; NASA’s impact to moon creates 60-ft crater, mile high debris plumb, study begins for water & ice; Global warming taking huge toll on Antarctica ice caps;
10/27/09Indonesia, Sat. M7.0 quake hits near, second in 2 days, global “ring of fire” in constant shifts of tectonic plates; Puerto Rico, Heavy rains hit in midst of oil fires; US weather summer to early winter, where is fall; WISCONSIN early snow; storm ‘warning’ Pacific Northwest severe weather, high winds, snow levels down 2500-ft, winds affect OR, CA; TX, AR get flooding rains; Latvia, meteorite-like object hits area; NC/TN,  border, I-40 blocked by massive rock slide from flooding rains; Animals rebel against abuse: ice skating bear kills circus administrator, injures trainer;
10/31/09Early SnowsWA, to 18-in Cascade passes, lowlands thunder/ lightning storms, hail, flood watch, need studded tires, chains; OR, Mt. Hood 16-in snow; WA-OR ski resorts open early; WA, temps jump 59-deg Thurs pm; Denver, 2-ft snow; NEB, snow; MISS/ALA, tornado watch Fri; NASA test rocket fired Wed; Philippines, cat-4 Typhoon Marina to hit (4th in 6 wks, death toll first 3 at 858+ rising); Greece, 8 migrants drown off coast; Quakes 181> 23rd to 28th> magnitudes 2.5 to 6.9, day 27th~~18 quakes M5.3, one hour~~1 quake M2.5— N. American continent 128 to M5.9 most along US Pacific coastline, Asian continent 25 to M6.2, African continent 2 to M5.6, European continent 1 at M4.8, Australia 25 to M6.9 = total 180-quakes in entire Pacific “Ring of Fire”, 1-quake at M2.5 in Euro Atlantic ring, all over lesser quakes every 35 seconds on avg;
11/02/09CA, oil tanker leaks in SF Bay, birds/sea lions suffer, work to save; Temps to +80s; FLA temps to 90s; TX, temps to +70s; WA, OR temps to 59+; Philippines, 4th in 1-mo, Typhoon Mirinae hits w/100mph winds, downgrades to tropical storm, at least 14 dead; LA, Bossier city floods levees into homes; Prophecy: Nov 01, FALL BACK time— God’s charge against daylight savings, “they make day night and night day,” adds Daniel’s warning, “they hope to change times and laws” re: God’s day from sunset to sunset opposed to man’s from midnight to midnight, man’s changes to God’s prophetic times/events, changing His Ten Statutes of Life— just a few reasons God’s wrath is pouring out on earth today; Quakeslast 2.5 days– 66 quakes Pacific “Ring of Fire” from M2.5 to M6.2, lesser every 35-seconds on avg. entire earth; 40-quakes US prop (US-48, Hawaii, Alaska, Samoa, etc), local US— CA, OK, AR, TN, most in CA-wide areas, multiples other states; heavy clusters along Alaskan coast; Samoa islands hit again w/M5.0, then M4.9 below; Indonesia a sixth, seventh time w/M5.2 and 5.0—just highlights of a few of the 66 in the last 2.5 days; Agency global map 11:30am PST today, M4.9 hit near Samoa islands again, noted above;
11/07/09Caribbean, tropical storm aimed at Gulf of MX, now 60+mph winds; CA, Diamond Bar fires threaten homes; WA, record temp mid-hi 60s Wed, storms due Thurs thru Wed next week w/hi winds, expect rivers to flood; SUN mega-bursts afftd T-Mobile; NC, I-40 rockslide 4-mo to clear; MX, ER declared towns flooding; Animals: GA, Beluga whale dies; FLA, Miami man dies from swarming Bees; Round up/kill Boa Constrictors countless; Milwaukee, zoo elephant trapped in deep concrete mote, keepers’ efforts failed to get him out, hours later elephant extricated self; Australia, Kangaroos overrunning towns, “could kill 700 not make dent”; Quakes:last 3.5 days~~ Iran, Tues pm, M4.8 quake, 700 injured, no report deaths; Volcanoes: 2009 docu 20K active volcanoes beneath oceans;
Update Hurricane Ida, downgraded tropical storm, winds 70mph hit LA, ALA, FLA Panhandle, El Salvador, killed 91 w/60 missing massive rains, floods, mudslides; Indonesia, Earthquake hits 11/08, 1 death/many injuries;
11/14/09El Salvador Ida death toll up to 200; Indonesia, another quake; US, southeast flooding from Ida w/winds higher than Gulf of Mexico landfall, Atlantic seaboard swamped w/8-ft waves, VA, NJ floods kill 5, east coast bracing for more floods w/new storm off coast, Oregon/Washington funnels w/more storms moving in, more snow opens Ski Resorts earlier than ever; Tanzania, landslide kills 20; China, heavy snows kill 21; AZ, Scottsdale multi-$M mansion burned to ground; NASA finds water on moon;
11/21/09— Strong quake strikes Canada‘s Pacific coast; Australia issues “catastrophic” fire warning; Pacific Northwest hit w/near hurricane winds (60-80mph), flooding rains, heavy snow, damages, power outages, 3 more Pacific storms moving in back to back; Global death tolls by myriad causes climbing;
11/24/09England, “many” missing in “worst storm floods ever recorded” ancient stone bridges collapse, 1000s homes flooded; WA 5th storm, rivers flood, 3-ft snow, 7-in more due even lowlands, hail, wind damages, “at least” 11K no power;

11/28/09Climate Change Summit, Obama, China to attend in Copenhagen; Quakes, 227 last 7 days, M2.5 to M5.9, most M5 range, more widespread; Volcanoes, no wonder air so polluted, partial list last 7 days shows 16 eruptions globally with ash plumes as high 46.9K feet, does not include all activity, only most active on land, not oceans;
12/04/09FLA, sister Tammy reported odd appearance over Tampa had people shouting, “This is freakin’ end of the world stuff!
US, most States get maj blizzards; OH, Lebanon Raceway 11-alarm/80-stall stable fire kills 2 workers + 65 horses; UK, Frank says unheard-of-flooding rains persist widespread, massive damage, some deaths; CA, Sacramento under unheard-of snow; Hawaii, strong Pacific storm slamming 50-ft waves against isl; Animals: popular DC Panda leaves for China breeding; Elephant draws self-portrait, Orangutan takes photos of cage mates, both astoundingly good; Climate Change Summit, Copenhagen, over 200 nations attend, protestors descend, No. Pole IS melting; China w/worst air pollution in world vows to decrease emissions 40% by 2020; CA, sister Zenith reported bright moon Sacramento clear, pitch black sky no stars past week; FLA, last week sister Tammy reported moon had people crying, “It’s freakin’ end of the world stuff!” Details were not covered in Oil 37: photo/descrip report at Moon in Black Hole DON’T MISS THIS!
Climate Change Summit, world leaders trip selves in denial of global warming, says theory (people may panic? Should repent!); Urgent action as Scientists say “Current decade hottest on record;” God says, “It will get hotter. Do not let my freezing weapons fool you.” Australia sees ‘monster iceberg’ nearing; Turkey, mine explosion kills 19; LA, heavy rains float caskets New Orleans; US, records broke by 16-deg/below temps, heavy snows, 17 dead, power outages, next storm building west;
12/15/09Animals: Deer’s horns dangerously tangled in holiday light string, could not catch to remove; Climate Change Summit, some Fed reps say global warming a lie, Cuba says US on offensive (Hal Lindsey chgd worse in mother/daughter rept); Go Green TX, largest producer electricity by wind; CA, largest number green jobs, 55k, due to bldg. green codes; Mudslides on highway block cars; OR, 3-missing Mt. Hood climbers, 1-body found; WA, unseasonal snow; Philippines, evac pre-volcano eruption;
12/19/09LA, FLA break rain records; NE, severe winter storm 1′ to 30″ snow/tornadoes; CA, seaside cliff apts evacuated to erosion; Samoa, ocean 4K ft. deep volcano repeated violent eruptions; Lebanon, ship sinks, 83 missing; Climate Summit, protest violence, +100 arrstd, US journalists barred;
12/22/09US, E/NE States hit w/blizzards, 3K auto crashes, airports closed, 1200 flights cancelled, some runways now open, hi-winds 37mph+ caused whiteouts, 20″ more due, 46K w/o power; “at least” 6 deaths, 3 in VA, ice storms now moving up coast, 16″-18″ snow in single day broke all records; FLA, Miami hi-winds blew away vendor, canopied cart, floods worsen; WA, light rain W.WA, mtn. passes, above avg. temps 45-57-deg Wed-Thur dry out, new storm off coast w/cold air; CA, unusually cold; EU, parts w/hi-winds snow storms, France closes Eiffel Tower; Philippines, Mayon Volcano w/100s quakes, erupted w/ash last few days, 30K evacuated, still quaking; Climate Change Summit, UN reports “deal reached;”
12/26/09Philippines, hi-alert as Mayon quakes continue to increase/intensify; Boats collide, 27 missing; AZ, Severe dust storm causes 30/40-vehicle pile up, some burned, at least 6 dead; TX, storm of ice/violent tornadoes thru eastern State to move north, dump up to 16″ snow; Mass of wrecks in DFW; OK, whiteout, no planes in/out of State, winds 50-60mph, storm badly affecting TX, OK, KN, MN, NB, LA, Miss, Okla called “black” blizzard because combined dust/snow; At least 12 deaths in mid-west storm; LA, winds send tree into mobile home, kills 1-man; Blackberry 3 blackouts in 2wks affects millions users;  EU, Severe snow storms cause travel chaos;

12/29/09 W.WA, Clear, mostly sunny, winds up to 60mph in north Sound; Green, non-recyclable garbage, i.e. yogurt cups, vinyl records, aluminum/paper packaging, computer parts— new Business repurpose to picture frames, backpacks, ring binders, etc; Mid-East, hard hit blizzards, at least 21 dead, warnings still up, spreading east; Chicago, flts cancelled to storm; 12/25, Indonesia, quake strikes close to 2005 tsunami anniv; AK, tugboat hits reef, spills 55K-gal oil; CA, 1/2M acres agricultural land dead due drought, lack of water, farmers desperate, Governor has $40B plan despite State $21B deficit; Argentina, floods kill 2, 3K more homeless;
12/31/09Italy, Mt. Vesuvius active, expelling strong gases, recent massive quakes nearby threaten eruption; MX, Baja quake shallow M5.9 near US border, felt in San Diego, AZ, NV, several weaker after-shocks, no injrs/damages reprtd; Brazil, floods kill 14; US, Blue moon to shine on new year’s eve, means 2nd full moon in 30 days; WA, heavy rains to wrap up 2009, snow in Mtns; OR, Portland I-26 parking lot/snow storm 4″; Green, Times Sq. crystal ball now 78% more efficient w/+32K LED bulbs; Australia, Power lines cause devastating brush fires;
——Animals, 1700 sea lions disappear from San Francisco pier 39, cause unknown, just 12 on pier today; [CNN News]
——Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs, Maryland’s icon, the blue crab, has been fading away in Chesapeake Bay. Last year saw the lowest harvest (22M lbs) since 1945. Just four decades ago the bay produced 96M lbs. The population is down 70% since 1990, first formal count. There are only about 120M crabs in the bay; they think they need 200M for a sustainable population. Over-fishing, pollution, invasive species and global warming get blame. Ash Trees: In late 1990’s, a pretty iridescent green species beetle, now known as emerald ash borer, hitched a ride to No. Amer with ash wood products imported from eastern Asia. In less than a decade, its larvae have killed millions of trees in the Midwest, and continue to spread. They’ve killed more than 30M ash trees in southeastern Michigan alone, with tens of millions more lost in Ohio and Indiana. More than 7.5B ash trees are currently at risk. Honey Bees: Nothing on our list of disappearing America is so dire; plummeting so enormously and so necessary to the survival of our food supply as the honey bee. Very scary. ‘Colony Collapse Disorder,’ or CCD, has spread throughout the U.S. and Europe over the past few years, wiping out 50% to 90% of the colonies of many beekeepers and along with it, their livelihood. The Family Farm: Since the 1930’s, the number of family farms has been declining rapidly. According to USDA, 5.3M farms dotted our nation in 1950, but this number had declined to 2.1M according to the 2003 farm census (data for the 2007 census not yet published). 91% of U.S. farms are small family farms. [losses submitted by brother Bob Harding, OR]

5 January 2010 Posted by | Animals, Apostate, Bible Related Articles, Blasphemy, Christ, Christianity, Christs Return, Church, Death, Economy, End Times, Escatology, Evil, Gays, God, Great Whore, Groom, Harlot Daughters, Health, Homosexuality, Islam, Jesus, Lesbians, Lord's Day, Mark, Muslims, Nature, News, Papal Rome, Prayer Requests, Prayers, Prophecy, Protestants, Religion, Remnant, Sabbath, Saturday, Seal, Sign, Spiritual, Sunday, Theology, Truth, WCC, World | , , | 10 Comments

Extra Oil Update 44: Prophecy In the News

God’s Wrath Explodes into Holidays: Mother/Daughters, Van Impe, Pastor MacLeod, Nature, Health, H1N1, Measles, Economy, Lawless, Wars

Prophecy’s Extra Oil Update 44: Prophecy In the News
copyright 2009 Bonita M Quesinberry


TSaS prays that, as you have been reading the Extra Oils’ news, you truly realize that we provide so little compared to the volume of signs/plagues noted from televised news, relevant-only current documentaries and research on official websites. Hopefully, we provide enough for everyone to both feel and know just how short is the time to our Lord and Saviour’s arrival to snatch us up to safety as the world below suffers its final death throes: enters her Sabbath rest, as it were. Now, in the same order as the 2009 Recaps will be broadcast, TSaS member comments followed by the latest news—

Oil 44 Comments:

——Katrina: “I have read so many wonderful truths tonight. Bonnie speaks from truth for sure. Once you realize this is a temporary illusion, it all makes perfect sense. I just wanted to say that if I interpret correctly we obey our leaders and government, unless and until they try to force us to disobey the Most High and His law?” (TSaS: Yes, but we and God exclude Sunday laws of the land, other than we do not conduct business according to man’s Blue Laws but will labor at home or on our land, though not for profit: God does not recognize us if we have 1 foot in Satan’s camp and 1 in God’s. Katrina read Feb 2009 TSaS Bible lesson “To Whose Authority Do we Submit” ~~ P.S. Katrina, feel free to print out any of the lessons you feel need closer scrutiny and/or to share with others.)

Mother/Daughters: FED, Catholic Hospitals, Nuns apprv abortion allowances in Heath Reform Bill, Bishops do not apprv; WA, 12/25 Seattle, First Samoan Church destroyed by fire, cause: extension cord to Xmas lights; Philippines, Estab. Nat’l Day of Islam, re: 9/11, nation 90% Catholic;

——TBN 12/28: Just a week after the last report, Jack Van Impe was at it again: expounding on a 7yr Tribulation, erroneously deemed the last 7 years of Daniel’s 490yr prophecy long ago fulfilled, then went into a tirade about President Obama, the World Dictator, and said that Pope Benedict XVII is the pope to watch. We know all of Van Impe’s presentation is based on man’s twist of prophecy instead of the Holy Spirit’s Truth; as for the current Pope, neither is he the Pope to have watched. The Bible described said Pope to observe as being the most world traveled with a message of peace thus represents the title of “Abomination of Desolation,” just one of Satan’s names. Van Impe’s deceitful words work to build up hostility and rage toward Obama and his family as well as toward Doctrine Keepers, which includes Orthodox Jews and Messianic Jews that hold to God’s Fourth Precept, that he and others slam as “legalists, legalism, and cults.”

——12/27 FLA, sister Tammy 7-Internet reports: l. Vatican, office on UFOs said, “To claim there is not life on other planets is to limit God,” loosely based on God’s OT statement, “I have sheep you know not of.” 2. Scotland, 2005, Free Presbyterian Church minister MacLeod preached about obedience: reason Indian Ocean earthquake had happened week before. He said “The tsunami happened because of people who are NOT in church on Sunday. They have caused God’s wrath to come upon our planet!” He then made a statement against Jews and Seventh Day Adventists as being some of those “people.” 3. SDA Conference considers joining World Church (WC), says spiritual war is not about differences in denominational beliefs. One SDA pastor spoke out against such a blasphemous union that includes pagan religions (i.e. Wiccan, Druid, etc.). 4. London, famed college conducting study on pain threshold of people who believe in God and their ability to be brainwashed. One test uses rapid flashes of Catholic icons and determines that it acts as a motivator to incite violence against Christians who defy Sunday, Saturday being their preference or Friday, as with Muslims. 5. During Pope John Paul II‘s 1993 and 2001 visits to the Mid-East, which included Israel, he was photographed kissing the Q’uran, then a Muslim cleric kissed the Pope’s ring. 6. ICC, International Criminal Courts, came out of Rome’s Criminal Court, its laws and forms of punishment devised by the Pope and the court of choice for the WC. In additional to trying traditional crimes, it includes laws to prosecute, without benefit of bail or appeal, Christians who defy Papal Rome’s beliefs and teachings, and reinstates the ancient death penalty of burning at the stake. US President Clinton joined the US to ICC; President Bush retracted the membership; and, rumor has it that President Obama is considering US membership: albeit, there has been nothing in the news about his intent. 7. Italy, all schools teaching Islamic faith to students; Papal edict cites reason for preventing future extremists; looks to be more in support of WC membership that includes Muslim leaders as well as Wiccans and Druids.

——TSaS: 1. There is no denying that many believe in and claim to have experienced UFO’s; however, we must be reminded that Satan is a master of illusion and, as such, will create any illusion necessary to pull a person(s) from God’s Truth. As for the Vatican’s statement of “limiting God;” indeed, God is without limit. However, based on the Vatican’s use of the scripture, “I have sheep you know not of,” it is a Biblical fact that God does not mention a mystery then not answer it in His Written Word. The entire Bible and Christ verify that the sheep of whom God referred were the gentiles, to whom He would make Himself known through His Son Jesus and the Apostles. They had been offered salvation even in the OT; however, Jesus was the bright Light revealing their ignorance and offering an invitation to convert from pagan ways to the One True God. Not even science has been able to prove life on other planets; although, that does not mean there are not other inhabited planets outside our solar system. But, if there are, it is of no consequence to us; for God would not allow them to visit our planet. To suggest that they do visit is to once again limit God’s power of control. Additionally, to learn of life on other planets in no way enhances our salvation. Such investigations serve more to Satan’s aspirations of taking God’s place, despite God being even his creator.

——2. Indian Ocean Tsunami: True followers of Christ do not fear God’s wrath being poured out upon earth today: we understand not only His reason and the timing but also that it means our Lord is about to return. What in this is there to fear; unless one is not a true follower of Christ? Only the false fear God’s signs and seven plagues and only the false blame Doctrine Keepers (Jews and Sabbatarians) all over the world; so blind are they that they do not perceive their own sins against God and Christ: alas, they deny culpability and seek others to blame.

——3. WC/SDA: It is bad enough that some, not all, SDA churches still include pagan festivals like Christmas in their otherwise pure Doctrine; but, to even consider joining the WC is to instantly change her classification from “Christ’s Remnant Church” to that of one of Satan’s many daughters. TSaS stands behind the sole SDA pastor who spoke out against such a blasphemous union. TSaS “heard from the horses mouth,” while attending a local church about 5 years ago, that some SDA churches were considering joining Sunday sects, the speaker in agreement said, “Because we all believe in the same God and Christ.” At that time, there had been no such consideration in the SDA General Conference, merely among some individual churches. What happened to the obedience Christ lived and taught us to follow without blemish? What happened to the SDA doctrine of “nothing but the Bible?” To join WC will be a grave mistake; however, these are just two reasons why Doctrine Keepers are no longer affiliated with any organized, incorporated Christian denomination. It is imperative that we stand apart from, that we as God’s “peculiar people” are highly visible as a “peculiar people.”

——4. London: Such tactics of brainwashing are very common and have long been used in myriad daughters’ sects, whether it be rapid flashing iconic photos or the use of child-like teachings to reach the immature Christian or pastors who incite hysteria in their congregations during services. All this goes hand in hand with God’s portent of an attack on His people by what appears to be Christ’s church but is not. All of Tammy’s reports this week reveal that not only are the false churches gearing up to come against Jews and Doctrine Keepers but that they have been doing so for far longer than first thought. So, it is no surprise that it seems to be escalating very rapidly today, almost as though it came on all at once in the last few months.

——5. Pope John Paul II: Sometime ago TSaS reported the “Abomination of Desolation” having appeared in Israel “where he ought not to be” back in 1993 and 2001; however, the photos shown in the documentary of his career after he died did not show his visits to other Mid-Eastern States: although, Muslims and Christians also inhabit the Holy City of Jerusalem, which has a Moslem Mosque sitting on its Temple Mount. It is safe to assume the photos of His behaviour with the Q’uran and a Muslim cleric was taken during those visits and are just more glimpses of who the Pope represents, from the first Pope to Pope Benedict XVII today.

——6. ICC: It is supposed that some US Presidents may have deemed this court as a way to try criminals who cannot be tried in the US due to diplomatic immunity as well as to try war crimes. TSaS is not sure there was any intent beyond this reasoning. President Obama, rather, has shown himself to be very thorough about investigating issues before he makes decisions; so, it is hoped he continues to be transparent and will discover ICC’s dark side, thus decide against membership.

——7. Italy: It is not surprising that Italian schools, at the Pope’s instruction, are teaching the Islamic (Muslim) faith. We are assured of seeing other beliefs begin to be taught in the very near future and on a worldwide platform, such as Wiccan and Druid; however, the thrust of such teachings will be about their similarities to Christianity as opposed to the differences: the absence of Jesus. This would appear to validate the World Church membership of every false religion in the world, which includes the mother and her daughters and all pagan sects. When TSaS first reported the World Church, we had managed to get a copy of its Charter/Doctrine, in which it states similarities as reason for the formation, and a list of its membership, which as grown considerably since then; however, today its website is inaccessible unless a member. Recall that its annual gathering is always held in a country other than the US. What led TSaS to research the organization was a brief News blurb about such a meeting in another nation. This also led to researching its ruling body, the Word Church Council.

Nature: W.WA, Clear, mostly sunny, winds up to 60mph in north Sound; Green, non-recyclable garbage, i.e. yogurt cups, vinyl records, aluminum/paper packaging, computer parts— new Business repurpose to picture frames, backpacks, ring binders, etc; Mid-East, hard hit blizzards, at least 21 dead, warnings still up, spreading east; Chicago, flts cancelled to storm; 12/25, Indonesia, quake strikes close to 2005 tsunami anniversary; AK, tugboat hits reef, spills 55K-gal oil; CA, 1/2 million acres agricultural land fallow due to drought/lack of water, farmers desperate, Gov. has $40B plan despite State $21B deficit; Argentina, floods kill 2, 3K more homeless;

Health: H1N1, WHO reprts 12K dead worldwide, US hardest hit; FED, Obama, “Health Care Reform battle almost over”; India, bridge under const collapses (2 in 2 days) kills at least 45, unknow cause; US, Tylenol recalls 100ct bottles Arthritic caplets, cause stomach pain, nausea, bad smell; Thurs 12/31 last day to choose Medicare Plan D Rx provider for 2010; “Avenged Sevenfold” drummer James Sullivan dead; Turkey, bldg accident, 1 dead; OK, firm recalls beef 6 States; WA, Seattle, Recent shot officer died 12/28, total loss 7-policeman Nov-Dec; 14yo hit/killed on Xmas skateboard; King5 News study-121 kids dead frm abuse/neglect under CPS watch since 2002, CPS denies/says # 105 (1 is too many); Tacoma, family-8 homeless, fire destroyed home, 1-boy minor burns; Montesano, House fire kills 48yo man, 2 dogs; Arlington, car crash kills 19yo, 2 critical injr, 2 serious; Apt. fire kills 66yo woman, cig in bed; Gig Harbor, 20 car pile up on icy hwy, 40 injr; Patrol car slides on ice, officer injr; OR, wind knocks tree into car, driver killed; FLA, Paraglider crashes into sea kills husband, wife saved; Miss, fire kills 9, 6 were kids; Mid-West storms keep ERs busy; Africa, 12/29 Zimbabwe,  measles 22 dead; Peru, traffic accdnt kills at least 37;

Economy: US, vendors extend Xmas returns to 31 Jan, anything bought in Nov-Dec except computers; Airlines’ stocks drop to terrorist attempt; Banks to tighten belt more 2010; Nov-Dec 2009 spending up 1.0% over terrible 2008 drop, stores had bigger sales less inventory, Online sales up 15.5% over last season but only 10% of all sales, after Xmas sales good; 2009 Consumers pd $10B interest on credit cards; Credit Unions duke it out w/Banks; Bad news: housing prices flatten; Wall St, admits greatest loss ever in 9/11/2001 still not recovered; Stocks 6-day win falls;

Lawless: AZ, Xmas day kidnapped girl rescued “Xmas miracle”; NM, missing child found dead; NYC, mayor rpts safest yr on record, fewest murders ever; WA, Seattle, man shot dead in car at apt bldg; Speeding SUV hits car in 5way intersection, SUV driver w/head injr runs off, other driver killed, pedestrian w/head injry frm flying tire; Gig Harbor, body found in Bay; Belltown, gang beat one man, stab another, still on run; CA, Xmas day theft, Little League equipt; actor Charlie Sheen released after domestic violence arrst; actor Nicolas Cage facing $36.7 law suit; Minnesota, investigating rash suspicious fires, 2 dead; Maryland, homeless man steals sm plane, crashes on runway then runs away; US, 51yo man steals sm plane, crash found in woods, man dead; Couple robbed at store frnt, woman beaten, man shot, both hosp; Hate Crime, man beaten to death w/2×4, sticks, perps sought; FED say crime rate down across nation, yet daily news says otherwise, Gov’s try to sedate public; Argentina, first gay marriage in Latin Amer;

Wars: Detroit, 12/25 NW Flt 253 frm Amsterdam, 23yo Nigerian Nat’l AbduMutallab, son of wealthy Nigerian banker who rptd concerns to embassy prior Flt, ankle trigger shorts/burns, explosive sewn in underwear wld hv blown up plane, 2nd-3rd degree burns on leg, tackled by passenger Schuringa/all okay, believed part of terrorist grp, acted alone in response to US strike on Al Qaeda base in Yemen, Al Qaeda claims plot; Security heightened all US airports, Obama orders more US Marshalls on flts in/out of US; 12/27 NW Flt 253 frm Amsterdam, not same plane as Xmas day, unruly Nigerian Nat’l, pilot alerts TSA (Traffic Security Agency), psngr in custody, DHS (Dept. Homeland Security) determined legitimate illness repeat trips to restroom, 1 trip lasted 1hr; 12/28, US Airways flt Orlando to Phoenix, pasngrs report 2-men (India descent) act suspicious, TSA questioned then release; Short flt, drunk man knocked on pilots cabin door, questioned/released; US Off say “Iraq yesterday’s war, Afghan today’s, Yemen tomorrow’s war”; Pakistan, drone attack kills 13-militants; Mosque bombing kills Official/family-5, 81-injr; Sewer gas explosion kills 25; Suicide bomb kills 30, 50 injr; Afghan, US soldier killed, total since 2001— US.848, UN.500; Rocket lands on Ministry grounds; Israel kills 6 Palestinians for murder Gaza farmer; Iraq, Shiite pilgrims, census workers killed; Iran, Tehran protestors clash w/riot police, 8 dead, 1-opposition leader Mousavi’s nephew, 17 so far w/gun shot wounds; 300 arrst; Video shows police car plunging into crowd; Nobel Laureate Sharin Ebadi’s sister arrstd; Leader accuses US, Zionists of urging protestors; Lebanon, 2-Hamas killed; Baghdad, pilgrims killed in bombing; Taliban, airs “horrible” video of captured US PVC Bergdahl, disappeared Jun, not proof alive; Yemen-Al Qaeda on US radar; China, Brit Nat’l executed, mentally ill conned to smuggle 50lbs cocaine; Thailand, to deport more than 4K Hmong to Laos; Somali pirates seize 2 ships;

——Precious Saints, please continue to submit news from your area relating to the above topics, especially concerning the mother/daughters; as we at TSaS simply do not have the capability of viewing news broadcasts from every State and Country. As it is, virtually every waking hour is used to watch and report the signs and plagues in order that the Sheep are well prepared for Christ’s return. We cannot emphasize how important it is now to monitor their comings and goings and behaviour that ultimately will have a great impact on Doctrine Keepers.

——They have been verbally attacking for some time but violence is soon to erupt. We cannot thank enough our sisters Zenith and Tammy for the wealth of news they submit from Florida and California and their efforts to spread God’s Truth in their areas. Make sure you are just as ON FIRE for the Lord and His return as these two wonderful souls: what pleasure they give to God’s eyes, ears and heart!

——Also, concerning elements in prophecy, God has told us two things to look for as fitting the sign: 1. Occurring in diverse places, not everywhere; and, 2. Such as the world has never seen, meaning either having happened where never before and/or the intensity is worse than ever seen or recorded. A few examples of these in just the last two years:

——2005: Indian Ocean 9.7 earthquake resulting in a devastating tsunami w/30′ waves having struck 11 countries and killed 275K people. Strongest earthquake ever recorded, so much so it knocked earth off its axis by one minute; and, there had never been a tsunami in the Indian Ocean, thus there were no alarms installed, as other seas are monitored. 2008: “Super Tornado Tuesday” Feb. 5, totally out of season, recorded 86 EF-3s to EF-5 tornados with winds up to 200mph crossing 10 mid-west States; one EF-3 was the deadliest and longest on the ground: 2 hours it tracked from Clinton, AR into mid-TN; 57 deaths, at least 51 injured, damages in billions. 2008: Tornado in the mile-high City of Denver; never tornados in mountainous areas, normally plains country.

——In the last 10 years, never-before-seen tornados have hit WA, OR, and CA. Dust Storms out of place, out of season: twice in WA, AZ, both in 2009, and current “black” blizzard in OK during the mid-west snow storms with winds up to 60mph. Earthquakes common along the west coast have been striking places like TX and other mid-west States and even the northeast: rare, if ever. Hurricanes and Typhoons have become huge, more frequent and devastating. A good example is 2009, the Philippines hit with no less than 5 typhoons in less than 2 months, each a cat.4 to cat.5: now they are under threat of Mt. Mayon erupting from 100s of escalating quakes. At least 47K have been evacuated to date; although and much like Mt. St. Helens, a few residents refuse to leave.

——We could go on and on covering only the strange, diverse, and devastating events having occurred just in the United States alone; not to mention the overwhelming number of events globally since 1991 and the obvious escalation of those each year hence. The death tolls from all of these are staggering, unbelievable, yet the millions fulfill prophetic scripture “Though a 1000 fall to my side and 10,000 to my other, I shall not fear.”

——We feel certain you get the idea of which news TSaS is following. So, in addition to reporting on mother/daughters, also include the other five categories in your area or that you hear about in other parts of the US and world: they each are “signs” of Christ’s quick return. Send to — Please do not post at TSaS: send an email briefly detailing your report, form text in MSWord, Times New Roman Font, Sz. 12 Font, black color, single space, no tab indentions, then cut/paste to body of email. Also, do not send links to either websites or videos, as TSaS Internet system is dial-up thus too slow for videos and TSaS does not have time to do indepth website studies other than what it already conducts. Please do those for us by submitting your findings together with a link to the website in the event members want to do research.

——Sunday: Some of you might still be attending one of her myriad denominations. We all know the old cliché, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer:” it does not apply today, certainly not to Doctrine Keepers. One does not need to be, definitely should not be, in the mother or daughters’ midst to know what they are saying and doing. God’s first call was when Philadelphia era began; His last call went out in 1991, Laodicea: “Come out of her, my people, that you share not in her sins and her utter destruction.”

——Time is now at the ‘eleventh hour,’ so to speak, meaning it is too late to influence the daughters’ ministers to become compliant to God. It is almost too late for you to “come out of her.” Remember: to be ‘called’ does not guarantee being ‘chosen:’ Jesus said, “Many are called, few chosen.” Please, please quickly exit the mother or daughter where you worship God and Christ, that you may be blessed with chosen status and redemption. So saith the Lord, “I set before you life and death; choose life.”

——In a few days it will be 2010, less than a year from our Lord’s return. Oh, what a glorious day that will be! My beloved brothers and sisters, keep God’s Word close to your heart in these terror-filled days; know that our strength is not that of our own, rather it is God’s indomitable power within us. He is our shield, His Word the sword our weapon of God’s choice: His full armour protects us from Satan’s arrows and mankind’s violence. Make sure you are not missing even one piece of His armour; just one piece is to perish. The mother and daughters and their followers do not have the piece Truth.

——Do as Jesus did: even when facing death, our Lord never harmed anyone in His entire life; and even upon the Cross He prayed forgiveness over His persecutors. His Saints are blessed with the heart and mind of Messiah, thus we CAN and WILL do the same. Our suffering for Him, as He suffered for us, will be very short lived: in the blink of an eye, our Saviour will be here to reward us with redemption, dead or alive— which ever comes first— for all of our work, both in obedience to God and on Christ’s behalf.

——Glory, Glory! Praise the Lord, for He is Good and Deserving! Eternal life in a paradise of peace and harmony and serenity; daily in His magnificent presence; daily hearing His soothing voice, daily learning at His feet and more, oh so much more: yet, we are so undeserving. How Good He IS that He even considered us to receive His Truths. AMEN and Amen!

Much love and prayers,

Sister BonnieQ

29 December 2009 Posted by | 9/11 Anniversary, Apostate, Armageddon, Bible Related Articles, Blasphemy, Christ, Christmas, Christs Return, Church, Death, Economy, End Times, Escatology, Evil, Faith, Gays, God, Great Whore, Groom, Harlot Daughters, Health, Hebrews, Homosexuality, Islam, Jesus, Lesbians, Lord's Day, Mark, Muslims, Nature, News, Pagan Festivals, Papal Rome, Prayers, Prophecy, Protestants, Quran, Redemption, Religion, Remnant, Sabbath, Salvation, Saturday, Seal, Sign, Spiritual, Sunday, Ten Commandments, Theology, Truth, WCC, World | , , | 2 Comments

Exra Oil Update 35: News of Good/Evil Seeds

Earth is dying: News,Economy,Nature,War,H1N1,Death,Gay Sex Ed,Corbett,Jeremiah, Van Impe,Coalition,Defile Christ,Dark Ages Blue Laws,Achilles Heel,Good/Evil Seeds


Prophecy’s Extra Oil Update 35: News of Good/Evil Seeds
©copyright 2009 Bonita M Quesinberry


News 11/25-11/27: 3.5 days in “terrors of these end days;” a few snippets—

VT, 1st state for gay marriage~ 1 public school now teaching children “anything goes” in sexuality [?sex with animals, too?]; AL, 1 miner dead, others hospitalized in mine inspection; FLA, man sought for shooting 5; H1N1, linked to rise in bacterial pneumonia cases, allergic reactions to vaccine rising but lull in new cases; FED, Obama to announce up to 34-k soldiers’ will deploy to Afghanistan; Philippines, massacre toll climbing, 100 arrested; Economy, 1 of every 4 home mortgages exceed value, “under water”; Number of “at risk banks” hits 552; Real jobless rate 17.5%; Nature, Obama, China to attend climate change summit; Quakes, 227 last 7 days, from M2.5 up to 5.9, most in M5 range, more widespread; Volcanoes, no wonder air so polluted, partial list last 7 days shows 16 eruptions globally with ash plumes as high 46.9-k feet, list does not include all activity, only most active on land, not in oceans; China, executes 2 in tainted milk scandal;


Mother and Daughters: this last sign began during the Apostles’ ministry but is now building up to repeat church violence of the Dark Ages; Christ warned, “Beware of pastors, preachers, theologians taught by men, teaching man’s laws for God” —

FLA, sister Tammy: 11/24, Tampa 89.3-FM Christian radio broadcast, Rev. John Corbett said, “Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to stop Jews from being Hebrews. All of the Law, including God’s Ten, were sacrificial and done away with by Jesus: legalism no longer applies, so stay away from those legalists! All it takes is love.” At his .org website he declares a master in theology and indicates faith is Papal Rome, Revelation’s Great Whore and mother of harlot daughters: URL on Links page for Catholic catechism.


The following news is from who highlighted Extra Oil 34 on their homepage with a link to our total article; take particular note of words underscored in bold print or in all CAPS for posts that will not accept the MSWord document as prepared— “11/23/09: A formidable COALITION of 150 Catholic, Orthodox and evangelical LEADERS are CALLING on CHRISTIANS IN A NEW MANIFESTO TO reject secular authority and even ENGAGE IN CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE— IF LAWS FORCE THEM TO ACCEPT abortion, same sex marriages and OTHER IDEAS THAT BETRAY THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.”


Those 150 clearly represent the Great Whore and her harlot daughters. It seems they not only shun Christ’s instruction to obey God’s Laws but also laws of the land. The finale of this longing running sign will see Christ in the clouds: it is excitingly obvious the above call includes violence against those they call “legalists, cults:” we of God’s Doctrine, and that of His Christ, definitely betray their religious beliefs based on Satan’s teachings.


Recall history’s Dark Ages: Papal Rome ordered the deaths of millions of “heretics” via Rome’s civil power, killed all those who would not embrace her “church and religious beliefs.” The dead were Doctrine Keepers. Recall: US infancy history, Doctrine Keepers were beaten, jailed, even hung. We are being ushered into a new Dark Age where Papal Rome and her Protestant harlot daughters are ratcheting up to make one last, feeble attempt to annihilate God’s people: He said it would happen and that “they think to do it for God.” The above “manifesto” is a global call and the goats ultimately will respond with rage and violence against God’s Saints and Elect.


“Civil disobedience,” however, is a misnomer: for they have 52 US States’ Sunday Blue Laws with the severest of police power included to back up their actions, the backing of our Federal Government’s declaration of “no provision for Saturday,”, and a little known Federal law giving it unlimited power to back any State law without a matching Federal Law. So, do not look for the Federal Government to intervene on our behalf. Christ’s sheep and God’s Elect will be the ones ultimately beaten or jailed, and a “few” killed.


Today they are in an angry, argumentative stage while vehemently rushing headlong to violence and first will go after Doctrine Keepers with the strongest voices and visibility: in their minds, what better way to eliminate the rest than by getting rid of those who boldly and without fear speak God’s Truth. TSaS has felt their heat many, many times in the last 30 years— emails, comments at websites, face-to-face— has felt the mother and daughters’ magnified hatred for God’s Truth. It is a hideous sound and sight.


Blasphemy using God’s Holy Name. They curse Him; unaware their armour is flawed, a vital piece missing: Truth. Our armour has no Achilles heel: we have God’s power and bear the sword of His Truth— the only sword we are to brandish in upcoming attacks against us. Harm no man; rather, take the insults and arrows, as did Jesus, a blessing to us and a curse to them: God WILL raise us up if they kill the flesh garment we wear!


FLA, 11/25— Sister Tammy also reported radio’s Rev. David Jeremiah of Turning Point, also on TBN, teaching that cults “came out of” myriad Christian denominations, therefore are part of them. This belies Paul’s statement that “men came among us to spy on our teachings, then left to go their own way. If they had been of us, they would have stayed with us.” The truth is that those myriad denominations “came out of” Christ’s True Church and are recognized as antichrists, apostate churches as it were. Doctrine Keepers were first and have always been since Christ; never a part of the Great Whore and her harlot daughters. Rev. Jeremiah also said “belief and works are not to be together, that your works should be community works that people can see. Love your neighbor. ”


As Paul said, “I will show you my faith by my works . . . works of the Law of Righteousness.” Amen! And, when the men expounded on all their good “community” works to Jesus, including calling out demons in His name, He turned to them and said, “I know you not.” According to Christ, the “works” are to do God’s Will, His Doctrine, His Holy Law: by such obedience we instinctively will do other good works among people.


Noted in Extra Oil 34, hostility is a rapidly increasing theme taught more heatedly each day by the mother and daughters’ ministers on TV, radio and pulpits: the above reports show how far they will go to incite rage against Christ’s small flocks. God says they curse Him by vile opposition of His Will—His Doctrine—His “perpetual” Holy Law and by attacks in His name. They defile His Christ, our saviour Lord: God sent to Him “magnify the Law and make it honorable” among men again. We suffer nothing strange, nothing our brethren before us did not suffer: they gladly died for God’s Truth and Christ’s sacrifice. — “Ye shall suffer for me as I suffered for you; but I will come quickly.”


TBN, 11/25— The first thing evangelist Jack Van Impe presents is that he has a doctorate in theology, as does wife Rexella. This broadcast was as if he were doing flip-flops trying to fit square pegs into round holes of the end of days’ prophecies. Referencing daughter’s teaching that Israel must rebuild its Temple, he attempted to justify it with Revelation’s fact that New Jerusalem will come down from heaven, wherein there will be no Temple.


Van Impe says Israel must rebuild now— they have it in parts for assembly that could be done in a matter of weeks—it was allegedly prophesied that Abomination of Desolation will sit upon the throne therein before Christ returns, the Temple ostensibly defiled again. Van Impe explained that the Saints are taken up in the rapture for a purported 7 years in third heaven, earth will be left in utter chaos and a few might die but certainly not all.


According to Van Impe, when the Saints return with Jesus, He will destroy that new temple then New Jerusalem comes down from heaven. Jesus and the Saints then teach the people “Left Behind.” Van Impe did a fine job of rendering God’s ancient prophets liars and implied Jesus also a liar. Van Impe did his father proud, a liar from the beginning.


Please do as sister Tammy did and report via email to TSaS all relevant activities of the mother and daughters in your area. We must keep a close eye on them; for Jesus said, “When they attack, then flee from city to city as needed: you will not go far before I come.” We are to speak only His Truth and flee the location rather than engage in their futile fight for Satan’s continued dominion over earth. HIS REIGN IS OVER!


No indepth news for a while. We suggest watching local news and CNN. TSaS will focus on vital Bible studies, documentary summaries that respond to horrors we are witnessing during the most exciting time in man’s history, include member comments and/or prayer requests, and answer member questions. As news of the mother and daughters come in, it will be included in the next Extra Oil to broadcast. Pray— pray— pray unceasing for all, for the world and leaders, for all who believe a lie and will die twice for their wicked ways: “They know not what they do, nor to whom they do it.”




Seeds of Good and Evil


Condensed from Truth Gathering, chapter 31— Seeds of Good and Evil; ©copyright 1998-2003, annotated by Bonita M Quesinberry; the world’s only exhaustive AKJV Topical Bible: text below represents only the core message from each paraphrased scripture; references provided at end, followed by summary notes:


You, who are obedient believers, are given understanding of the mystery of God’s kingdom: but, the wicked and disobedient hear parables they cannot understand; they see but do not perceive and hear but do not understand the truth. These latter have a form of godliness but deny the power of God by their behaviour. They consistently study to learn but never come to the knowledge and wisdom of God’s truth. Why? Because they seek by man’s direction instead of the Holy Ghost: the former a liar, the latter unable to lie.


The Word of God is like seeds planted. When cast, some fall by the wayside, some upon stony places, and others among thorns; but a few seeds fall upon fertile soil. Those lying by the wayside represent people who heard the Word; but, Satan quickly removes God’s pure Doctrine from their hearts: which is to say, they heard the truth but never accepted it; thus, they turned back to man’s teachings by Christian illusion or by paganism: the latter is one way, the former is both ways cleverly disguised as Christ’s Church— Satan’s greatest lie. Alas, they will remain in a sinful state with absolutely no hope of salvation.


Seeds that fell upon stony places are people who hear God’s Truth and receive Christ in a display of great joy; but the word does not take root in them. Alas, for a while they seem to believe; after a time, temptations of this world pull them away from God and back into Satan’s glittering gold world: whether it be his seemingly beautiful side, which appears to be Christian yet promotes worldly prosperity, or back to being utterly wicked and filthy.


Seeds having fallen among thorns are people who heard God’s Truth, obey it for a while, then the cares, riches, and pleasures of this life soon choke out their faith; causing them to only appear Christian yet bearing no fruit of righteousness for lack of patience and Truth.


Finally, those few seeds on fertile ground sprout in a people of honest and good hearts; therefore, God’s Word is understood thoroughly and each obeys Father’s Doctrine wholly as well as teach it to others: because they love Him and wish to please. Each bears fruit of righteousness; for they are patient, which is faithful. Their fruit is two-fold: 1) each grows into righteous behaviour like Christ; and, 2) each bring others into God’s Light and Truth, even if it’s only one person, or thirty or sixty or a hundred.


As Jesus said on two separate occasions, “If you bring one to me, you shall be called great in heaven. If you live my Father’s Law and teach others to do the same, you shall be called great in heaven.” Oh, dear sheep! How simple to reach that plateau where God in heaven calls you “great!” It recalls His declaration of Job, “He is righteous above all men.” I desire to be called great by my Father. How about you?


The seeds symbolize two things: 1) the Word of God; and, 2) the people who hear His Word. The latter seeds are divided into two groups of humans: the good, also referred to as wheat, and the evil, also known as weeds. Those considered evil by God are all who deviate from His Word by even the smallest point. The weeds grow amidst His wheat. If we look at the world’s landmasses, we find that the majority of fields are made up of weeds; in comparison, only small segments grow wheat and even then weeds infiltrate in an effort to choke out the wheat. Satan’s army makes up over 2/3rds of humanity; God’s army is a small 1/3rd: the difference is we have God’s power and they do not.


Jesus said, “Every writer for God’s mouth is taught what the kingdom of heaven is like, and each teach these matters from both the Old and New Testaments; for they have received in abundance God’s knowledge, wisdom, secrets and mysteries. Alas, those of a wicked heart quickly lose the Truth they first were given, because they did not receive it with unshakable trust. Therefore, man shall live by every word of God.” Those who know God and His Christ obey God’s His Doctrine, to-wit: Statutes of Life, Law of Blessings, Law of Righteousness, Ten Commandments— for they who obey and teach His Word, in him or her is the love of God and Truth perfected.



References— Mark 4:11-12; II Timothy 3:5,7; Matthew 13:3-9,19-33,37-50,52; 13:12,16; Hebrews 4:2; Proverbs 1:23; Psalm 68:11; Proverbs 2:1-6; Luke 4:4; I John 2:3-6


Additional Points— Matthew 13:11,13,15; Mark 4:3-9,13-20,26-32; Luke 8:5-8,10-18; 13:19; 17:6; Psalm 45:1-2; Mark 4:24-25; Deuteronomy 8:3



God’s own words reveal a single seed: His Word; and Jesus is the sower of God’s Word. The Word is heard by two kinds of people— indicating that all of humanity does hear or read about God at some point during their lifetime— also referred to as seeds: 1) God’s children; and, 2) Satan’s children. Noting either child as a seed indicates into what manner of plant, or person as it were, the seed sprouts and grows to ultimately reveal who is their father: God or Lucifer. These children, or soil as it were, also indicates the type of ground God’s seed Word fell upon and the plant type that sprouts: wheat or weeds.


The four soil conditions reveal God’s wisdom, in that He alone knows each person’s true intent at heart: whether they desire spiritual things or the comfort of this world. The “wayside” uncovers a wicked heart, while “rocky and thorny” ground turn to the things and cares of Satan’s temporary realm: earth, the riches of which are under his temporary control to dispense. Only to fertile soil does God impart His Knowledge, Wisdom, Secrets, and Mysteries plus spiritual gifts of power according to Holy Spirit’s discretion.


Lucifer’s children become his by virtue of their daily choices. After all, humanity first was God’s by His creation. As noted, Satan’s offspring are referred to as weeds, which has a two-point meaning: 1) blatantly wicked and filthy, those of the wayside, surround God’s children everywhere they go on this planet; and, 2) the beautiful ones, rocky and thorny, sit amidst Christ’s true congregation feigning belief. These are weeds in the midst of wheat but will not be separated until harvest time: that done in plain sight of all: no magical disappearances of people, as the “Left Behind” series would have us believe.


God judges soils 1 through 3 as hating Him. Revelation 3:15-19, however, indicates hope for the rocky and thorny— as Revelation describes as the cold and lukewarm: which is another Truth to be learned. Still, each person must choose to “sell all that they have to follow Christ,” to-wit: comply with God’s full Doctrine as well as “speak His testimony and teach His Law.” If they do so because they truly love God, it is because “there is Light in them.” — Isaiah 8:16,20


Time to repent is TODAY: we entered the last church age, Laodicea, in 1991. As a result, “Christ is at the door and comes quickly.” No one can say the specific day and hour, but we do know the time is at hand and must watch the clouds; for Christ’s harvest is not far off: October, or as late as mid-November. Could it be 2009 or the next year, perhaps? The Spirit instructed the seventh seal messenger, “No later than 2011.” The various signs of both the Old and New Testaments, including the mother and daughters’ hatred of the Doctrine Keepers, plus six of the seven plagues are present and ever worsening, and all prophecies up to Christ’s return are fulfilled. We eagerly await His presence in the clouds of the final harvest months.


——Watch the clouds between mid-October to mid-November henceforth until no later than 2011. The book of Hebrews says Jesus will not be late. If not fully converted now, time is your enemy; total conversion must be instant, this day, TODAY: do not delay. Pray unceasing! Be watchful; stand fast even to death. WE HAVE GOD’S POWER. KEEP WALKING and TALKING, even when it seems useless or even dangerous: you might snatch one lost, Lukewarm sheep from the flames and give the warmth of God’s Truth to a Cold waiting for it. Saith the Lord, “Ye lukewarm await consuming fire.”


——TSaS post archives open to public; members access Bible Lesson FILES. TSaS ministry neither needs nor asks for money and never will: God provides our basic needs. We ask only for prayer and that you share God’s Truth with all who will hear/read and obey in “the instant.” Be good stewards of God’s Word: share Extra Oils, lead everyone to God’s Biblical Truth at —

Much Love in Christ, Sister BonnieQ Unicorn Haven’s Seventh Seal Library to order Asafetida, also correctly spelled Asafoetida: produced by Natures Answer; if not in product list send email to NA to ask about getting it (my local health food store orders it for me) This is one of the strongest fighter’s of virus in God’s herbal kingdom: His medicine works perfectly and with no side effects!

Also, remember God’s words about these times, “My people shall walk among them and be not touched. And, my people shall not go without.”

27 November 2009 Posted by | Abuse, Apostate, Armor, Bible, Bible Related Articles, Blasphemy, Book Reviews, Christ, Christianity, Christs Return, Church, Death, Diety, Divinity, Economy, End Times, Escatology, Evil, Faith, Gays, God, Government Abuse, Grace, Great Whore, Groom, Harlot Daughters, Health, Hebrews, Holy Spirit, Homosexuality, Islam, Jehovah, Jesus, Jews, Lord's Day, Love, Mark, Memorial, Muslims, Nature, News, Papal Rome, Polygamy, Prayer Requests, Prayers, Prophecy, Prophets, Protestants, Quran, Redemption, Religion, Remnant, Resurrection, Sabbath, Salvation, Saturday, Seal, Seeds, Sign, Sower, Spiritual, Spiritual Study, Sunday, Teachers, Ten Commandments, Theology, Token, Truth, World | , | Leave a comment

Extra Oil Update 34: News of False Teachers, False Prophets

Earth IS staggering badly: News, Nature, Wars, Economy, H1N1, Recalls, Hate Crimes, Pope, Evang. Lindsey/Hagee, Goats Robbed, False Charges, FaceBook, Panic, Deaths


Prophecy’s Extra Oil Update 34: News of False Teachers, False Prophets

©copyright 2009 Bonita M Quesinberry


News 11/21-11/24: 3.5 days in “terrors of these end days;”
England, “many” missing in “worst storm floods ever recorded” ancient stone bridges collapse, 1000s homes flooded; UK opens investigation of soldier abuses at Abul Grae prison similar to US abuses; China, mine blast kills “scores” (104); India, train derail kills “at least” 29; Saudi Arabia, 4 pilgrims die H1N1; Indonesia, ferry sinks, “at least” 26 dead; Turkey floods, 4 dead; Pakistan, 20 Taliban killed; Philippines, kidnappers kill 21; Politically motivated massacre, 46 dead; Italy, plane crash kills 5; Afghan, Nov: US soldiers-15 killed; Iran, alliance talks with Russia/So. America; Canada, Stork Craft recalls 2.1-mil baby cribs due to deaths;


US, religion/sexual orientation hate crimes rising rapidly, “economy not as strong as believed,” people in deadly panic mode, 29 States’ job loss rates climbing, Senate debates Health bill; WA 5th storm, rivers flood, 3-ft snow, 7-in more due even lowlands, hail, wind damages, “at least” 11-k no power; OR bad weather, road rage shooting kills 1, wounds others/shooter kills self; Las Vegas, officer killed in his home by robber, military brother flies in from Iraq; FaceBook led to 12yo beating, Woman informed “stripped of Canadian disability due to F/B photos of her at Chippendale strip show”; (Uncle Sam also is watching and listening in on its people);


Mother and Daughters: POPE to meet Anglican leaders amidst rising tensions; Hal LINDSEY recently viewed, noticed distinct agitation in evangelist as he defined points of prophecy, albeit invalid, on his TBN show: formerly confident, the nervous fidgeting revealed his recognition of lies in God’s name. Hal Lindsey is not alone; many like him, i.e. Hagee, speak for harlot daughters despite knowing Truth;


TBN Sun 11/22, Rev. John HAGEE, fronting a poster labeled “Counterfeit Christianity,” urged Sunday attendance then robs audience of Truth by accusing all who obey God’s Doctrine as legalist cults, “counterfeits.” By sight/sound Hagee trains his goats to blame Christ’s sheep for causing global devastation— Revelation shows Apostle John shocked by a scene of what appeared to be Christ’s church persecuting Christ’s church.


Hagee’s sermon cited God’s wrath on US—economic crisis— then said “pray to return god to America and its demise can be stopped:” it is not the god whom Christ’s sheep follow, as Hagee later implied. It is too late to turn the tide, so he leads his flock to certain destruction: God said, “Satan slays his own.” Hagee’s end comments about the true sheep were to prepare his goats’ minds to fault the Elect: unbeknownst to them God views these acts as cursing God (Rev.). It is the same brainwashing methods used to create terrorists, some of whom will kill anyone they believe the Bible or Quran call “infidels,” unbelievers— God noted, “They think to do it for God.” NOT!


Sound like Muslim extremists? Hagee and others are urgently preparing their goats for exactly the same extreme behaviour as that of Islamic terrorists. Mark this word: their rage and indignation against Truth Speakers has been occurring for some time but only in verbal or written trickles; now their emotions are about to erupt in deadly rage. More frequently and more heatedly than any time in history, we are hearing these accusations from harlot daughters’ myriad denominational pulpits and televised evangelists: earth’s hourglass about to run out of sand. Increasing twists of God’s Word then heavily laced with lies and pointing fingers at the Elect, while speaking in angry tones, reveal Satan’s last effort to take down with him as many people who will allow his nasty power of them.


Be well-armoured, beloved sheep, that you may stand without fear of whatever attack they might bring against you; if it be verbal, say nothing or calmly respond as the Spirit leads, with a statement not for debate; or, if it be threat of a first death, face it as Jesus spoke of it— a blessing from God sparing you the worst to come: Christ will raise us up to join Him in the clouds. According to God, a “few” brethren must die as a sign of Christ’s quick return: those few join Christ’s martyrs killed long ago and who are crying out from beneath the altar, “Lord, when will you avenge us.” Do not expect mass slayings of Christ’s true sheep: rather, look for many to be beaten and/or falsely imprisoned with just a few deaths of God’s few 7th seal messengers known worldwide.


The sheep know the world is collapsing and will not recover, per God’s Holy Word; thus, a break from daily travesties is called for and prompts no indepth news for a while. We do suggest watching local news and CNN at least in the evening; be sure to notice CNN’s ticker tape at the bottom screen, which provides even more news in bits and bites.


TSaS will focus on recalls of vital Bible studies, respond to member questions, post prayer requests and comments members might have, or post summaries of documentaries answering to horrors we are witnessing around the globe during the most exciting time in man’s history. Pray— pray unceasing for the world and its leaders, for all who believe a lie and will die twice for their misguided ways.


Please WELCOME new member Jennie of Wisconsin! To all members, keep in mind that TSaS Post Archives and Files contain a wealth of God’s knowledge and wisdom: peruse them freely, print them out if you choose; most of all, share them with everyone you know, whether saved or not. You never know when you might “literally snatch one from God’s fiery wrath.” It only takes one for you to be “called great in heaven.”


Sister Debbie on Extra Oil Update 33— “I have watched a few of those survivalist programs. They are the in-thing lately. It truly saddens me how foolish and lost these people are. There will be no place to hide when Christ returns. All will know who has come and why. His saints will be leaving and the rest will find their shelters are not to be. All we can do is pray they come to Christ and soon. Time as we know it now will cease to exist . . . in just a twinkling of His eye.” 




Identifying False Teachers and Prophets


Truth Gathering, ©copyright 1998-2003 annotations by Bonita M Quesinberry, the world’s only AKJV exhaustive Topical Bible, excerpts chapters 2 and 12: Many moons ago, TSaS member Albert asked, “How can we discern false preachers, pastors, prophets, theologians, and brethren from God’s true disciples?” See post archives for original post that includes member responses. Update ©copyright 2009—


There are two AKJV Bible passages that, in God’s considered opinion, clearly define God’s true from Satan’s false: Isaiah and Daniel’s description of false teachers and prophets who would appear on the scene after Jesus ascended to heaven, the same of which Paul warned the true sheep. The following are paraphrased for clarity:


Isaiah 8:16,20— Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. They speak God’s Law and His testimony, for there is light in them. If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.


Daniel 7:25— [False teachers and prophets] speak great words that are against the most High’s [Words], wearing out the saints of the most High, and they changed God’s times and Laws, [teaching their own for God’s]. {recall Jesus chastising, “You teach man’s commandments for God.”}


See also Romans 1:1-6; Galatians 1:6-10. Jesus lived and taught the Doctrine of God; and, His Apostles preached the gospel of Christ, which was God’s. What was said in the New Testament was first said in the Old. There is nothing new, nothing changed; save and except the fact Jesus became the ultimate sacrificial lamb in place of a literal lamb of the temporary sacrificial ordinances.


All who truly believe must obey as a Jew, else be not grafted into the Jewish Tree of Life; and, all Jews who did not obey were cut from the Tree of Life. Paul admonished, “You heathens are grafted in but God can easily cut you out for the same reasons He cut out two of the tribes. Do not set their same examples of unbelief.” The two tribes cut out had turned deeply into pagan practices and rituals, just as Papal Rome and myriad Christian denominations did and continue to do today: which is to teach lies in God’s name.


Sadly, the vast majority of people foolishly believe their denomination of choice teaches all 12 of God’s Commandments, “as given in the beginning,” which Paul stated. “In the beginning” refers us back to Moses and the stone tablets, cited in both Exodus c.20 and Deuteronomy c.5: other Old Testament books state the two royal laws of love long before Jesus came reciting those same two “upon which depend the Ten.” The harlots teach that we really can’t obey all the Law— we are human after all— so we are not to worry about it: Jesus will forgive us each time we knowingly sin, thousands of times.


NOT TRUE! Once having repented of all known sins, and never repeating them again, Christ will forgive sins of which we are not aware or do not yet fully understand— UNTIL we understand. For instance, many today do not know they are violating all the Commandments by not obeying the fourth. When they have been given the truth of this matter, then continue to disobey that Law, they will not be forgiven nor bear the Seal of the One True Living God; effectively condemning themselves to eternal death.


Leviticus 19:18, Deuteronomy 6:5, 10:12-13, 11:1,13, 13:3-5, Joshua 22:5 and Nehemiah 1:5,9 clearly cite God saying, “Love the Lord thy God with all your heart and soul and with all your might; and, love your neighbor as yourself.” Deuteronomy 13:5 added, “IF YOU DO LOVE GOD, YOU WILL OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS.” Then, of course, the Apostles said, “We know we love God because we obey His Commandments.” Does everyone understand that God’s Twelve Precepts ARE His Holy Doctrine, the same Jesus magnified by living it, the same Jesus made honorable by teaching others to obey?


Jesus came speaking no new commandments, albeit false teachers say He did give two new precepts; rather, He cited the same two royal laws God had given and added that upon them hang all the law and the prophets. To “hang upon” means to “depend upon.” Therefore, Christ was saying the same as what God had said: one cannot hope or even be motivated to obey the Ten Precepts unless they truly love God in order to obey the first four precepts, and truly love their neighbor thus obeying the last six laws. Jesus included the ancient prophets in His statement simply because they truly loved God thus both obeyed and spoke God’s testimony and Law just as Christ did. True love for God and neighbor compels a desire to obey God’s Law: written on the fleshy table of our heart.


Following Jesus’ ministry, the Apostles then taught the same message of obedience through faith: faith that obeying those Laws are in one’s own best interest and in the interest of those around them, and in faith that in doing so will prompt God to fulfill His promise of everlasting life. When Israel obeyed, it was because they feared God’s wrath instead of obeying His Law because they loved and trusted that God required it in their best interest; therefore acknowledging that God knows and understands more than they did or that we do.


This is exactly why God’s Ten Precepts also have alternate Biblical titles: Statutes of Life, Law of Righteousness, Law of Blessings, and Law of Liberty; for in our obedience by faith and love, we will be blessed many times over AND spared a second death: provided, of course, we also truly believe Jesus is God’s Son. The harlots teach that we are set free of THE Law; when, in fact, we are set free of only the condemnation in the Law: which condemnation comes into play only when Law is violated: i.e. man’s law says stealing is a crime punishable by imprisonment. If you do not steal, then you are not condemned to prison; thus, to avoid condemnation you must obey that law. See how we are “set free” of only condemnation within God’s Law? If Christ set us free of the whole Law, then why will that same Law “stand forever, even in the new earth and heavens?” 


In reality, false disciples teach almost exclusively the two royal laws— citing them as new commandments issued by Christ to replace the Ten, and the only ones that count in the end— “Love is Love and Love Is All That Matters.” Ironically, they do, from time to time, mention 12 precepts yet reduce one to third position to read simply, “Keep thou the Sabbath holy” while persuading their goats to be in church every Sunday. It would be difficult for them to urge Sunday attendance if they quoted the true fourth Precept: unless people have no concept of which are the first and last days in a week. Read the whole:


Exodus 20:8-11— Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger [heathen] that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it [made it holy].


Jesus then came adamantly stating, “I also am Lord of the Sabbath!” This should lend a hint of something quite special about this seventh day. If nothing else, it identifies God and His Christ as the ones whom true believers serve. And, by their observance of God’s Sabbath, in the manner He prescribed in Isaiah 58:6-8,10,13-14, they are identified as both God’s and Christ’s servants, sheep, the elect.


Additional scriptures state, “Blessed is the person who obeys God’s Sabbath, Jew or heathen, and cursed are those who do not.” To observe any other day as God’s Sabbath reveals a different god and identifies that god’s followers as goats, putting them in danger of being judged twice dead.


Therefore, the seventh day Sabbath is both God’s and Christ’s seal of authority to enforce God’s Laws over those who observe and keep holy the day as well as God’s remaining Statutes of Life. After all, within Exodus 20:8-11 appear all four criteria required for a valid seal of authority, whether corporeal or spiritual; and, in Ezekiel 20:12,20 God clearly tells us that the seventh day Sabbath is His SEAL— sign, seal, mark, and token being synonymous words— indicating that all who bear God’s seal have been sanctified by Him or by His Christ. Christ’s claim to the same seal makes perfect sense: He is the Son of God, thus He expects the same obedience to the day He shares with His Father. After all, Jesus said, “Do my Father’s Will, obey my Father’s Doctrine.”


It is an historical fact that the seventh day of the week is Saturday; always has been and always will be. Look to the Jewish faith for confirmation; of which Christianity is supposed to be a mere extension. Nonetheless, over the last 6000 years, calendars have undergone a number of changes: both the Jewish as well as those of pagans, changes which affected only the number of days in a year or in a month as well as the number of months in a year or which month would represent the first month of the year: Jewish and pagan finally settling on 12 months of 360-365 days in a year.


There have been several attempts to change the line up of week days— specifically to get people to accept Monday as the first day and Sunday as the seventh, making a blasphemous day appear to be God’s true Sabbath— but, each time it was met with strong opposition thus never accepted. This is no surprise, for our Lord stated, “I preserve My Truths.” Ironically, the United States federal government and its armed forces do use calendars showing Monday as the first day and Sunday as the last weekday. Sunday always has been the first day and Saturday the seventh. But, what about “times?”


Genesis shows God establishing a day as extending from evening to evening: because the world began in darkness; thus night came first, then He created light for the daytime hours. For example, Sabbath begins at sundown Friday and ends at sundown Saturday, the next day beginning at sundown and so forth. False speakers changed a day to begin at midnight, which comes straight out of paganism.


In the last decade or more, some denominations have begun holding services on Saturday evenings, due to some members’ concerns regarding God’s fourth Statute, erroneously leading people to believe they are observing God’s true Sabbath by attending church on Saturday nights; in fact, it’s already Sunday by God’s time standard. Obviously, these same people have no idea what God calls a day, short of reading Genesis for themselves.


The above move also is an effort to bring Sabbath keepers into their deadly synagogues: which is to walk right back into that which God said to “come out of.” Even daylight savings practices cannot affect God’s true Sabbath: the sun will rise and the sun will set according to His timing, regardless of mankind’s mechanical clock settings.


Further, false speakers interpret God’s prophecies to suit the desires of the world as well as altering timelines of each prophecy they’ve discerned by the world— as opposed to spiritually— therefore grossly leading their people astray and leaving them totally unprepared for Christ’s quick return. To be unprepared is to be left behind very “dead from one end of earth to the other end and the eagles are called to feast upon them,” while Christ’s sheep are “escorted to the sure, safe haven of heaven for 1000 years.”


False speakers teach some prophecies having been fulfilled in part, with the remainder to be fulfilled thousands of years later: setting God and His Word wholly out of character. This maliciously directs people to seek signs today that were long ago fulfilled— in essence, causing them to believe Christ won’t come until they see those signs. There are numerous ways in which false prophets have misinterpreted God’s prophecies, while at the same time earning billions of dollars through the promotion of their lies by the use of various medias: books, television and movies. Lies are about money, tons of it.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit, and the Apostles made it clear that even “one falsehood amidst God’s truth renders the whole a deception.” So let us suppose the only lie being taught among various denominations is that of God’s Sabbath: Sunday exchanged for Saturday. This being the case, how can anyone believe anything else they teach? If they will promote even one lie— let alone the greatest lie ever perpetuated— there is absolutely NO assurance people are getting any of God’s Truth! Besides which, this particular falsity renders the one who believes the lie without God’s Seal upon his or her forehead: instead, twice dead by Satan’s Mark.


The fact is, and for any number of reasons, there is not one denomination coming even close to fitting the Biblical description of Christ’s church; which clarifies exactly why Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, so shall I be.” This also accounts for the description of His flocks as being “small” in number.


Our Saviour condemned all false preachers, pastors, theologians, and prophets of His time as well as in the generations to come; saying instead that those who are NOT schooled in man’s Bible seminaries— babes, as it were— would perfect praise and teach Truth. Despite His declaration, the vast majority of people continue to believe and blindly follow only ordained ministers and their trumped up prophets: the very ones “who slay their own people for lack of truth.” They reign by way of persuasive power strengthened by certificates of ordination from man’s schools of theology and, in exchange for your loyalty and money, they promise wealth, peace, and happiness now and in paradise they cannot guarantee.


Last, there are people who will believe only those preachers, pastors, theologians and prophets who are related to them: mother, father, brother, sister, uncle and so forth. Just because someone is a family member who just happens to be in a ministry does not guarantee he or she speaks God’s Truth. Nor can one be assured they are not false ministers and prophets. Else Christ would not have warned that those who will turn against His sheep are those of his or her own household, family as it were. Further, Paul revealed the deceit of Satan’s synagogues: “Why are you surprised Satan can manifest himself as an angel of light and that his ministers can do the same?”


God’s consistent complaint with Israel, as noted in Isaiah 30:8-9, was their habitual return to disobedience of His Commandments; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 further advising us that the whole duty of mankind is to obey God’s Statutes. Then, in Romans 2:12-13,15,18, Paul states clearly that “those who sin without God’s Law will PERISH without His Law; and, those who sin aware of God’s Law shall be JUDGED by that law: therefore, the hearers of God’s Law are not justified; but, the DOERS OF GOD’S LAW SHALL BE JUSTIFIED. How much plainer must God’s requirements be stated in order that people turn to His total Law instead of mankind’s altered form of it? Revelation even confirms this same obligation three times— 12:17, 14:12, 22:14.


Yet, religious leaders say we are dead to the Law? The only aspect of God’s Law to which only the obedient are exempt is the condemnation built into the Law; this is to say, the penalty for violating God’s Law, which penalty is to be rendered twice dead. There is no scripture in existence saying we are dead to obeying His Precepts. After all, scripture tells us that to commit sin IS to violate the Law.


Isaiah 8, verses 16 and 20, make it abundantly clear who are false teachers versus who are Spirit anointed speakers: the latter speak the loving testimony of God and His Christ as well as teach only God’s Law, His Doctrine, because there is light in them. There was light in God’s various chosen ancient prophets, there was light in Jesus, there was light in His Apostles, save and except Judas, and there is light in the few truly anointed today: sadly, they go unheeded amidst the roaring flood of false teachers and prophets.


After all, false leaders can shout louder and have ample financial resources you’ve provided to surround the globe with their lies, masking truth speakers by their sheer strength and volume, accessibility to civil powers, as well as their exceeding numbers of supporting followers: these latter of whom are to be considered false brethren. False leaders and brethren alike are quick to denounce truth speakers as “legalists, blasphemers and doers of Satan’s work.” Their formal ordination causes people to believe them thus quickly denouncing truth speakers. As in Christ’s day, so it is today: only getting worse.


Do you still believe you are directed by God’s true disciples: the ones who lead your choice  of denomination? Or, has this article cast shadows on what you’ve believed, doubt of your leaders and those denominations Biblically known as Satan’s synagogues? There is much more light to be shed, for they know absolutely no boundaries for lies.


Therefore, the end-of-days’ instruction to Christ’s sheep is to be fully dressed in God’s Armor and keep your eyes on the clouds; for Jesus is even at the door and earth has been  “reeling to and fro like a drunkard” for almost 19 years now (Isaiah 24:19-22). Time is short; so, let this serve as a heads up to every professed Christian whom God deems cold or lukewarm (Revelation 3:14-22). Repent— repent— repent quickly, totally and today.


——Watch the clouds between mid-October to mid-November henceforth until no later than 2011. The book of Hebrews says Jesus will not be late. If not fully converted now, time is your enemy; total conversion must be instant, this day, TODAY: do not delay. Pray unceasing! Be watchful; stand fast even to death. WE HAVE GOD’S POWER. KEEP WALKING and TALKING, even when it seems useless: you might snatch one lost, lukewarm sheep from the flames and give the warmth of God’s Truth to a cold waiting for it. Saith the Lord, “Ye lukewarm await consuming fire.”


——TSaS post archives open to public; members access Bible Lesson FILES. TSaS ministry neither needs nor asks for money and never will: God provides our basic needs. We ask only for prayer and that you share God’s Truth with all who will hear/read and obey in “the instant.” Be good stewards of God’s Word: share Extra Oils, lead everyone to God’s Biblical Truth at —

Much Love in Christ, Sister BonnieQ Unicorn Haven’s Seventh Seal Library to order Asafetida, also correctly spelled Asafoetida: produced by Natures Answer; if not in product list send email to NA to ask about getting it (my local health food store orders it for me) This is one of the strongest fighter’s of virus in God’s herbal kingdom: His medicine works perfectly and with no side effects!

Also, remember God’s words about these times, “My people shall walk among them and be not touched.”


24 November 2009 Posted by | Abuse, Armageddon, Armor, Bible, Bible Related Articles, Bible Study, Blasphemy, Blessings, Book Reviews, Christ, Christianity, Christs Return, Church, Death, Diety, Divinity, Economy, End Times, Escatology, Evil, Faith, Gays, God, Government Abuse, Grace, Groom, Health, Hebrews, Holy Spirit, Homosexuality, Islam, Jehovah, Jesus, Jews, Lord's Day, Love, Mark, Memorial, Muslims, Nature, News, Polygamy, Prayer Requests, Prayers, Prophecy, Prophets, Quran, Redemption, Religion, Remnant, Resurrection, Sabbath, Salvation, Saturday, Seal, Sign, Spiritual, Spiritual Study, Sunday, Teachers, Ten Commandments, Theology, Token, Truth, World | , , | 2 Comments

Extra Oil Update 33: Man Cannot Fix It

Earth staggers like a drunk: News, Storms, 2012, Earthquakes, Health, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, Radiation, Magnetic Poles, N-S Poles, Climate, Caves? Survivalists


Prophecy’s Extra Oil Update 33: Man Cannot Fix It

©copyright 2009 Bonita M Quesinberry


News only worsens by the day, so no indepth news capsules today or for the next few weeks; other than, perhaps as in the opening below: a few short lines instead of several pages. Please WELCOME new TSaS member Millie. She is studying for a ministry and “hungry for all of God’s Word.” You have come to the right place, Millie; for here at TSaS we provide only God’s Word with understanding as given by the Spirit. We do so in parcel, not part. We urge you to share our posts with all who will “hear” or read.  

News 11/18-11/21: 3.5 days in “terrors of these end days;” Strong quake strikes Canada’s Pacific coast; Australia issues “catastrophic” fire warning; Pacific Northwest got hit with near hurricane force winds (60-80mph), flooding rains, heavy snow, damages and power outages, 3 more Pacific storms moving in back to back; Global deaths by myriad causes climbing; Insurance companies spend $600-mil to influence Health Care Reform debate; AOL to cut 1/3 work force; CNN: “9,000 suspects. 4,800 arrests. $200 million in assets. What seized is happening in China?”

The sheep know prophecy’s signs and plagues will not get better per God’s Holy Word: for this, the majority call us negative, doom and gloom preachers and liars “doing the devil’s work” that only scare others. Some even accuse us of “being in a panic.” Well, in a sense we are in a panic to get the Truth out to those waiting for it; after all, time is exceedingly short and that is the only reason for our sense of urgency.

If all those naysayers knew what we know, they would be as free of fear and as excited as we are about Christ’s “quick” return; also, they would see that we are the true survivalists: we depend on only God and Christ and their Words of Truth and promises never broken. Alas, naysayers live in abject fear, the extent of which is revealed in this week’s update. As God threatened ions ago, regarding today, “I will bring upon them all their fears.”

Today, TSaS presents four (4) documentary summaries about the horrors to come and the ones we are witnessing during the most exciting era of man’s history, highlighted in the one liner below. Pray— pray unceasing for everyone, for the world and its leaders, for all who believe a lie and will die twice for their misguided ways.

+++++++++++++++++++ Surviving 2012? Expensive Secrets! Man Cannot Fix It!


World Powers Prep for 2012

©copyright 2009 Bonita M Quesinberry


2009 DOCUMENTARIES: four have been viewed on History, Discover and SyFy channels in the last 2 weeks; each based in part on the Mayan 2012. By now, some may have seen the new movie “2012.” We know 2012 is not the year we look to for our Lord’s return and neither will total destruction occur with His sheep still on this planet; although, the movie did a fair job of providing visuals of what will be happening to the entire earth as Christ crosses the skies taking up His sheep: Praise the Lord! There will be no survivors, not even earth, save those in the clouds with Christ.


These 4 programs provided various speculations, theories yet myriad scientific facts. We do not bother with the first two, “just the facts” for us, as well as startling secrets revealed about earth’s largest world powers and the unmitigated depths of man’s arrogance.


Recently reviewed were earth’s many volcanoes, of which 20,000 of the most active lie beneath oceans: one of the biggest is a wide trench over 200 miles in length, fondly referred to as a “volcano nursery.” The findings also covered “super volcanoes,” such as Yellow Stone National Park, which are the most deceptive and powerful of all volcanoes, able to unleash unimaginable power when predictable eruptions occur.


There are dozens of “super volcanoes” in the world, most beneath our seas. In addition to Yellow Stone is the Atlantic’s Qumre Vieja located near the Canary Islands off Africa’s coast. Currently, it has built up sufficient power to be equal to 1000s of mega ton nuclear bombs exploding simultaneously, instantly setting off tsunamis with 3000-ft waves taking out the entire US east coast and all of the European west coast.


What makes these super volcanoes deceptive is the fact they appear as mere depressions on land and ocean floors; instead of rising cones, they have many square miles of lava contained in bowls called calderas close to earth’s surface; people standing on a super volcano would not know it unless told. In the last several years all of them were elevated to the “red zone”: extreme danger of all erupting at once. This fact definitely correlates to The Revelation prophesying of these end of days, more specifically the day of Christ’s return. But, there is more going on in addition to volcanoes that caused one scientist to adamantly declare, “Man cannot deal with something this big.”


The first discovery about the condition of earth’s magnetic sphere was in 1948. Most people think the magnetic poles are the same as earth’s north and south poles. They are not. In fact, the magnetic poles are located hundreds of miles away from the literal poles. Stunningly, the findings of 1948 found the magnetic poles inexplicably had shifted to within 150 miles of the literal poles, likely much closer today. At the rate of shifting, a collision of the magnetic and literal poles will occur: if that happens— well, the result would be the same catastrophic events noted below but for much different reasons.


Consider what it will be like when all events occur simultaneously. Recently, scientists found a massive weakness in a large section of earth’s magnetic sphere, which serves two purposes: keep earth on track, keep our feet on the ground, and prevent harmful solar radiation flares and UV rays from reaching the planet. It was weakened by massive flares over the last few years— that we had not heard about— worse solar storms are expected within the next 2 years that easily could rip apart the weak area: “the sun is becoming increasingly charged and could deliver fatal radiation blasts any day but surely by 2012.”


Should a break occur in the magnetic sphere, the world’s power grid would be instantly fried and take up to 5 years to restore. No lights, no computers, no phones, no aircraft able to fly. This sphere is different from our ozone; which already has a massive hole in it that has been allowing dangerous UV rays to reach us and fulfill Rev. 16:8— the fourth vial upon the sun, giving it power to “scorch men with fire.”


This gets worse: a rip in the magnetic field would cause earth’s mantle to slide erratically around its molten iron core due to direct radiation hits— the core is tossing and turning even from indirect hits but on a lesser scale. Such an event might cause the planet to turn onto its side or even upside down, setting off massive quakes and volcanic eruptions. The first things to die from the radiation would be food for sea creatures, starvation rapidly spreading around the globe and many species instantly extinct.


On the bright side, most scientists don’t believe a magnetic separation will occur, though they admit such a breach could cause the lesser event of reversing earth’s rotation; which also would set off massive quakes and volcanoes. They did say the current, massive solar flares being seen are exciting earth’s core and changing its dynamic— contrary to Martha Stewart’s favorite saying— It’s NOT a good thing.


The core’s erratic movements are evident by the rash of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and deadly storms over the last 18 years (1991). Each year the frequency and devastation of events have continued to escalate wildly, just as God’s prophecy said it would. Some of you have read of these increasing events documented in “Bind Up the Testimony, Seal the Law”— written 1998, published 2003. Such occurrences are far worse today than they were when the research was conducted and prior to publication and, certainly, worse than at any time in earth’s living history in just the last 2 years: again, as God predicted.


Thus far, science is proving what TSaS has been warning its people of for all those years and to this day; but, our message wasn’t gleaned from science. It came from God. What a blessing if more people would listen, heed and repent; for man’s time is almost over and earth is about to suffer a massive, explosive heart attack.


The documentaries got really interesting here and revealed man’s utter arrogance in believing he can fix both man’s and earth’s enormous ailments compounded by his attitude of “spare no expense” to do so. God adamantly stated, “Who can prevent God?” No man can “fix” that which he destroyed but did not create; for it is far beyond any ability he “thinks” he has within himself: as the scientist above quite accurately said.


It seems the world’s most powerful nations, including the US, have been aware of and tracking the inevitable destruction of earth for hundreds of years; albeit, these regimes have been aware of and, through collaborative efforts, preparing for the Mayan portent of 2012 for far more years than laymen were even aware of a pagan doomsday omen. Their belief in this catastrophic event actually occurring was further solidified by the same prophecies of other groups: America’s Hopi Indians, ancient Egyptian records, even the Bible’s Revelation, and myriad pagan religions.


Revelation disagrees with those portents on a number of critical points noted in previous “Extra Oils;” the most important issues being: 1. There is no 7-year tribulation to cancel out 2012 or any other date provided; 2. Christ is not going to reign on old earth for 1000 years, then all is destroyed and made new; 3. All who are left behind on this dying planet will be left quite dead no later than 2011— and, 4. Earth’s destruction and the wickeds’ first death are witnessed by Christ’s sheep from where they join Jesus in the clouds for escort to “heaven’s safe haven.”


It gets better, rather more insane. Man seems to think it all will go his way to magically save the day while sparing no expense to prove it. Over the last 60 years, billions of governments’ dollars have been spent on plans to “prevent” such a catastrophic event while at the same time preparing for failure by building bunkers at earth’s north and south poles: massive units below icy surfaces with a tubular like entry above the ice. Inside, there are “sworn to secrecy” paid employees sorting seeds of every plant on earth, putting only the best in sealed boxes then into 28-deg refrigerated units. All of this was filmed!


Still, these powerful governments do expect failure of the world’s power grid, should they fail to “prevent” the disaster: a loss of electricity calls for plan B— the surrounding ice will maintain a 28-deg temp required to preserve those vital seeds. Ice? Wonder how ice will hold up to 6000-deg temps produced by molten lava covering the world?


The above plans also explain the billions upon billions of dollars spent just to find water off this planet in light of earth’s supply contaminated or nonexistent: NASA recently discovered it on our moon. The next countless expenses will be on how to get it to earth. Add to these billions of dollars should be also the costs of maintaining the international space station and numerous satellites aimed at earth and the universes beyond. It all begs the question, have governments really placed those satellites to provide advance warning of Christ’s arrival? By now, the expenditures are likely in the trillions. No wonder the world’s national debts cannot be paid off!


Now, do not jump on a plane for the North Pole thinking you can get into these bunkers: the most sophisticated security and well-armed guards bar the way and you “would freeze to death in the few minutes it takes you to beg entry.” While the bunkers are intended to house many people, they are reserved for the world’s politically and monetarily affluent, such as presidents and kings and the world’s richest billionaires along with key lay-people to rebuild earth: agriculturalists, engineers, architects, builders, electricians, scientists— no need for common folk like us.


Their fanciful plan is designed to replant and rebuild earth after all the chaos dissipates as a result of her massive heart attack, knowing full well they will have to remain bunkered for a very long time before outside air is cleared of smoke, deadly gases, and debris from her colossal explosions: the current scientific estimation is 100 years but we know it to be 1000 years. So, the bunkers include areas to grow food for occupants.


The only life not covered in the specific documentary, “2012: Startling New Secrets,” was a governmental solution for saving earth’s animals—all creatures small and large, which the private sector below does allow for— as well as the general populace for which there are no bunkers: world powers mean to sacrifice the masses for a critical few; then replant, rebuild, repopulate and man rules once again. Boy! This is beginning to sound like a science fiction movie in which the people do not matter. Truth: governments never have cared about the people they rule. Alas, man would be no wiser in his version of the future than he is right now. Speaking of seeds, perhaps storing DNA is their way of providing a “restored” earth with all creatures both small and large, though there was no mention of this inclusion. Still, talk about government waste!


Ah, but the masses already have formed “survivalist groups” all over the Internet, to which people have joined from all over the world and financially support their own plans for survival of either 2012 or a Biblical event: most, however, have fallen prey to 2012. Presently, they are communicating with the US Army Corps of Engineers about buying old, abandoned nuclear bunkers; massive installations that cover miles of underground facilities located in various part of US deserts and, surely, around the world.


While abandoned bunkers are in deplorable, dilapidated and rusted condition, the groups’ leaders inspected various sites and declared them doable. These are preferable because they are way down deep thus considered resistant to any and all catastrophic events. It is a matter of settling on a sales price the survivalists are prepared to pay, plus the enormous cost of restoring. Talk about waste from the world’s top regimes to the bottom of simple, unbelieving humanity functioning in Satan’s gift of abject fear. God said, “islands disappear and mountains fall flat:” it will crush bunkers, filling them with 6000-deg lava.


The plan is to convert the bunkers to house non-government people with areas set aside for underground farming and raising animals for food: sort of modern day Noah’s Arks. These misguided people intend to have restoration completed prior to 21 December 2012. However, they did not address the issue of potable water, breathable air and electricity for lighting those dark, dank bunkers: there will be no water left on this planet once the upheaval settles down and earth goes into her Sabbath rest. As for air contaminated severely by smoke, deadly gases and debris— it will not clear for 1000 years.


“The wicked fall dead at the brightness of Christ’s coming.” That brightness is described as equal to Orion, ten times the light of earth’s sun. Be reminded of another scripture describing earth’s final scene: the wicked are running and screaming, cursing God and trying to hide in holes and crevices and caves— might we call them bunkers? Thunders, lightnings, volcanoes erupting and earthquakes that sink islands and flatten mountains; these followed by God’s final assault of Rev. 16:21— “And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about 100 pounds: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.”


The Old Testament tells us what common sense already knows, “The wicked shall lie dead from one end of earth to the other end.” How much plainer can this picture be painted, how much simpler can the words be formed, for the world to see with spiritual eyes and hear with spiritual ears?


“My people shall walk among them and not be touched.” We do not know nor feel fear; for we live and die by faith in God’s promises never broken.


——Watch the clouds between mid-October to mid-November henceforth until no later than 2011. The book of Hebrews says Jesus will not be late. If not fully converted now, time is your enemy; total conversion must be instant, this day, TODAY: do not delay. Pray unceasing! Be watchful; stand fast even to death. WE HAVE GOD’S POWER. KEEP WALKING and TALKING, even when it seems useless: you might snatch one lost, lukewarm sheep from the flames and give the warmth of God’s Truth to a cold waiting for it. Saith the Lord, “Ye lukewarm await consuming fire.”


——TSaS post archives open to public; members access Bible Lesson FILES. TSaS ministry neither needs nor asks for money and never will: God provides our basic needs. We ask only for prayer and that you share God’s Truth with all who will hear/read and obey in “the instant.” Be good stewards of God’s Word: share Extra Oils, lead everyone to God’s Biblical Truth at —

Much Love in Christ, Sister BonnieQ Unicorn Haven’s Seventh Seal Library to order Asafetida, also correctly spelled Asafoetida: produced by Natures Answer; if not in product list send email to NA to ask about getting it (my local health food store orders it for me) This is one of the strongest fighter’s of virus in God’s herbal kingdom: His medicine works perfectly and with no side effects!



20 November 2009 Posted by | Abuse, Animals, Armageddon, Armor, Bible, Bible Related Articles, Bible Study, Blasphemy, Blessings, Book Reviews, Christ, Christianity, Christs Return, Church, Death, Diety, Divinity, Economy, End Times, Escatology, Evil, Faith, Gays, God, Government Abuse, Grace, Groom, Health, Hebrews, Holy Spirit, Homosexuality, Islam, Jehovah, Jesus, Jews, Lord's Day, Love, Memorial, Muslims, Nature, News, Polygamy, Prayer Requests, Prayers, Prophecy, Prophets, Quran, Redemption, Religion, Remnant, Resurrection, Sabbath, Salvation, Saturday, Seal, Sign, Spiritual, Spiritual Study, Sunday, Teachers, Ten Commandments, Theology, Token, Truth, World | , , | 3 Comments

Extra Oil Update 32: News of Prophetic Peace

Earth IS reeling to and fro like a drunkard: News, Hurricane, Earthquake, Economy, Depression, H1N1, Cancer, Obesity, Gay Rights, Priest Parent, Panic, Grief, Deaths


Prophecy’s Extra Oil Update 32: News of Prophetic Peace

©copyright 2009 Bonita M Quesinberry


News 11/14-11/17: 3.5 days in “terrors of these end days;” The sheep know things are not improving and that they will not get better according to God’s Holy Word; so, no news for awhile. TSaS will focus on recalls of vital Bible studies or relate summaries of documentaries that respond to the horrors we are witnessing during the most exciting time in man’s history. Pray— pray unceasing for everyone, for the world and its leaders, for all who believe a lie and will die twice for their misguided ways. DON’T MISS 11/20 FRIDAY’S POST: Surviving 2012? Stunning Secrets! Man Cannot Fix It!




Peace in Prophecy

©copyright 2006 Bonita M Quesinberry


Today, a common theological teaching about peace on this earth has been erroneously tied to prophecies of these end of days: that the antichrist will come in the form of a man and he will effect an end to national wars before Christ returns, only to later be revealed as the monster he is— NO, it is not President Obama— at which time they claim Christ will return to defeat this beast. Yes, peace is spoken of but not as various synagogue sects are teaching it. Verses hereinbelow are taken from the AKJV Bible and paraphrased for comprehension. The reader is urged to open their Bible to each one and read for self.


Paul advises in I Thessalonians 5:2-3, “You know perfectly well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. But when people are crying for peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them, and they shall not escape.” Paul is telling us that, when the world has become weary of conflict and wars thus are crying out for peace, this will be the time in which Christ returns, destruction following behind Him; albeit, no one can cite a specific day and hour for His return but the time of year can be given. In short, those who are demanding world peace are one and the same as those cursing God for what we see happening all around us: such as the war in Iraq. There is no doubt the world is screaming for peace and has been for some time.


Jesus had several things to say about this desired peace from wars among mankind as well as in personal relationships. Matthew 10:34-36 addresses the latter, “I did not come to bring peace on earth. I came with a sword to cause conflict between a man and his father, the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household.”


In Luke 12:51-52, Christ went on to say, “Do you think I have come to give peace on earth? I tell you, NO! I came to cause division. From this day forward, there shall be five divided in one house; three against two, and two against three.” Christ did not mean these numbers as specific, rather they are an example of division and conflict in a household.


Division? Conflict? Yes; for “many are called, few chosen.” This division by conflict represents removal of weeds, those who profess to be Christians but merely flatter with their lips— Satan’s goats in sheep’s clothing also referred to as grapes, per Revelation’s second resurrection— from amidst the wheat, Christ’s sheep who are harvested in the first resurrection. Therefore, this last church age, classified also as end times, represents God’s angels coming ahead of Christ to extract the weeds currently choking the wheat’s roots, for the ultimate purpose of burning those weeds: Matthew 13:37-42.


Following behind these angels, as they precede Him with fire as it were, is Christ in the clouds moving from east to west as He “harvests wheat,” which is to say He takes up His small flocks noted in Revelation 14:14-16. Other scripture tells us that “every eye shall see” this event, proving false the teaching of a rapture where people simply disappear; and another scripture says “they know perfectly why they are left behind; and yet another says they “die at the brightness of His coming.” Following in Christ’s wake, however, is the seventh plague of Revelation 16:18-21, which renders everyone left behind quite dead for a period of, as Revelation 20:5 indicates, one thousand years. (see also Nahum 1:5)


Jeremiah 25:32-33 validates the above, “Thus saith the Lord, ‘Behold, evil shall go from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And those the Lord has slain in that day shall be left lying from one end of earth even to the other end of earth: they shall not be grieved for, neither gathered nor buried; they shall be waste upon the ground.” This is what Satan will live with for one thousand years.


This same timeframe represents the sheep’s stay in heaven as well as the time allotted for earth’s Sabbath rest (Leviticus 26:35; Jeremiah 50:34; Zechariah 1:11; Zephaniah 3:8)— earth’s seventh thousand years, during which earth lies fallow and unable to support life; much like an abyss, a void or bottomless pit, such as it was described in Genesis 1:2 before life was created upon and in earth. It is this bottomless pit to which Satan will be metaphorically chained, meaning he cannot leave the planet, cannot fly the heavens: all by himself on a sleeping earth with the stench of decaying bodies rising in his nostrils for one thousand years, with nothing to look forward to except his utter destruction at the close of those years. (Revelation 20:1-3)


Regarding wars, Matthew 24:4-15 and Mark 13:5-14 tells us exactly what to expect in these end days just before His return: “Don’t let anyone deceive you, for many shall come in my name, even saying that I am Christ or that they are Christ, but they shall deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but do not be troubled; for all these things must come to pass before the end. Nation will battle nation, kingdoms against kingdoms; there shall be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. These are the beginning of sorrows.


“The wicked will cause you to be afflicted and shall kill you, and you will be hated by everyone for my name’s sake. Many will be offended and shall betray and hate one another. Many false prophets will deceive the majority and sin will abound while the love of many believers will wax cold. But, he that endures persecution until the end, for having preached the gospel as a witness to the world*, then he shall be saved when the end comes. The end will come when you see the abomination of desolation*, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place of Jerusalem.” (see also Daniel 11:31)


*The first event Jesus speaks of is the preaching of the gospel, which directly relates to Revelation 10:11 instructing that the truth be preached one more time after having been hidden in the wilderness for 1260 years; during which time Satan flooded the world with false doctrines in God’s name (Revelation 12:6,13-15). The “preaching again” was fulfilled during the Philadelphia church age, 1844 to 1991 AD, Revelation 3:7-13. And, it continues today by the hot who reach out to cold or lukewarm (Revelation 3:14-22).


*The second event Christ mentions is just one of many signs of earth being in its final church age, Laodicea, in which Jesus is no longer saying “I will come soon” — as He had said in the previous two church ages of Sardis and Philadelphia; rather, He is now saying He will come quickly. Therefore, Christ is referring to Laodicea in Matthew 24:22, “Unless those days are shortened, no one will be saved; however, for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened.” We may rightly understand that this last church age will be the shortest of the previous six eras, of which Sardis was the shortest at 46 years; having extended from 1798 AD to 1844. We are now 16 years into Laodicea.


Desert Storm of 1991— Revelation 16:16, Armageddon, Luke 21:20,27-28 — trumpeted Laodicea’s beginning, while sightings of “the abomination of desolation” reveals time accelerating to a quick close. The abomination of desolation, that is Satan’s representative, was seen in the Holy City of Jerusalem in 1991 and again in 1993 for the last time (see article “Pure Organic Logic”).


It should be abundantly clear that there never will be peace from conflicts and International wars on this old earth, because II Timothy 3:1-5,13 notes the wicked waxing worse in these end days: wickedness does not promote peace. This being the case, there is no way mankind shall experience peace from wars and conflicts; not until evil is utterly destroyed and earth made new. Jesus clarified: the only peace one currently can experience is internally, as He gives, and the peaceful personality His sheep present to the world— noted in John 14:26-27 — and who have peace with God, Romans 5:1-2.


Laodicea is the most perilous age for true believers: it is filled with wars and threats of wars, Revelation’s first six plagues are poured out, each of which have been gaining in momentum and intensity since 1991; and, according to Revelation 7:3, the fury of natural elements were released as well: inasmuch as the sealing work was completed when Philadelphia ended.


It was during Philadelphia that the angels of the “four winds of earth”— elements such as snow, whirlwinds, rains/floods, earthquakes and volcanoes; these being God’s weaponry reflecting His wrath (Job 37:2-6; 38:22-23; Psalm 148:8; Proverbs 26:1)— were instructed to hold back those winds “until sealing was finished.” As soon as completed, the winds were released (see article “Elements of God’s Love ~ Tsunami”).


If we look for world peace prior to Christ’s return, we look for that which will never happen and, as such, will be unprepared when Christ comes in the clouds. If we look for Israel’s ancient temple to be rebuilt, we look in error; for Daniel 9:20 advises that Christ portended the temple destroyed after Christ (Matthew 24:1-2). In 70 A.D. the temple was destroyed.


Daniel further stated that the temple would never be rebuilt again: “even until the consummation,” which means not even when Christ returns; and, today, a Moslem Mosque sits on its foundation. Why? Because Christ will not reign here on this old earth while she lies fallow; rather, He takes up His sheep to heaven to remain during her thousand years of Sabbath rest. Additionally, when we return with Him, New Jerusalem will “come down out of heaven and there will be no temple therein; for God and Christ are the temple.” (Revelation 21:1-2,22)


Throughout the New Testament, peace is spoken of as being within a person; as such people behaving peacefully and encouraging peace; also a blessing in the form of “peace be with you” as well as “peace upon the household” of one who accepts the disciples’ teachings of God and Christ and who are obedient. If it were possible for every human to be peaceful within and without, there would be no conflicts or wars near and far; however, that is impossible as long as evil reigns on earth.


Inasmuch as the sealing work has been completed, we now are living the years of Revelation 22:11-12, “He that is unjust, let him remain unjust: and he which is filthy, let him still be filthy: and he that is righteous, let him remain righteous: and he that is holy, let him continue to be holy. And, Jesus said, ‘Behold, I come quickly.'”


Therefore, the end days’ instruction to Christ’s sheep is to be fully dressed in God’s Armor while keeping our eyes on the clouds; for Jesus is even at the door and earth has been  “reeling to and fro like a drunkard” for quite awhile (Isaiah 24:19-22). Time is incredibly short; so, let this serve as a heads up to every professed Christian whom God deems cold or lukewarm (Revelation 3:14-22). Repent— repent— repent quickly and totally.


——Watch the clouds between mid-October to mid-November henceforth until no later than 2011. The book of Hebrews says Jesus will not be late. If not fully converted now, time is your enemy; total conversion must be instant, this day, TODAY: do not delay. Pray unceasing! Be watchful; stand fast even to death. WE HAVE GOD’S POWER. KEEP WALKING and TALKING, even when it seems useless: you might snatch one lost, lukewarm sheep from the flames and give the warmth of God’s Truth to a cold waiting for it. Saith the Lord, “Ye lukewarm await consuming fire.”


——TSaS post archives open to public; members access Bible Lesson FILES. TSaS ministry neither needs nor asks for money and never will: God provides our basic needs. We ask only for prayer and that you share God’s Truth with all who will hear/read and obey in “the instant.” Be good stewards of God’s Word: share Extra Oils, lead everyone to God’s Biblical Truth at —

Much Love in Christ, Sister BonnieQ Unicorn Haven’s Seventh Seal Library to order Asafetida, also correctly spelled Asafoetida: produced by Natures Answer; if not in product list send email to NA to ask about getting it (my local health food store orders it for me) This is one of the strongest fighter’s of virus in God’s herbal kingdom: His medicine works perfectly and with no side effects!

Also, remember God’s words about these times, “My people shall walk among them and be not touched.”





17 November 2009 Posted by | Abuse, Armageddon, Armor, Bible, Bible Related Articles, Bible Study, Blasphemy, Book Reviews, Christianity, Christs Return, Church, Death, Diety, Divinity, Economy, End Times, Escatology, Evil, Faith, Gays, God, Government Abuse, Grace, Health, Hebrews, Holy Spirit, Homosexuality, Islam, Jehovah, Jesus, Jews, Lord's Day, Love, Memorial, Muslims, Nature, News, Polygamy, Prayer Requests, Prayers, Prophecy, Quran, Redemption, Religion, Remnant, Resurrection, Sabbath, Salvation, Saturday, Seal, Self Help, Sign, Spiritual, Spiritual Study, Sunday, Teachers, Ten Commandments, Theology, Token, Truth, World | , , | Leave a comment