God's Truth Not Smooth Words

Reasoning God’s Word

©copyright 2006 Bonita M Quesinberry, R.C.


How does one effectively reason God’s Word without ALL of God’s Word, or reason with man’s use of one or two scriptures to support a purported belief; those same one or two scriptures that, ultimately, can bring about one’s own destruction? To use so few of God’s Word, regarding a specific subject, is to reveal one who has been taught in and lives by man’s way, instead of God’s; and it reveals one who seeks to justify self continuing in sin while contrarily claiming Christ’s sacrifice allows of it; and, he or she desires to be always right: as opposed to one who seeks only God’s Truth by the Holy Spirit, understanding that man’s way is wrong. (II Timothy 3:16-17)

The most common statement these will make is, “That isn’t what my church teaches!” The underlying message is, “I believe what my denomination teaches and never bother to look it up or study it for myself and I’m not going to, because I like what they teach.” As God stated, “They who refuse the Truth, love death,” and, in the end they will perish for refusing His Truth when it was presented to them. (II Corinthians 4:3-7; Galatians 1:6-7; II Timothy 2:15; 4:3-4; II Peter 2:1-22)

Those who seek God’s Truth through the Holy Spirit already know, or at the very least, suspect they are “cold”, Revelation 3:15-18, by virtue of having been taught in error by any man who teaches by man’s seminary instruction; because Jesus said, “Beware the pastors and preachers; for they speak not with the mouth of God but teach from the lusts of their hearts.” He clarified that “babes” are those who have not been tutored by man and only they will deliver God’s Truth: these will be the ones no longer “drinking milk,” rather they eat solid food as being “mature” in God’s Word by way of the Holy Spirit; they “perfect praise.” Rarely will Truth Speakers be teaching from any of corporate Christendom’s pulpits.

It is not necessarily a sin to be wrong, if the sin is committed in ignorance; but it is a sin to be wrong and not seek what is right by God’s perfect standard; this is to say, to look up all references provided: for man’s seminary teachings are woefully flawed. To reason is NOT to debate and argue; to reason is to provide ALL of God’s relevant scriptures concerning another person’s specific Bible question or belief error. Then, the one who queried should look up passages provided by request of Holy Spirit guidance and understanding when reading them. Praise the Lord, it is not a Truth Speaker’s task to convince anyone of God’s Word: it is God’s task and His alone, for He “chooses whom He will to follow His Son.”

To read without requesting Holy Spirit guidance is to unwittingly invite Satan to interpret God’s Word, a task in which he takes great delight; for Lucifer’s explanation, in the end, takes down that one with him into a pit of fire and brimstone. The Bible clearly reveals Beelzebub using God’s Word to achieve man’s destruction, as noted when Jesus was tempted by him in the wilderness for 40 days and nights; and, he continues to use God’s Word today in a twisted manner in order to deceive and lead astray, as he delivers it from man’s corporate pulpits in the guise of Christian synagogues.

To say one disagrees with one who effectively reasoned God’s Word, is not to disagree with the speaker but to disagree with the Holy Spirit; which is to put oneself in danger of damnation for the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If one disagrees after ALL of God’s Word was provided in response, it is wiser to keep it to his or her self; for by remaining silent, perhaps God will allow the Holy Spirit to reveal His truth to the one who disagreed yet avoided debate. Only “a fool who loves death” argues against God’s Word in order to justify living in sin while professing Christ.

Please understand: to violate even one of God’s Ten Commandments is to continue in sin; so, be wise and considered the Fourth Statute in Exodus 20:8-11. The majority of those professing to be Christians are in blatant disobedience of this particular precept, if not one or more of the remaining nine; especially the first three Statutes: consider the observance of pagan holidays in Christ’s name. It is forbidden by God to argue and debate His Word that has been properly and thoroughly reasoned.  

Jehovah’s Truth Speakers are instructed to reason “once or twice.” If the hearer rejects it after the second admonition, Truth speakers are told, “It is because their mind is perverted. Walk away and never return to this person” (Titus 3:10-11). God goes on to say they have condemned themselves by continuing in sin, despite being warned.

There are so many sheep in the world, which are either lost or cold, and God’s knows there are few Truth Speakers to reach them; thus, Truth Speakers don’t have time to argue with those who will never receive it: their rejection of the second admonition is proof they will never accept and repent. Thus, to proceed beyond a second warning is an effort in futility: “God chooses whom He will to follow His Son,” and He certainly will never choose those with a perverted mind.

Romans 9:15,18,21; Galatians 1:10-12; I Timothy 6:3-5; II Timothy 2:20,23-26; 3:1-5

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5 November 2006 Posted by | Bible, Bible Related Articles, Bible Study, Blasphemy, Blessings, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Church, Death, Diety, Divinity, Evil, Faith, God, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jehovah, Jesus, Lord's Day, Love, Redemption, Religion, Remnant, Resurrection, Salvation, Spiritual, Spiritual Study, Ten Commandments, Theology, Truth | 13 Comments