God's Truth Not Smooth Words

Extra Oil 64: Abomination of Desolation Seen

News, Earthquakes, Elements, 6-Plagues, Abomination-of-Desolation, False-Prophets, Pope, Protestant, Pagan, Van-Impe, Lindsey, Robertson, Hagee, Truth, Jerusalem

Prophecy’s Extra Oil 64: Abomination of Desolation Seen
©copyright 2010 Bonita M Quesinberry

News: First, it was a M7.2 quake 15-mi from the CA border in MX followed by “100’s of aftershocks” ranging from M3.5 to M5.1; of interest was the fact that, simultaneously, a M4.5 hit San Diego and a M4.1 struck Los Angeles. There were 2 deaths in MX and “scores” of injuries (a score is 20, so however many the plural means is anyone’s guess). Several days later a M7.7 in Indonesia, then Thurs morning, a M5.5 hit Baja, CA. As Spirit has shown, there no longer are lulls between quakes globally.

Some Remnant websites say we are in Laodicea but claim the last 6 plagues have not yet begun and neither has Armageddon; saying it is the battle between good and evil: a misunderstanding of the fact Satan called for this battle but God said “they gather untimely, for they will not do battle with me.” We have not been able to find on their sites what they claim began Laodicea. It seems they are missing key signs given by Daniel, Jesus and Revelation together with rightly dividing O.T. interpretations.

The first 6 of the last 7 plagues were poured out simultaneous to Christ’s sign of “Israel surrounded by the world’s armies:” 03 Feb 1991 Desert Storm, which at the same time released the winds of elements, a sign including earthquakes and volcanoes, to occur in “diverse” places but held back, prevented if you will, by 4 angels during Philadelphia’s 147 years of “man’s trial during God’s Truth taught one more time and sealing of a just people:” Armageddon plus these 2 events marked the Laodicea era, plus a sign revealing the plagues and elements would worsen rapidly— this they have done hence 1991. One more sign from Jesus: “Abomination of Desolation standing where he ought not to be.” This, too, already has occurred.

Note: the 7th plague is poured out behind Jesus as He crosses our skies taking up His small flocks. It is this 7th vial that leaves earth in a state of utter desolation, her Genesis condition prior to creation of life and to which she will return for her 1000-yrs Sabbath rest. Months ago, we enlightened Remnants that earth will not even turn on her axis during her rest. Zech 1:11~ “Behold, all the earth sits still and is at rest.” This is not an environment that supports life: it IS the state in which earth will remain for 1000 years: adamantly confirms the Remnants’ 1000 years in heaven prior to the second resurrection, that of the wicked for utter and permanent destruction. THEN earth is restored.

The Vatican, through its World Church (WC), is moving fast toward destroying Christ’s remnant church: we His small flocks; yet, the world seems oblivious to its power of evil and civil dominance over the world today. Instead, they look for a World Government— a One World Order separate and apart from “church entities”— over which they expect to see one deceitful, deadly Dictator temporarily bringing about world peace: man’s picture of prophecy is not a view through spiritual eyes and ears and heart.

Offering world peace? According to Jesus, there will be NO world peace gained by any man at any time since He ascended to heaven: only man’s promise of peace. Now, since such a government has not come to fruition, though in the works for scores of years, perhaps readers will look at the promises of the World Church. Fact: the Vatican is its own nation sitting in the midst of Rome and, today, she wields global civil power and proudly admits it: Revelation’s great whore sitting upon a scarlet beast fulfilling the sign of “a government masquerading as the church.”

The particular man to watch, according to other prophetic signs, was the world’s most widely traveled leader of that “government church” who brings with him a message of world peace: Pope John Paul II was known as the most widely traveled Pope in history and peace was his consistent mission. Today’s Pope Benedict XVI is of no consequence, except to continue the World Church mission established by John Paul II. The WC promise to humanity is one of world peace by becoming members collectively— as part of sects of every ilk including pagan— and/or individually as agnostics and atheists. Achieving membership is simple: applicants must desire world peace, honor Sunday, vow Papal allegiance; no need to believe in God, Christ, or the Bible.

It should now be clear that talk of and work toward a One World Order with “Dictator in the wings” is a smoke screen to keep people’s focus off the work of the World Church government rapidly moving forward with its hidden agenda: destroy Christ’s remnant followers and the Truth of God they speak. It would be then that Lucifer might think he has ascended to God’s throne. We will go to our death to prevent such blasphemy.

Both Daniel and Jesus provided yet another prophetic sign to indicate just how rapidly Christ would return: “When you see the Abomination of Desolation standing in this holy place, where he ought not to be . . .” This event would reveal the antichrist through his “human” figurehead. This momentous event occurred not once but twice; alas, man is teaching that the “person” will appear in God’s Holy Temple and actually be the Devil himself— implies the Moslem Mosque must be torn down and David’s temple rebuilt. This also is to lie to God’s chosen Jews, subtly re-enforcing their belief that Christ-in-the-flesh did not come the first time, as ushered in by Daniel’s 490-yr prophecy.

Once again, the above is man’s interpretation contrary to Daniel’s declaration that the Temple would never be rebuilt after its destruction in AD 70. The lie is perfect for deceiving the world into believing that Christ’s return is yet far into the future because the above signs purportedly have not happened, yet. Ah, but that “person” was not to be seen in the Holy Temple, according to God’s Word in the lesson hereinbelow.

Man’s interpretation does not allow that the Bible was and is and always has been about the church either in its pure form and/or in a defiled form: for both have existed since Christ ascended to heaven, just as it has in the Jewish faith. As for man’s governments, God allowed them so we could learn that a human king is ineffective, unfair and often cruel— already proven— only God is a perfect King, but ancient Jews wanted a man.

Pure Organic Logic
©copyright 2005 Bonita M Quesinberry

In the week of 10 April 2005, the Lord’s truth speakers saw fulfillment of one segment of Daniel and Revelation prophecies, yet another fulfilled in 1993. How God’s prophecies come to be interpreted: 1. Only the Holy Spirit provides understanding; and, 2. God’s Bible provides interpretive clues scattered randomly throughout its many pages.

One clue is relevant to prophetic events: a woman, spoken of in prophecy, is a metaphor representing a church organization— not the people following myriad Christian sects. A virtuous woman represents God’s pure doctrine taught in Christ’s virgin church formed during His ministry and which continued unblemished as long His Apostles lived.

A vile woman, Revelation’s great whore and her harlot daughters, stand for Christ’s virginal church defiled by a flood of false doctrines: began during the Apostles’ ministry but not coming to full power until after the death of the last living witness to Christ, Apostle John at about age 90. Her daughters then carried her lies around the globe: “doing worse than their mother” who had confined her lies in the European continent.

The great whore was fully formed by AD 200 and firmly set as a powerful church body with civil power by AD 348. Both dates reflect her installation of a false sabbath and changing God’s time of a day— He determined from sundown to sundown— to that of midnight to midnight. As Daniel warned, “They hope to changes times and law.”

Near the Sardis age end, Christendom learned of and declared identity of the antichrist’s representatives; yet over the years they slipped into silence in fear of their connection to her being discovered. A glaring spotlight shown upon the great whore and her harlot daughters standing at the edge of this bright revelation light: the daughters secure to their mother’s umbilical cord yet appearing unconnected. Satan spoke by way of his queen via his prince and those beneath the prince. God spoke and acted through His prince Christ by His virginal queen, Christ’s church; so Satan speaks through his vile queen.

Pope John Paul II, who died on 05 April 2005, in an interview several years before said, “I am pure organic logic. Take it or leave it.” What does this statement tell God’s Truth seekers about Pope John; rather, for whom he spoke? Review Webster’s definitions of the words “pure” and “organic,” which should lend comprehension to this Pope’s underlying message while revealing the one who spoke through him.

Pure: adj. 1. Free from anything that adulterates, taints, impairs, etc; unmixed; clear. 2. simple, mere. 3. utter; absolute; sheer; 4. free from defects; perfect; faultless. 5. free from sin or guilt; blameless. 6. virgin or chaste. 7. of unmixed stock; pure-blooded. 9. in the Bible, ceremonially undefiled. n. that which is pure. —SYN. see chaste.

Organic: adj. 2. inherent, inborn. 3. organized, systematically arranged. 5. derived from living organisms. 7. producing or involving alteration in the structure of an organ, opposed to functional. organical disease: visible structural changes. organism: an organism’s own dynamic system constitutes life, opposed to mechanism, vitalism.

Humans are organic flesh, meaning the body is a somewhat solid substance; but, it has no life of its own— unless or until a non-organic spirit being is placed within thus giving life to a flesh body made up of various earth-based organisms and atoms. Spiritual beings are pure energy with no visible form nor made up of substance or earth-based organisms: albeit, they can manifest a visible form. The Pope’s “pure organic logic” must be construed as man’s flawed logic as opposed to God’s pure spiritual logic.

Was the Pope a pure man; free from sin that adulterates, taints and impairs? Was he perfect, without fault, ceremonially undefiled? According to God’s Word, the only pure person ever to walk upon this earth was Jesus Christ; born of an immaculate birth, thus not born of sin, and He never sinned against God during His short lifetime by violating and/or changing any of His Father’s Laws: therefore, He was and is ceremonially pure.

A man conceived by sexual intercourse and born of a woman cannot claim the perfection and holiness of God and “His Christ.” We can grow into Christ’s perfection, but our flesh always will bear scars of “past sins” as long as we spirit beings inhabit fleshy, restrictive, tattered garments. Christ had no past, present or future sins thus no scars in His flesh body. In the end, He took on our “past sins” and they marred His flesh.

Consequently, to have added organic to his self-description, Pope John Paul II subtly revealed that he spoke man’s logic, Satan’s as it were; which is opposed to God’s: the former blemished, the latter perfect. Before Bibles were available to laymen, Papal Rome made structural, weighty changes to God’s times and laws, over 1900 years ago, and wrote the Vulgate based on man’s desires: as Daniel, Jesus and His Apostles warned. All previous Popes and John Paul II agreed to the changes by their individual compliance and work to convince Christendom that these blasphemous changes were by divine power: for the most part, to which all organized incorporated Christian denominations adhere.

This charge of guilt is the same as God having charged guilty of murder those who did not actually kill His ancient prophets, or all unrepentant sinners being judged guilty of Christ’s death. God’s judgment is based on each individual having supported the original perpetrators by adhering to their falsehoods: thus are all future generations judged by behaviour deeming them an accessory to murder after the fact. Say Gary confesses to Joe that he committed a murder but hasn’t been caught. If Joe does not report Gary to law enforcement, then Joe can be charged as an accessory after the fact to that murder, also rendering Joe subject to Gary’s punishment.

God’s court of Law functions no differently. If you know God’s Truth and do not adhere to it as well as do not shout it from rooftops, then you are just as guilty as those who changed God’s Law and you will be subject to their everlasting penalty. Daniel made it undeniably clear what we were to look for in order to identify false prophets and teachers: times and laws, the most vital being law; for within God’s law is His Seal.

If the Seal is not taught intact within the Statutes of Life, then it is NOT God’s Law: study the fourth Precept to discover His seal, compare it to what is taught; and, if not taught, look to what is being observed by monkey-see-monkey-do fashion: Exodus 20:8-11.

Lucifer was given 2300 years in which to deceive the world, in the midst of which 1260 years would be done through his queen and her daughters. They would convince the world of lies in God’s name. It would be these 1260 years during which God’s fourth Statute was presented changed and the majority of earth’s Christian population would obey said changes. However, God’s truth was being preserved by small flocks hiding “in the wilderness” during those years, prepared to preach it again when it was time: the Philadelphia era between AD 1844 to 1991.

Bibles were forbidden to laymen by Papal edict and threat of death for possession; the non-clergy population had to accept whatever came from her pulpits: which means that, up until Truth was preached again, all those violating the fourth statute were not held accountable for it: UNLESS they had encountered one of the small flocks and heard God’s Truth. This is not to say they were judged wholly innocent, for there might have been other ongoing sins that would deem them guilty thus marked twice dead.

The Bible having been widely available and circulated since 1611 made preaching the Truth again during the Philadelphia era possible. And, while man’s trial and sealing is now complete, for we are now in the last church era Laodicea, the Truth still is spoken to those lukewarm or cold: these being the ones whom God is saying, “Come out of her.” This means to fully comply with God’s Doctrine and give up all ties to the great whore and her harlot daughters.

To be lukewarm is to know and obey God’s Law out of duty instead of love and faith thus believing obedience or knowledge are all it takes: these are in danger of being spewed out of God’s mouth, to perish as it were if they do not repent. One who is cold believes in and truly loves God and Christ yet feels that some part of what he or she has been taught was only a part: a sense of something missing. God prefers that one be either hot or cold; there being more hope for the cold in that a cold person will seek warmth, look for that which is missing and, upon finding it, he or she “instantly” will embrace it.

More revealing in recent statements by John Paul— media aired after his death— his Cardinals identified who spoke through him and them; albeit, done very cleverly. They declared Pope John Paul II as the “Universal Church Leader” and “Prince of the Church” and “Christ among us.” These titles are nothing new, always a matter of Vatican record— all previous Popes carried the same titles— yet none have ever been declared in such a public manner and, certainly, not as boldly as during the second week of April 2005.

Earth is a mere dot in the universe thus the heavens are included in “Universal Church Leader,” indicating Satan finally and boldly declared himself to the world as God and did so through Papal Rome’s prince who had just died. Then, by virtue of declaring himself “Christ among us,” the Destroyer metaphorically ascended to God’s throne upon Pope John’s demise: portended in Isaiah 14:13-14 and Daniel 7:23-25, 11:36. Lucifer’s ascension is only metaphoric, for he never can truly achieve that lofty position.

The above is an elaborate veil of illusion most professed Christians cannot see beyond. Alas, they expect to literally see Satan himself performing great miracles, then before their very eyes he turns as ugly as his personality. Satan is far too devious to reveal himself. After all, his expertise is in creating illusions and lies. But, his miracles have and are done through his princes, ministers as it were. Paul warned, “Do not be surprised that Satan manifests himself as an angel of Light or that his ministers do the same.”

Look around, pay attention: they have been doing miraculous healings, but not by God’s power nor even according to His instructions for the spiritual gift of healing. One must have God’s seal in order to have His power. Lucifer also does miracles through doctors and nations’ armaments; again, not by God’s power. Satan’s miracles differ on several levels from those Christ performed, mainly because Satan’s are illusions to deceive while Christ possessed the power of God designed to reveal God and to identify Him as God’s Son. Stop looking for more than should be: as Israel looked for more than what was the Messiah when He arrived. The majority missed Him and so will the majority today: Jesus comes “as a thief in the night” catching them unprepared and unrepentant.

By her bold behaviour, not only has the great whore declared herself a queen that cannot be overthrown, see Revelation 18:7, but her princes declared themselves Christ: both of which Jesus charged as false prophets and false Christs in Matthew 23-24. Her harlot daughters Pagan and Protestant do the same, although more subtly and by diverse means to conceal their familial bond, both parental and sibling. Even the sisters deny each other. 2010: they deny no more, today utterly blatant by their membership in the Pope’s World Church. Satan’s house is divided, as Christ said in Luke 11:17-18, and it will fall to utter destruction as Christ crosses earth’s skies from east to west. Satan’s house is Revelation’s Babylon in three parts: Papal, Pagan, Protestant. How much more divided can they be?

Pagan and her like sisters are blatant in following Papal laws while denying God and His Christ altogether, preferring instead their multiple gods and goddesses. The Vatican is riddled with Pagan’s icons, black rituals, and consuming superstitions of Wiccan, Druidism, and all other false religions. In fact, recent discoveries within Catholicism prove it was built from its foundations to its rooftops upon solely Wiccan and Druidism.

Protestant is the more devious of Papal daughters: she and her sisters quietly adhere to Papal laws and times and deeds, more than word, and encourage followers to do the same— rather than God’s Laws written in stone by His own finger. Protestant sisters overtly deny ties with their mother and sister Pagan. One daughter denies both mother and God yet follows her mother’s ways; the other daughter denies mother and sister yet also follows her mother’s ways yet contrarily declare God and His Christ: albeit, she does use Pagan’s trinkets, icons and observes her heathen festivals in God and Christ’s names. 2010: now they no longer deny, since becoming overt members of the World Church.

Think not? Consider one example: as is Christmas and Halloween and Thanksgiving, so is also Easter a pagan festival dedicated to pagan sun gods; a floating day celebrated in Christ’s name by Protestant, in 2005 on 27 March, in exchange for Passover, the first fixed day of which was 24 April 2005. Christ observed Passover and instructed His sheep to do the same: “as often as you will, do in remembrance of me.” There is more.

False prophets and false Christs are revealed through God’s Law untouched. If it is taught and lived as it was “given in the beginning,” then the prophets are as true as Christ was true and as His Apostles and their proselytes were true. Contrarily, if the Law is taught with changes therein, then the prophets are false. Additionally, false Christ’s are those willing to be considered Christ while merely a false church leader: i.e. Pope.

Apostle Paul warned of these “men”, saying, “They preach Jesus.” But, Paul further enlightened that they “come preaching another Jesus.” Christ said, “For all the good you do, I do not know you.” He warned the flocks about Jewish Pharisees and Scribes, which applies to Christian leadership today, and for the same reason that He neither knows the great whore and harlot daughters nor the people refusing “to come out of her:”

“You appear as white sepulchres with your commandments and traditions of men taught in God’s name, and the people love your smooth words; but, you are full of dead men’s bones.” This is to say, the great whore and her harlot daughter Protestant appear like Christ’s light but teach lies in God’s name, thus condemning their followers to a sentence of twice dead: UNLESS they “come out of her” to follow only God’s Law of Liberty. Avowed pagans already are sentenced, although in their midst might be some lost sheep. If so, those lost sheep will embrace God’s Truth the “instant they hear it.”

Another prophecy, fulfilled back in 1993, was first portended by Daniel and reiterated by Christ. Jesus and the Apostles had just left the holy temple and were walking in the Holy City of Jerusalem when Christ said, “When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel, standing in this holy place where he ought not to be, then flee to the mountains and watch for me to come in the clouds.”

Abomination of desolation” is another title Satan bears; however, the person or entity we must look to is one of his ministers who only seems to be Light and serves as the leader of Revelation’s great whore. Over the centuries there have been many ministers, each having assumed the blasphemous titles of the one who reigned before him; much like the king or president of a nation hands over his title to the next man or woman to fill that leadership role. The minister in question here would be a part of having distorted God’s Word by supporting blasphemous changes to God’s Law as well as His times then teaching same to the world and its denominational followers.

It is a matter of record that Papal Rome changed God’s Law and times, making it the mother synagogue of the “abomination of desolation.” Therefore, the man/minister we look for, relative to this particular prophecy, would be Papal Rome’s highest leader. Pope John Paul II was seen standing at Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall in 1993 but not then reported globally; news film clips of this second visit, the first was in 1991, were not reported in the US until after his demise. This event reveals Christ about to come in the clouds: as the Holy Spirit said, “No later than mid-Oct to mid-Nov 2011.”

The instruction to “flee to the mountains” was qualified with, “make sure your flight is not on the Sabbath day.” Therefore, two things are noted: 1) most unsafe places to be in these end days are cities, validated by world news every day; and, 2) the admonition to not flee on God’s seventh day Sabbath brings to bear the importance of this day, meaning it is not to be disobeyed even during troublous times— for it is God’s Seal and reveals same upon us. All who bear His Seal will not disobey His and Christ’s Sabbath to avoid trouble or even death. Review Hebrews, chapter four.

In the end, it is not God bringing on a second death of all who do not embrace His and Christ’s Truth; rather, it is Satan “who slays his own.” God is true, His righteousness above all, His judgments fair: God is love, for only love speaks truth and warns those who are not living by His and Christ’s Doctrine; which is one and the same as that which God gave in the beginning, then written by His own finger on tablets of stone (Exodus c.20 and Deuteronomy c.5), the same Law God said “stands forever” to be “magnified and made honorable” by Christ. Jesus instructed, “Do my Father’s will.”

God’s Will always has been obedience to only His Ten Commandments from a fleshy heart of love, whereupon He writes His Law: “circumcision of the heart,” as it were. To “magnify” is to live the Law, and to make “honorable” is to teach others to live it. Jesus lived God’s Law and taught us to do the same. Jesus then said, “Whoever obeys God’s Law and teaches others the same will be called great in heaven. Bring even one lost sheep to me and be called great in heaven.” Double bonus of blessings.

Much love and prayers in Christ,
Remnant Doctrine Keepers
Seventh Seal Library

9 April 2010 - Posted by | AKJV, Apostate, Bible, Blasphemy, Christ, Christs Return, Earthquakes, End Times, Escatology, Evil, Faith, False Prophets, God, Great Whore, Hal Lindsey, Harlot Daughters, Hebrews, Heresy, Holy Spirit, Jack Van Impe, Jews, John Hagee, Lord's Day, Love, Mark, Nature, News, Papal Rome, Pat Robertson, Prophecy, Prophets, Protestantism, Protestants, Religion, Remnant, Resurrection, Sabbath, Salvation, Saturday, SDA, Seal, Sign, Spiritual, Teachers, Ten Commandments, Theology, Truth, Visions, Volcanoes, WCC, World | , ,


  1. green colour and intense peppery flavour, this oil is at its best drizzled over a salad or stirred into a sauce. Camryn Christian

    Comment by Camryn Christian | 15 April 2010 | Reply

  2. […] Protestant sisters overtly deny ties with their mother and sister Pagan. One daughter denies both mother and God yet follows her mother’s ways; the other daughter denies mother and sister yet also follows her mother’s ways yet … View full post on protestant – Google Blog Search […]

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